Is it just to fuck honest Americans?


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
So I heard about this recent case from one of the agents involved:

A large bakery had over 100 illegals

Working between 40 and 60 hours per week

For ten bucks an hour (no mention of being denied overtime pay, though I can't say for certain that they received it; not all details were available, since the ADA has yet to open a criminal case)

How are they saving any money by hiring illegals? Evidently they suffering any serious abuse or having any significant amount of pay withheld, since they couldn't get a single worker to turn (cooperation with ICE can earn one legal resident status)

But they're only taking jobs Americans won't do, right? I'm pretty sure you could find plenty of citizens willing do that job- hell, pay $9.50 and hire 150 at 30-35 hours per week and you'll still have people lining up.

A 2010 study by the Pew Hispanic Center found that while every demographic of native-born workers has lost millions of jobs during this deep recession--foreign-born workers have actually increased their employment numbers.
Since June 2009, immigrants (including illegal aliens) have gained 656,000 jobs, while U.S. born workers lost 1.2 million jobs during that same period.
What motivation is there? Is it just to fuck honest Americans?
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Well when my apolitical brother had a rib joint in the Hamptons..put it to me like this..

"You can't find a white guy who wants to bus tables and do dishes.."

Which kinda shocked me..since he doesn't care much about race either.
So I heard about this recent case from one of the agents involved:

A large bakery had over 100 illegals

Working between 40 and 60 hours per week

For ten bucks an hour (no mention of being denied overtime pay, though I can't say for certain that they received it; not all details were available, since the ADA has yet to open a criminal case)

How are they saving any money by hiring illegals? Evidently they suffering any serious abuse or having any significant amount of pay withheld, since they couldn't get a single worker to turn (cooperation with ICE can earn one legal resident status)

But they're only taking jobs Americans won't do, right? I'm pretty sure you could find plenty of citizens willing do that job- hell, pay $9.50 and hire 150 at 30-35 hours per week and you'll still have people lining up.

A 2010 study by the Pew Hispanic Center found that while every demographic of native-born workers has lost millions of jobs during this deep recession--foreign-born workers have actually increased their employment numbers.
Since June 2009, immigrants (including illegal aliens) have gained 656,000 jobs, while U.S. born workers lost 1.2 million jobs during that same period.
What motivation is there? Is it just to fuck honest Americans?

All I can think is that Americans dont need them or don't know about them
My last building project, and the last time I hired from the local native population (carpenter heplers, skilled laborers) I had to go through 7-or-8 guys until I could get one I could depend on to show up every day on time and stay on the job for a full 8 hour day. I had guys with all kinds of personal problems which interfered with their being able to show up and stay on the job. Too often being at work and keeping it up is a lower priority than the personal issues that impinge on their daily lives.

After framing, getting on to drywall, I told my DW contractor I wanted only native sons on my job. When the crew showed up to hang DW, five guys get out of a van and jump to, all Mexicans, not a one of them except the van driver could speak English; and he left in the van - presumably to move another crew job to job.

I called my DW contractor, and he tells me: "I can't get white guys to show up and get the job done; you want the job done - right? So I lived with it even though I didn't like it; my recent experience told me he wasn't b/s'n me.

Now to the one guy I'd been able to cultivate into a reliable day-to-day "worker;" when his wife had needed to use his truck for personal "issues" I'd happily go to his trailer to bring him to the job so we could get some work done with minimal interference, on any given day; so on and so on.

When he saw that the project was done and our work was going to be small jobs until something bigger came along, he opted to go back to what he'd been doing when I'd recruited him off the street, scavenging for salvageable trash to sell at the local waste processor. These, it seems, are the new entrepreneurs; any thing to make a buck with maximum personal freedom.

But that's just my own personal anecdotal vignette.
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All I can think is that Americans dont need them
7.3% Unemployment...
or don't know about them
The company doesn't advertise openings in the papers? Evidently they know how to get word out to the illegals
The illegals have a ready made communications network for finding both living quarters and work. They arrive into a city like my own (100,000 population) and make contact with local high profile establishments owned by Mexicans or the "community."
A Mexican restaurant would be a good starting point.

They can fit into a crew because the crews in a given trade are closed to local natives, and usually don't even have English speaking components except a driver who makes sure they all get to the work as scheduled by a higher level member of the network hierarchy, who places them with contractors. The contractor delivers all material to the job-site or as you might think of it: "the work place"

This can all be done "casually" since enforcement is lax if not completely mute
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The companies are just trying to survive, granted, it's not right but things are seldom as simple as to simply "just fuck honest americans". In many ways this nation is in it's death throes and morally bankrupt. Things like this are sadly just a sign of the times.
The companies are just trying to survive, granted, it's not right but things are seldom as simple as to simply "just fuck honest americans". In many ways this nation is in it's death throes and morally bankrupt. Things like this are sadly just a sign of the times.

You cannot convience me that american are lazy and don't want to bus table, wash dishes and do construction work and get to work on time. Illegal aliens will pay to get a job and work for less. Americans will shovel shit if the pay is right to feed, clothe, provide medical care and provide shelter for their families.
Well when my apolitical brother had a rib joint in the Hamptons..put it to me like this..

"You can't find a white guy who wants to bus tables and do dishes.."

Which kinda shocked me..since he doesn't care much about race either.

BS - This is what the open-border, pro-illegal loons want us to think. How did so many americans work themselves through college? THEY bussed tables and did dishes. Nothing has changed - just the brainwashing.
More Americans are simply more educated, where undocummented workers are the exact opposite.
Companies/businesses also would'nt mind getting away with issues such as benefits, workers comp, vacation time, and many of these immigrants don't recognize/celebrate many of our holidays.
I also think that many of these companies/businesses DON'T want to hire Americans because we may question things and know more about our rights and what we are entitled to. The undocummented are not going to mess with their bosses or face possible consequences.

These same businesses/companies usually opposes unions.
More Americans are simply more educated, where undocummented workers are the exact opposite.
Companies/businesses also would'nt mind getting away with issues such as benefits, workers comp, vacation time
They don't have to offer them anyway
and many of these immigrants don't recognize/celebrate many of our holidays.
Nor do atheists
I also think that many of these companies/businesses DON'T want to hire Americans because we may question things and know more about our rights and what we are entitled to.

So, basically... they hate educated proletarians who don't bend over for the bourgeoisie? So they operate across national boundaries and seek to undermine the authority of the nation-state to more effectively exploit the working class? Go, Kapitalism...
You cannot convience me that american are lazy and don't want to bus table, wash dishes and do construction work and get to work on time. Illegal aliens will pay to get a job and work for less. Americans will shovel shit if the pay is right to feed, clothe, provide medical care and provide shelter for their families.

Actually Lil, I think a lot of our young people would be happy at bussing tables, (running a dishwasher to) wash dishes, or shovel shit if the pay is right.

Unfortunately so many of them have been told they are entitled that they think making the sale (themselves) is more important than doing the work or showing up to do it on time and regularly. I was an employer for 35 years, and the people I had to draw from had steadily gone down hill up to the time I built my last house in 2006. Nowadays I use a few carefully selected self-employed people like myself as "casual labor," returning the favor so that we can generally work alone; IE don't have to rely on random people when I'm in a crunch for good help.
So I heard about this recent case from one of the agents involved:

A large bakery had over 100 illegals

Working between 40 and 60 hours per week

For ten bucks an hour (no mention of being denied overtime pay, though I can't say for certain that they received it; not all details were available, since the ADA has yet to open a criminal case)

How are they saving any money by hiring illegals? Evidently they suffering any serious abuse or having any significant amount of pay withheld, since they couldn't get a single worker to turn (cooperation with ICE can earn one legal resident status)

But they're only taking jobs Americans won't do, right? I'm pretty sure you could find plenty of citizens willing do that job- hell, pay $9.50 and hire 150 at 30-35 hours per week and you'll still have people lining up.

A 2010 study by the Pew Hispanic Center found that while every demographic of native-born workers has lost millions of jobs during this deep recession--foreign-born workers have actually increased their employment numbers.
Since June 2009, immigrants (including illegal aliens) have gained 656,000 jobs, while U.S. born workers lost 1.2 million jobs during that same period.
What motivation is there? Is it just to fuck honest Americans?


WAs the company also paying social security, unemployment insurance, pensions and so forth?

Generally speaking corporations operate with a kind of insect logic.

That logic informs that that whatever increases profits or net worth is okay as long as you can get away with it.

And thanks to the duelopoly they can get away with a hell of a lot before they're taken to task (if ever) for what they do or don't do
So I heard about this recent case from one of the agents involved:

A large bakery had over 100 illegals

Working between 40 and 60 hours per week

For ten bucks an hour (no mention of being denied overtime pay, though I can't say for certain that they received it; not all details were available, since the ADA has yet to open a criminal case)

How are they saving any money by hiring illegals? Evidently they suffering any serious abuse or having any significant amount of pay withheld, since they couldn't get a single worker to turn (cooperation with ICE can earn one legal resident status)

But they're only taking jobs Americans won't do, right? I'm pretty sure you could find plenty of citizens willing do that job- hell, pay $9.50 and hire 150 at 30-35 hours per week and you'll still have people lining up.

A 2010 study by the Pew Hispanic Center found that while every demographic of native-born workers has lost millions of jobs during this deep recession--foreign-born workers have actually increased their employment numbers.
Since June 2009, immigrants (including illegal aliens) have gained 656,000 jobs, while U.S. born workers lost 1.2 million jobs during that same period.
What motivation is there? Is it just to fuck honest Americans?


WAs the company also paying social security, unemployment insurance, pensions and so forth?

Generally speaking corporations operate with a kind of insect logic.

That logic informs that that whatever increases profits or net worth is okay as long as you can get away with it.

And thanks to the duelopoly they can get away with a hell of a lot before they're taken to task (if ever) for what they do or don't do
Actually Ed, the presence of the illegals in the labor market is a moral hazaard.

Small (medium or large) contractors are offered the service of illegals at a low cost to their operation; The contractor is given a social security number and they can file a 1099 to the IRS on that number for labor provided. Then they do not (are not required) to pay any costs like FICA, unemployment insurance (or of course retirement benefits since they would never have been negotiated for).

Also the " employing contractor" can take their own chances with workers comp insurance, since these ellegals operate more or less outside the system. If injured they can get treated at the expense of the public at large. On a recent commercial job I worked at, the illegals didn't come equipped to, or were required to wear hard-hats' They were effectively "unseen". This was in the strong union city of Terre Haute Indiana.
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So I heard about this recent case from one of the agents involved:

A large bakery had over 100 illegals

Working between 40 and 60 hours per week

For ten bucks an hour (no mention of being denied overtime pay, though I can't say for certain that they received it; not all details were available, since the ADA has yet to open a criminal case)

How are they saving any money by hiring illegals? Evidently they suffering any serious abuse or having any significant amount of pay withheld, since they couldn't get a single worker to turn (cooperation with ICE can earn one legal resident status)

But they're only taking jobs Americans won't do, right? I'm pretty sure you could find plenty of citizens willing do that job- hell, pay $9.50 and hire 150 at 30-35 hours per week and you'll still have people lining up.

A 2010 study by the Pew Hispanic Center found that while every demographic of native-born workers has lost millions of jobs during this deep recession--foreign-born workers have actually increased their employment numbers.
Since June 2009, immigrants (including illegal aliens) have gained 656,000 jobs, while U.S. born workers lost 1.2 million jobs during that same period.
What motivation is there? Is it just to fuck honest Americans?

When I had my companies in Floridastan I was one of those " I aint hiring nunna them thar meskinz"
After going through literally dozens of useless white and black boys ( my mommy is sick, I had to take the dog to da vet, I got drunk last night, my girlfriend's a ****, etc etc etc.) I switched to a crew mix of several Latin nations ( illegals mostly) and never looked back. They earned the same as the murkins. $100 cash/day whether it was 6 hour work or 10 maximum. Tree work, landscaping, pool building, chickee huts, waterfalls etc. This was almost 20 years back. Damn good money for a laborer.
I can only imagine that, due to technology, murkin kids are even more useless today.

My old crew leader, a Honduran, is now a citizen, speaks decent English, married a Cuban chick and has a kid in private school. He has his own heavy equipment repair company (also staffed with mostly illegals). When I picked him up on a street corner he was 16 years old. Now he's a hell of a man.
More Americans are simply more educated, where undocummented workers are the exact opposite.
Companies/businesses also would'nt mind getting away with issues such as benefits, workers comp, vacation time
They don't have to offer them anyway
and many of these immigrants don't recognize/celebrate many of our holidays.
Nor do atheists
I also think that many of these companies/businesses DON'T want to hire Americans because we may question things and know more about our rights and what we are entitled to.

So, basically... they hate educated proletarians who don't bend over for the bourgeoisie? So they operate across national boundaries and seek to undermine the authority of the nation-state to more effectively exploit the working class? Go, Kapitalism...

YES!!! You get it !

Far as your first two responses . . . duh. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out (but thanks for underlining those points).

Regards to your last response. 'hate' is pretty harsh, would'nt go that far. Look at a couple of the other posts written by people on this thread . . . they pretty much closely fall in line with what I posted. Key word: entitlement

And yes, capitalism rocks.

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