Is It Laughable?,Why Do Lib's Wanna Skip The 2012 Election & Just Hand It To Obama?


Palin will win 54 of the 57 States Obama claims to have visited in 08
The only reason to say an election is unnecessary is when you are confident your candidate will loose.

As to what is going on with the Republican side, candidates will show up in large numbers later on. Republicans have a tendency to catch fire quickly, and then just as quickly drop them.

I think Newt is popular but done. There is a feeling he led the troops over a cliff, but wouldn't go there himself. That is not a great leadership history.

And the one who is on fire now is Herman Cain. And the worst that can be said about him is he is guilty of really lousy (but profitable) pizza. That will change over time. You can hear the grumbling about Oreos already.

Do you (even) make sense, to yourself?

Why would Liberals want to skip the 2012 election? It is going to be a rout. It is the Conservatives who have to worry as their uninspiring Presidential Candidate turns off campaign contributors and potential voters.

With low GOP turnout at the polls, Tea Party Congressmen and Senators will be thrown out of office

Said the liberal idiot,even after the democRAT liberal scum got their asses handed
to them in last midterms,lol
I guess that's why Republicans are feeling so confident.....presently.

Have you been watching the likes of Whoopie,Joy,&Anyone on MSNBC latley? Who are these people to tell the world that There Is No Need For A Presidential Election? Obama has saved the planet !!! So lets just hand him another four years. Have you ever heard such horse manure in your lifetime? Conservatives are all laughing at those who feel that Obama has already won. This Sure Sounds Like All Liberals Are In Panic Mode Over Obama Losing In 2012. They wont even give the Republian Nominee and the 150/160 or so Million Americans their Right To Vote in 2012!! No wonder far leftists wouldn't complain if all conservatives and repubilcans would drop dead. Isn't that what Pelosi,Schoomer,Reid and Anthony Horshack Weiner want? Let all the Rich Republicans Die so we can clean out their Bank Acounts! Thats The Liberal Way ! Right?

I think that the billion that Obama is raising is to compete against Hillary as opposed to worrying about the R ultimately up against him.

"...against Hillary..."????

HE'S not allowed to run for a third-term, in 2016!!! I'd say she can rely on him not opposing her.

I guess it's always possible you won't have any Civics classes, until you make it to Jr. High. Trust me.....those are the rules.

and how much longer do we have to listen to the likes of Chrissy Matthews and Racheal Maddgerbil try to convince us that No One Can Beat Obama? who made them psychics? Lets see who runs first!! OK? Dont these Liberal Anchors have any idea how much gas and food costs? oh, and thats all Bush's fault, right?

At this point; I'd say it's 50/50 with a slight edge to Obama; just by mere virtue of his being the incumbent and the ever-true old saying that the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know.
....Not to mention the fact.....the longer people consider & (actually) study (not a Teabagger strong-suit) what Obama proposes....the more they realize he's correct.​

"President Barack Obama's approval rating has hit its highest point in two years - 60 percent - and more than half of Americans now say he deserves to be re-elected, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll taken after U.S. forces killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.

In worrisome signs for Republicans, the president's standing improved not just on foreign policy but also on the economy, and independent Americans - a key voting bloc in the November 2012 presidential election - caused the overall uptick in support by sliding back to Obama after fleeing for much of the past two years."

Said the liberal idiot,even after the democRAT liberal scum got their asses handed
to them in last midterms,lol

What are you, 5?

The GOP has three problems for 2012:

No viable candidate for president.

A lot of weak democrats and left-leaning independents who sat out 2010 will be voting next year for Obama. (Many may even go down-ticket.)

Their own record.


As for the midterms, look a little closer - the GOP did well in mostly local district elections yet failed to win state-wide seats in Senate and governor races: New York, California, Nevada, Connecticut, Alaska. And the GOP failed to take the Senate. Next year you’ll have a larger, more diverse turnout; no, it doesn’t look good for the GOP.
You don't understand liberals well.

You don’t understand liberals at all.
Said the liberal idiot,even after the democRAT liberal scum got their asses handed
to them in last midterms,lol

Republicans are in for a rude awakening as they find what it is like to run from the inside. All those TeaTards will have to explain their votes on Medicare and anti-labor positions.

Without a top line candidate for President, Republicans at all levels will pay the price in reduced funding and poor turnout

Oh iam so scared liberal,lol,fucking moron if you so sure of GOP total meltdown
why are you running scared posting on this board.

Yeah.....the OP was a Liberal.

Republicans are in for a rude awakening as they find what it is like to run from the inside. All those TeaTards will have to explain their votes on Medicare and anti-labor positions.

Without a top line candidate for President, Republicans at all levels will pay the price in reduced funding and poor turnout

Oh iam so scared liberal,lol,fucking moron if you so sure of GOP total meltdown
why are you running scared posting on this board.Or are you trying to coach the GOP?lol
Your boy obama is a total failure thats why your worried.Never in history of the world has one party(democRAT)bankrupted a major nation as fast as you liberal pigs with socialism.
My grandchildren will be bogged down in debt because of your selfish power hungry liberal pigs.

Not much to be afraid of in the 2012 election

Obama will easily win a second term while Republicans are scrambling to put up a sacrificial lamb

On the bright side for the GOP, it looks like they will take the Senate. But it looks like a major giveback in the House and we may see Nancy Pelosi calling the shots again


"Does someone have a tissue for this pussy? I'm busy."
Do you seriously believe Ds will regain the House? :lol:


Tea Baggers have already worn out their welcome and must justify their attacks on Medicare and worker rights. He who lives by the tea bag....dies by the teabag

There has also been major swings in Hispanic voters in Florida and the Southwest. The demographics are changing in some key Red States

Things have no gotten better. The polls show that most Americans think we are headed in the wrong progressive direction.

No denying that.

"President Barack Obama's approval rating has hit its highest point in two years - 60 percent - and more than half of Americans now say he deserves to be re-elected, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll taken after U.S. forces killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.

In worrisome signs for Republicans, the president's standing improved not just on foreign policy but also on the economy, and independent Americans - a key voting bloc in the November 2012 presidential election - caused the overall uptick in support by sliding back to Obama after fleeing for much of the past two years."


I still smell a RAT in 2012 ! in other words, so long as Obama stays around 40% approval, you know the Libs will try to scam the election again by creating about 5 million dead people,cartoon characters and registered zoo animals!!!



[ame=]YouTube - Right America Feeling Wronged pt1[/ame]​
The GOP will hand it to Him, just like they did in the last election.

Without voter fraud and Independents, I think we conservatives have a chance, depending upon the Republican nominee.
Ah, yes, the right’s inane obsession with ‘voter fraud.’

The report found that voter fraud is extremely rare. At the federal level, Justice Department records show that only 24 people were convicted of or pleaded guilty to illegal voting between 2002 and 2005, an average of eight people a year. Other reports have found similar results. An analysis of the 2004 presidential election in Ohio revealed a voter fraud rate of .00004 percent. An evaluation of the 2004 gubernatorial election in Washington State revealed that voter fraud occurred .0009 percent of the time.

voter fraud « PROBABLE CAUSE
Another rightist myth bites the dust.
The GOP will hand it to Him, just like they did in the last election.

Without voter fraud and Independents, I think we conservatives have a chance, depending upon the Republican nominee.

Do you have any proof of voter fraud other than sour grapes?

Of course not. The Right is only beating the voter fraud drum and passing restrictive voting laws in the states they control because the country's demographics are shifting away from them.
Have you been watching the likes of Whoopie,Joy,&Anyone on MSNBC latley? Who are these people to tell the world that There Is No Need For A Presidential Election? Obama has saved the planet !!! So lets just hand him another four years. Have you ever heard such horse manure in your lifetime? Conservatives are all laughing at those who feel that Obama has already won. This Sure Sounds Like All Liberals Are In Panic Mode Over Obama Losing In 2012. They wont even give the Republian Nominee and the 150/160 or so Million Americans their Right To Vote in 2012!! No wonder far leftists wouldn't complain if all conservatives and repubilcans would drop dead. Isn't that what Pelosi,Schoomer,Reid and Anthony Horshack Weiner want? Let all the Rich Republicans Die so we can clean out their Bank Acounts! Thats The Liberal Way ! Right?

Have you been watching the likes of Whoopie,Joy,&Anyone on MSNBC latley? Who are these people to tell the world that There Is No Need For A Presidential Election? Obama has saved the planet !!! So lets just hand him another four years. Have you ever heard such horse manure in your lifetime? Conservatives are all laughing at those who feel that Obama has already won. This Sure Sounds Like All Liberals Are In Panic Mode Over Obama Losing In 2012. They wont even give the Republian Nominee and the 150/160 or so Million Americans their Right To Vote in 2012!! No wonder far leftists wouldn't complain if all conservatives and repubilcans would drop dead. Isn't that what Pelosi,Schoomer,Reid and Anthony Horshack Weiner want? Let all the Rich Republicans Die so we can clean out their Bank Acounts! Thats The Liberal Way ! Right?

Not me. I want to see the Republican agenda for the next election.

I want to see Republicans squirm when they explain why they wanted to screw over the elderly.

I want to see the song and dance when Republicans, once again, try to promote the idea that Obama is "weak" and it was really the Republicans who got "Bin Laden".

You know that one of them will once again try to convince Americans Obama is a "foreigner" long after that ship has sailed.

Can't wait to see Republicans explain why oil companies need tens of billions in subsidies.

Can't wait when Republicans ask their leaders, "What ever happened to jobs". Just that one alone will be worth the price of admission.

It's going to be fantastic.

Boner ran on creating jobs. can someone please tell me what he has even attempted that could possibly be called "job creaters"?

What the hell have republicans done in the last 10 years? Give me one accomplishment! One.

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