Is it just me or has Nikki Haley been on CNN alot lately?

Trump is an Israeli Bandage and emergency helo ride to a Surgeon , Xiden is two cops standing on your legs while you lay on your stomach and bleed out
Nikki wants to be President. She thinks she is the replacement if and when he falls. That's why the billionaire PACs are supporting here. She will be in the running up to and including the GOP convention this summer.
I was just listening to Noem on Newsmax in with Van Susteren. They're still on, actually. She may be there for the duration. Dunno.

She's really touching on a lot of geo-political matters which affect us here at home. Which is interesting in itself that she's doing that.

Things that affect average Americans in terms of trade, etc. Inflation. And, of course, many domestic matters. And not in the kind of cookie-cuter way that the ''faces'' often do.

She really puts Hillary, I mean Haley, to shame on the actual issues. And certainly more genune than the artifical Hillary, I mean Haley.

Seems like Hillary, I mean Haley, is nothing more than a bunch of talking point catch phrases.
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No, but what if Trump goes to jail?
Nikki is the "on deck" GOP candidate.
Jack Smith wants Trump's scalp.
Nimrata v Bidet, I’ll give y’all a wave from the boat as I will be


Come to think of it, that’s what I’m gonna do anyway regardless of who is on the ballot.
If she is on cnn an inordinate amount of time I expect she will be a party switcher since cnn heavily favors democrats. She isn't making any head way in her own party so she will start going elsewhere. She wants things like the war in Ukraine and her party is ditching her for that and other reasons.

It's like how Tulsi gabbard was a democratic member but her party went so far left she abandoned it because she inadvertently became more conservative which is why you see her on fox news quite often.

Probably just you. I think she is running for President or something, so you'll probably see a lot on all mainstream networks if she has something to say. If problem, try your channel selector.

Always the sarcastic dick, never just a uninstigating converser.

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