Is it just me or has Nikki Haley been on CNN alot lately?

Nikki just took a big loss. So much so that she called a presser with the tacit tease that she might quit. It was all a desperate attempt to get attention as her 'announcement' was that she will not be quitting.
I don't believe she would beat Biden. There is no way she garners enough GOP support.
If Trump doesn't win the GOP Primary, Biden will win. Trump will be a sore loser as he always is, You will accuse nikki haley Of riggng vile primary election, And tell his supporters to vote for him as a third party candidate. The g o p vote will be split and the republicans will lose in the general election.
If Trump doesn't win the GOP Primary, Biden will win. Trump will be a sore loser as he always is, You will accuse nikki haley Of riggng vile primary election, And tell his supporters to vote for him as a third party candidate. The g o p vote will be split and the republicans will lose in the general election.
RepublicanPrimaries ? 😆🤣😝
If Trump doesn't win the GOP Primary, Biden will win. Trump will be a sore loser as he always is, You will accuse nikki haley Of riggng vile primary election, And tell his supporters to vote for him as a third party candidate. The g o p vote will be split and the republicans will lose in the general election.
On what planet does Trump not win the GOP primary? LOL
RepublicanPrimaries ?
Well, most people call them a primary even if.
The party itself calls it something different. Trump isn't the only person running for president under the republican banner. And if somehow he doesn't get the nomination, He will run as an independent and leave the republican party. And his supporters will vote for him, While all the other voters in the republican party vote for whoever the nominee is. Trump does not have enough support to win without Major party backing, And he would still enough votes away from the nominee.
That it would hand the election to biden.
Well, most people call them a primary even if.
The party itself calls it something different. Trump isn't the only person running for president under the republican banner. And if somehow he doesn't get the nomination, He will run as an independent and leave the republican party. And his supporters will vote for him, While all the other voters in the republican party vote for whoever the nominee is. Trump does not have enough support to win without Major party backing, And he would still enough votes away from the nominee.
That it would hand the election to biden.
Somehow ? ( Sheesh The Never Trumper / Never GOPer Turd Party is Strong here )
Somehow ? ( Sheesh The Never Trumper / Never GOPer Turd Party is Strong here )
I've voted for plenty of REAL Republicans. Bush, McCain, but not Trump.

But that's beside the point. The fact of the matter is that Trump will only support the GOP as long as he's the center of attention. If he isn't the nominee he will run as an independent or form a MAGA third party. And the vote on the right will be split.
Probably just you. I think she is running for President or something, so you'll probably see a lot on all mainstream networks if she has something to say. If problem, try your channel selector.
Obviously CNN is not trying to influence voters who think for themselves

Their target audience is libs who follow the crowd

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