Is it foolish to call God, “Father”?


God has no gender, gender pronouns are used for convenience sake since 'It' sounds disparaging. Call God Aunty if it pleases you. Just as accurate/inaccurate as Father, Mother, Uncle. :)

Yes but the story has the Father having the Son needlessly murdered and no decent father would do such a thing. Right?


Only if foolish enough to believe the God of Abraham who wasn't one to suffer fools, would a) have a child, then b) let those fools execute him.

Jesus might have been some kind of holy roller, but I don't believe he was God incarnate, a relative of God, or any sort of divinity.

If God is "Father" he's corporeal and not godlike. To be a father you need a penis. While we might allow for God to assume mortal form so as to have such biology, it's really pushing the limits of reason. This is the deity who wiped out all lif eon Earth except Noah and a few animals then all of a sudden he chills out and let's those very same humans torture and execute his child? I don't think so.
Seeing as both testimonies of ex satanists on the thread titled, Testimony of an Ex - Satanist, include the devil having them call him "dad"... would you say it is more foolish for a satanist to call Satan Father or for a child of God to call God Father?

Whose image were we created in? Let us pay tribute to Him. What is His name? The LORD God Almighty. Jesus Christ. He is the King of Kings and the LORD of LORDS and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! :eusa_angel:
Seeing as both testimonies of ex satanists on the thread titled, Testimony of an Ex - Satanist, include the devil having them call him "dad"... would you say it is more foolish for a satanist to call Satan Father or for a child of God to call God Father?

Whose image were we created in? Let us pay tribute to Him. What is His name? The LORD God Almighty. Jesus Christ. He is the King of Kings and the LORD of LORDS and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! :eusa_angel:

It is not "foolish" to refer to YHWH/ Allah/ God/ as a male, or even Iblis/ Satan, but I do not believe it is entirely accurate either.

I do not believe that with our limited human senses, we could even comprehend the "true" forms of YHWH or Satan.

If you were in a place and a form that could "see" the Devil... the Devil would probably look more like this than anything humanoid:

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God has no gender, gender pronouns are used for convenience sake since 'It' sounds disparaging. Call God Aunty if it pleases you. Just as accurate/inaccurate as Father, Mother, Uncle. :)

Yes but the story has the Father having the Son needlessly murdered and no decent father would do such a thing. Right?


Only if foolish enough to believe the God of Abraham who wasn't one to suffer fools, would a) have a child, then b) let those fools execute him.

Jesus might have been some kind of holy roller, but I don't believe he was God incarnate, a relative of God, or any sort of divinity.

If God is "Father" he's corporeal and not godlike. To be a father you need a penis. While we might allow for God to assume mortal form so as to have such biology, it's really pushing the limits of reason. This is the deity who wiped out all lif eon Earth except Noah and a few animals then all of a sudden he chills out and let's those very same humans torture and execute his child? I don't think so.

You presume much yet know so little.

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