Is It Laughable?,Why Do Lib's Wanna Skip The 2012 Election & Just Hand It To Obama?


rightwngnut hacks..... seems they've simply infested the board.

or is it the same ones over and over and over and....

I don't know where they are coming from. Their childish taunts may have worked on another board but they burn out quickly and move on.

I’d be happy if their posts simply made some sort of sense. You can’t debate crazy.
i often wonder which is more dangerous

a choice

or the illusion of it.....
Have you been watching the likes of Whoopie,Joy,&Anyone on MSNBC latley? Who are these people to tell the world that There Is No Need For A Presidential Election? Obama has saved the planet !!! So lets just hand him another four years. Have you ever heard such horse manure in your lifetime? Conservatives are all laughing at those who feel that Obama has already won. This Sure Sounds Like All Liberals Are In Panic Mode Over Obama Losing In 2012. They wont even give the Republian Nominee and the 150/160 or so Million Americans their Right To Vote in 2012!! No wonder far leftists wouldn't complain if all conservatives and repubilcans would drop dead. Isn't that what Pelosi,Schoomer,Reid and Anthony Horshack Weiner want? Let all the Rich Republicans Die so we can clean out their Bank Acounts! Thats The Liberal Way ! Right?

Just what we needed. Another "conservative" that doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

Don't blame Democrats because there are slim pickings for a good Republican candidate. There is nobody mentioned so far that would win over President Obama. That's all. Big deal. Is that all you can find to bitch about???
Have you been watching the likes of Whoopie,Joy,&Anyone on MSNBC latley? Who are these people to tell the world that There Is No Need For A Presidential Election? Obama has saved the planet !!! So lets just hand him another four years. Have you ever heard such horse manure in your lifetime? Conservatives are all laughing at those who feel that Obama has already won. This Sure Sounds Like All Liberals Are In Panic Mode Over Obama Losing In 2012. They wont even give the Republian Nominee and the 150/160 or so Million Americans their Right To Vote in 2012!! No wonder far leftists wouldn't complain if all conservatives and repubilcans would drop dead. Isn't that what Pelosi,Schoomer,Reid and Anthony Horshack Weiner want? Let all the Rich Republicans Die so we can clean out their Bank Acounts! Thats The Liberal Way ! Right?

Trump wants to skip the 2012 Election. LOL
if Trump wont run, that opens the door for Mitt Romney and Mitch Daniels. But I am still waiting to hear from Paul Ryan.
ever wonder if we had a "Hitler Clone" as a judge in Chicago today? and at the same time Yobama had to choose the next Supreme Court Appt? You Know He Would Choose Judge Hiter!!!!

No. I can honestly say I never wondered if we had a "Hitler Clone".

What kind of hack tries to make a strawman out of Hitler to try and attack the President?

A dim one.
ever wonder if we had a "Hitler Clone" as a judge in Chicago today? and at the same time Yobama had to choose the next Supreme Court Appt? You Know He Would Choose Judge Hiter!!!!

No. I can honestly say I never wondered if we had a "Hitler Clone".

What kind of hack tries to make a strawman out of Hitler to try and attack the President?

A dim one.

I don't know..

I'm thinking High School kid here.....what do you think? Obviously a fugitive from another board who wore out his welcome
ever wonder if we had a "Hitler Clone" as a judge in Chicago today? and at the same time Yobama had to choose the next Supreme Court Appt? You Know He Would Choose Judge Hiter!!!!

No. I can honestly say I never wondered if we had a "Hitler Clone".

What kind of hack tries to make a strawman out of Hitler to try and attack the President?

A dim one.

I don't know..

I'm thinking High School kid here.....what do you think? Obviously a fugitive from another board who wore out his welcome

There is partisan then there is bat-shit crazy. Ed is the latter obviously.
No. I can honestly say I never wondered if we had a "Hitler Clone".

What kind of hack tries to make a strawman out of Hitler to try and attack the President?

A dim one.

I don't know..

I'm thinking High School kid here.....what do you think? Obviously a fugitive from another board who wore out his welcome

There is partisan then there is bat-shit crazy. Ed is the latter obviously.

Ed is not crazy...he just came on this board to play his childish games. He posts inflamatary garbage and then giggles as he waits for his replies
He will grow tired of his troll treads and move on

They all eventually do

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