Is It Laughable?,Why Do Lib's Wanna Skip The 2012 Election & Just Hand It To Obama?

Feb 13, 2011
Have you been watching the likes of Whoopie,Joy,&Anyone on MSNBC latley? Who are these people to tell the world that There Is No Need For A Presidential Election? Obama has saved the planet !!! So lets just hand him another four years. Have you ever heard such horse manure in your lifetime? Conservatives are all laughing at those who feel that Obama has already won. This Sure Sounds Like All Liberals Are In Panic Mode Over Obama Losing In 2012. They wont even give the Republian Nominee and the 150/160 or so Million Americans their Right To Vote in 2012!! No wonder far leftists wouldn't complain if all conservatives and repubilcans would drop dead. Isn't that what Pelosi,Schoomer,Reid and Anthony Horshack Weiner want? Let all the Rich Republicans Die so we can clean out their Bank Acounts! Thats The Liberal Way ! Right?
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and I am still happy that Meghan Kelly told Wiener Off when he demanded that all rich republicans shouln't leave much of anything to their kids,and that its best that the dead rich republicans give 1/2 their estate to the Democrats !! that sounds like something Hitler would say.
LOL. Well, given the candidates that the GOP is trotting out, that well may be the case. However, I think that they all should run.
The GOP will hand it to Him, just like they did in the last election.
and how much longer do we have to listen to the likes of Chrissy Matthews and Racheal Maddgerbil try to convince us that No One Can Beat Obama? who made them psychics? Lets see who runs first!! OK? Dont these Liberal Anchors have any idea how much gas and food costs? oh, and thats all Bush's fault, right?
One should say the mistake made by the GOP was making Obama the issue rather than – the issues.

But one can’t say that, because the GOP will lose on the issues; we just saw a glaring example of that with the Ryan Budget/End Medicare fiasco.
I can understand the GOP handing Obama the election by choosing McCain over Romney,then McCain choosing Palin Over Romney or Pawlenty.

The race would of been closer and you know ACORN would of created a few more dead voters as the polls would of shown a 49/49 split in October 2008.
The GOP will hand it to Him, just like they did in the last election.

Unfortunately I think you are probably right. They are a party of wimps. :doubt:

Think about it. The Dems went balls out putting their faith behind a golden-toungued person of semi-color who was a basic unknown to the public eye. He had the delivery, he brought the word, he had pinache and dash. Voters ate it up like a bunch of hungry mongrels wanting the easy tit.

The first, last, and only time I ever watched Palin speak at any length was at the announcement of her candidacy for VP. I burst out laughing, threw up my arms, and turned off the TV.
The GOP will hand it to Him, just like they did in the last election.

Unfortunately I think you are probably right. They are a party of wimps. :doubt:

Think about it. The Dems went balls out putting their faith behind a golden-toungued person of semi-color who was a basic unknown to the public eye. He had the delivery, he brought the word, he had pinache and dash. Voters ate it up like a bunch of hungry mongrels wanting the easy tit.

The first, last, and only time I ever watched Palin speak at any length was at the announcement of her candidacy for VP. I burst out laughing, threw up my arms, and turned off the TV.

till this day, I will never understand why any normal person would vote for a candidate who stuttered,stammered, and always needed cue cards just to speak to a crowd or a television interview. Obama is just a puppet with Pelosi and Reid pulling the strings above him.
The GOP will hand it to Him, just like they did in the last election.

Unfortunately I think you are probably right. They are a party of wimps. :doubt:

Think about it. The Dems went balls out putting their faith behind a golden-toungued person of semi-color who was a basic unknown to the public eye. He had the delivery, he brought the word, he had pinache and dash. Voters ate it up like a bunch of hungry mongrels wanting the easy tit.

The first, last, and only time I ever watched Palin speak at any length was at the announcement of her candidacy for VP. I burst out laughing, threw up my arms, and turned off the TV.

You made it farther than I did. I threw up my arms when the republicans thought nominating John McCain was a good idea. Palin actually made him look better IMO. :lol::lol:

I kind of knew the dems were going to nominate Oblah blah...the second the republicans started gushing on and on about him during the Kerry campaign...and later he decided to run.

Republican's love to shoot themselves in the foot.:cuckoo:
Unfortunately I think you are probably right. They are a party of wimps. :doubt:

Think about it. The Dems went balls out putting their faith behind a golden-toungued person of semi-color who was a basic unknown to the public eye. He had the delivery, he brought the word, he had pinache and dash. Voters ate it up like a bunch of hungry mongrels wanting the easy tit.

The first, last, and only time I ever watched Palin speak at any length was at the announcement of her candidacy for VP. I burst out laughing, threw up my arms, and turned off the TV.

till this day, I will never understand why any normal person would vote for a candidate who stuttered,stammered, and always needed cue cards just to speak to a crowd or a television interview. Obama is just a puppet with Pelosi and Reid pulling the strings above him.

That's because democrats are all about "image" not anything of actual substance. Obama could memorize a nice sounding speech and look good while reciting it.

Who cares if he is actually an empty shell...and a fraud :eusa_shhh:
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another aspect of Obambi thats so annoying! why does he often say "And Uh" in virtually every sentence when hes Not Reading Cue Cards? so much for being A GIFTED SPEAKER !! I often can't tell the difference between Obama and Butthead. Uhhhh,,and Uhh,,Um,,and Uhmm,,err,,,could someone fix the teleprompter please, ? it froze up again.
Have you been watching the likes of Whoopie,Joy,&Anyone on MSNBC latley? Who are these people to tell the world that There Is No Need For A Presidential Election? Obama has saved the planet !!! So lets just hand him another four years. Have you ever heard such horse manure in your lifetime? Conservatives are all laughing at those who feel that Obama has already won. This Sure Sounds Like All Liberals Are In Panic Mode Over Obama Losing In 2012. They wont even give the Republian Nominee and the 150/160 or so Million Americans their Right To Vote in 2012!! No wonder far leftists wouldn't complain if all conservatives and repubilcans would drop dead. Isn't that what Pelosi,Schoomer,Reid and Anthony Horshack Weiner want? Let all the Rich Republicans Die so we can clean out their Bank Acounts! Thats The Liberal Way ! Right?

You watch 'the View'?

lol, just when I thought you couldn't BE any gheyer...

btw, who, exactly, has actually said there's no need for the election?
Is It Laughable?,Why Do Lib's Wanna Skip The 2012 Election & Just Hand It To Obama?
You're kiddin'.....right?? :eusa_eh:

Hell.....we can't WAIT to see what poor son-of-a-bitch the Republicans sacrifice, in 2012!!!

You might-as-well make it Snooki Palin!

Her lucky-$treak has pretty-much run-it's-course, and.....whoever gets the nomination will evaporate into this Country's political-ether....never to be heard-from (nominated), again.....much like Bob Dole.

Just try to make sure....whoever it is....has the same stage-diving skills Bob did!!!

[ame=]YouTube - Bob Dole stage fall[/ame]
and I am still happy that Meghan Kelly told Wiener Off when he demanded that all rich republicans shouln't leave much of anything to their kids,and that its best that the dead rich republicans give 1/2 their estate to the Democrats !! that sounds like something Hitler would say.
You "conservatives" surely are enamored with Hitler!

I guess it's to be expected......​

"Fascism operated from a Social Darwinist view of human relations. Their aim was to promote superior individuals and weed out the weak. (See: Paul Ryan)

In terms of economic practice, this meant promoting the interests of successful businessmen while destroying trade unions and other organizations of the working class."

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