Is it hard for the democrats to support Mrs. Clinton?

It should be hard for any citizen in america to support either of these entitled rubes. But since the "conservatives" and "liberals" schism has been manipulated into a facsimile of the Sunni and Shia schism, hate and retaliation is all that matters.

Take heart, Trump is no conservative.
Happy to have supported her in 2008. Even happier in 2016. Flawed candidate? Sure. Show me a flawless one and I’ll vote for him or her.

So her war hawk past is not a concern? Even her threat to annihilate Iran? How exactly do you get past that?

She, unlike neo-cons, apologized for Iraq and are you seriously suggesting that Hillary is planning to invade Iran?
amazing the spin partisans will apply to not look like an idiot. Its like a fuckin double whammy :lol:
Happy to have supported her in 2008. Even happier in 2016. Flawed candidate? Sure. Show me a flawless one and I’ll vote for him or her.

So her war hawk past is not a concern? Even her threat to annihilate Iran? How exactly do you get past that?

She, unlike neo-cons, apologized for Iraq and are you seriously suggesting that Hillary is planning to invade Iran?

Who made this quote?

She backs “massive retaliation” if Iran attacks Israel, saying at the time:

I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”

Her apology is about as sincere as her Bosnia sniper story was true.
Happy to have supported her in 2008. Even happier in 2016. Flawed candidate? Sure. Show me a flawless one and I’ll vote for him or her.

So her war hawk past is not a concern? Even her threat to annihilate Iran? How exactly do you get past that?

No concern at all.

If Iran does attack Israel, I do expect us to defend Israel. It is in our strategic interest.
Look at her past. She was a proud Goldwater girl.

She supported NAFTA

She supported the bombing of Serbia

She supported the Iraq war

She supported the Afghanistan war

She not only supported but implemented regime change in Libya by having their leader murdered and air mailing death and destruction.

She supported supplying the Syrian rebles with weapons, which directly lead to ISIS gaining strength.

She fully supported the "Arab Spring" in Egypt.

She supports Obama's drone war, again death from the sky. A program which targeted Americans and ally countries.

Hell there isn't very many, if any countries in the ME that Mrs. Clinton has not been a cheer leader for invasion or death. Iran being a notable exception and even Iran she has threated with nuclear destruction.

How does that all align with what the democrats SAY they believe? Vote for the war hawk? Is that what they will do? They have time, they don't have to nominate her. But they will...........because???????????????????????

No, she's a commie that loves abortion and multiculturalism....that's all they care about.
I'm still thinking the Democrat Party Ticket is most likely to be:


Mr. Ketchup.

Though it's sort of open to question which for the #1 and #2 spots.
It's an AGENDA. If you support the their Ideology then nothing else matters: Not Morality, Not Ethics, Not Character, Not Lack of Leadership.

Not Morality, Not Ethics, Not Character, Not Lack of Leadership.

all part of their ideology already
Happy to have supported her in 2008. Even happier in 2016. Flawed candidate? Sure. Show me a flawless one and I’ll vote for him or her.

So her war hawk past is not a concern? Even her threat to annihilate Iran? How exactly do you get past that?

She, unlike neo-cons, apologized for Iraq and are you seriously suggesting that Hillary is planning to invade Iran?
Well those neo cons are voting for you tell us.
I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”

Her apology is about as sincere as her Bosnia sniper story was true.

I knew it was BS when you brought it up and it obviously is - She said she would obliterate Iran if they launch a nuclear strike against Israel, not that she would start an unprovoked war.
I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”

Her apology is about as sincere as her Bosnia sniper story was true.

I knew it was BS when you brought it up and it obviously is - She said she would obliterate Iran if they launch a nuclear strike against Israel, not that she would start an unprovoked war.

Where did I say she would start an unprovoked war? An attack on Israel will be the provocation. You know like the sinking of the Maine or the burning of the Reich stag. Didn't you read what she said? In 10 years she plans on what? She didn't say that it was unprovoked when Iraq was attacked. She didn't say it was unprovoked when Afghanistan was attacked. What was the provocation for the bombing of Libya or Syria?

But like true supporters you try and make what I posted say something other than what it was. Then you act so self righteous. kinda funny.

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