Is it me, or does Trump seem to go against anything Obama was for?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
With that ugly old orange face, those puckered up pussy lips, the guy seems hell fire bent on undoing everything Obama seem to stand for, clean air, a partnership with our Ally's, peace, caring, etc....and sadly poor white trash finds all this okay, as if, they have a separate planet in which to breath fresh air from or a stash of gov. aide hidden somewhere exclusive for their poor white ass's!!
One of the things that kept China from becoming the world power of the Middle Ages was the fact that each incoming government felt they had to destroy anything that the previous government had done.
One of the things that kept China from becoming the world power of the Middle Ages was the fact that each incoming government felt they had to destroy anything that the previous government had done.

Our previous government did nothing, save destroy what they could of the foundation.
Oh yes!

Trump is going against anything and everything the traitor Hussein aka Soetoro was for!

That's why America voted for him!

One of the things that kept China from becoming the world power of the Middle Ages was the fact that each incoming government felt they had to destroy anything that the previous government had done.
Understandable, yes.....I see the same shit with Trump and its intentional, precise and in your face, Obama. I don't get this guy at all and what makes it all so egregiously sad, is that Trump who's filthy rich will never feel the impact of these undoings.
Oh yes!

Trump is going against anything and everything the traitor Hussein aka Soetoro was for!

That's why America voted for him!

Listen, we've all been down this path a zillion and one times, nuts vote in idiots and then whine about it years later. You nuts rallied for NAFTA until its full impact stripped you of your middle class jobs and then you voted in Obama...not once but twice. To date, there's not one single thing Trump has done for you clueless ingrates but talk shit and lie...something white people have in their DNA...bullshit and dumb stupid mf's make us all sick!!
With that ugly old orange face, those puckered up pussy lips, the guy seems hell fire bent on undoing everything Obama seem to stand for, clean air, a partnership with our Ally's, peace, caring, etc....and sadly poor white trash finds all this okay, as if, they have a separate planet in which to breath fresh air from or a stash of gov. aide hidden somewhere exclusive for their poor white ass's!!

"Allies", moron.....A-L-L-I-E-S but don't use it in all alley is a small road way that allows access to a garage that is in the back end of a home.

Barrypuppet stood for nothing and you claim that he stood for clean air while the geo-engineering program was going on and said nothing? Does this look normal to you?????
With that ugly old orange face, those puckered up pussy lips, the guy seems hell fire bent on undoing everything Obama seem to stand for, clean air, a partnership with our Ally's, peace, caring, etc....and sadly poor white trash finds all this okay, as if, they have a separate planet in which to breath fresh air from or a stash of gov. aide hidden somewhere exclusive for their poor white ass's!!

Part of what Trump ran on, was that he would undo Obama's legacy, so it's a good bet that he would go against anything Obama was for.
A combination of blacks, Asians and Hispanics voted for him, along with white voters, many of whom were neither poor, nor trash.
Our National Debt is in the trillions and rapidly growing. Our government, so in debt, borrowed from China and with continuing growth in the National Debt, it was evident that it would only get worse and we wouldn't be able to repay the loan. Because of policies like NAFTA, our US companies bailed out of the US to other nations to take advantage of cheap labor and no unions, thus giving Americans, cheaper products. That also meant a massive loss of jobs in the US. We became more of a consumer nation and less a producing nation. Add to this, many Americans still believe in having an actual sovereign nation with actual borders and a way to evaluate who comes in to the US, so as to reduce the entry of those who would seek to kill non-Muslims (like yourself, any children or grandchildren). There are also literally 80+ million (legal) firearms owners in the possession of approximately 350+ million firearms and many of them seeing a leftist candidate who was vehemently anti-gun, anti-borders, anti-border control, with a far-left policy that bordered on authoritarian principles. Those who spoke among the protesters and rioters, made it clear that they were against our Constitution and free-speech, unless it jived with their own concepts, thus an authoritarian stance that was clearly anti-US Constitution. So, those who voted for the Frump, wanted:
1. To maintain a sovereign nation.
2. Strong border control and vetting to ensure that those who enter, are neither criminals, nor terrorists.
3. Job growth which meant less restrictions on company growth.
4. To secure the right to own firearms for the protection of themselves, as well as their loved ones and also to keep them for sports and hunting.
5. Related to #2, many, seeing the global carnage being caused in the name of Islam (30,000+ Islamic attacks across the planet since 9/11) and 320,000,000 Muslims who readily admit that they are vehemently anti-non-Muslim and want us converted, subjugated or, killed) consider the freedom of religion portion of our Constitution to be our Achilles heel when it comes to Islam and want significant restrictions on them in place. Tokyo, Japan, is the largest city in the world, yet they have no Islamic terrorism; the reason being a small Muslim population with those being monitored, not to mention that conversion to Islam in Japan is considered culturally degrading.
One of the things that kept China from becoming the world power of the Middle Ages was the fact that each incoming government felt they had to destroy anything that the previous government had done.

Our previous government did nothing, save destroy what they could of the foundation.
I live for the fuckin day, you morons come up with some real facts about Obama instead of being spoon fed shit with ice cream mixed with it. All you clueless whore's do is mouth off bullshit, but you never come up with facts. The man left with a 57% approval rating, which means he did something right. Trump on the other hand, no matter what this dumb orange piece of shit does, will never get out of the 40%.
One of the things that kept China from becoming the world power of the Middle Ages was the fact that each incoming government felt they had to destroy anything that the previous government had done.

Our previous government did nothing, save destroy what they could of the foundation.
I live for the fuckin day, you morons come up with some real facts about Obama instead of being spoon fed shit with ice cream mixed with it. All you clueless whore's do is mouth off bullshit, but you never come up with facts. The man left with a 57% approval rating, which means he did something right. Trump on the other hand, no matter what this dumb orange piece of shit does, will never get out of the 40%.

One of the things that kept China from becoming the world power of the Middle Ages was the fact that each incoming government felt they had to destroy anything that the previous government had done.

Our previous government did nothing, save destroy what they could of the foundation.
I live for the fuckin day, you morons come up with some real facts about Obama instead of being spoon fed shit with ice cream mixed with it. All you clueless whore's do is mouth off bullshit, but you never come up with facts. The man left with a 57% approval rating, which means he did something right. Trump on the other hand, no matter what this dumb orange piece of shit does, will never get out of the 40%.

One of the things that kept China from becoming the world power of the Middle Ages was the fact that each incoming government felt they had to destroy anything that the previous government had done.

Our previous government did nothing, save destroy what they could of the foundation.
I live for the fuckin day, you morons come up with some real facts about Obama instead of being spoon fed shit with ice cream mixed with it. All you clueless whore's do is mouth off bullshit, but you never come up with facts. The man left with a 57% approval rating, which means he did something right. Trump on the other hand, no matter what this dumb orange piece of shit does, will never get out of the 40%.

A real and true fact about Obama:

He is a dirty no good lying fucker

There ya go... Pass it along
One of the things that kept China from becoming the world power of the Middle Ages was the fact that each incoming government felt they had to destroy anything that the previous government had done.

Our previous government did nothing, save destroy what they could of the foundation.
I live for the fuckin day, you morons come up with some real facts about Obama instead of being spoon fed shit with ice cream mixed with it. All you clueless whore's do is mouth off bullshit, but you never come up with facts. The man left with a 57% approval rating, which means he did something right. Trump on the other hand, no matter what this dumb orange piece of shit does, will never get out of the 40%.

If he was so fucking awesome? Why did every mid-term election show just the opposite that his ability to govern was sub-par? I mean if the jug-eared clown was so fucking popular than the mid terms should have reflected The 2016 Election should have said

Here is what the Barrypuppet did at the behest of his globalist masters...he oversaw the funding and the arming of ISIS which is nothing but a CIA operation in conjunction with the Mossad, MI5/MI6 and Saudi Intel using Qatar and Turkey as conduits to funnel money and weapons to these mercenaries to carry on the PNAC plan of the neocons of the predecessors before him and that couldn't be more obvious to anyone that is awake. He had the foreign owned Federal Reserve bank prop up Wall Street with the Q.E programs that debased the value of the fiat currency already in the system while never raising interest rates. He continued to kill the middle class with Barrypuppetcare written by insurance companies FOR insurance companies with HUGE premiums and huge deductibles using backdoor measures to pass it.....and I am suppose to be grateful for this sorry POS?????? Seriously?????? What planet do YOU live on???
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Part of what Trump ran on, was that he would undo Obama's legacy, so it's a good bet that he would go against anything Obama was for.
A combination of blacks, Asians and Hispanics voted for him, along with white voters, many of whom were neither poor, nor trash.
Our National Debt is in the trillions and rapidly growing. Our government, so in debt, borrowed from China and with continuing growth in the National Debt, it was evident that it would only get worse and we wouldn't be able to repay the loan. Because of policies like NAFTA, our US companies bailed out of the US to other nations to take advantage of cheap labor and no unions, thus giving Americans, cheaper products. That also meant a massive loss of jobs in the US. We became more of a consumer nation and less a producing nation. Add to this, many Americans still believe in having an actual sovereign nation with actual borders and a way to evaluate who comes in to the US, so as to reduce the entry of those who would seek to kill non-Muslims (like yourself, any children or grandchildren). There are also literally 80+ million (legal) firearms owners in the possession of approximately 350+ million firearms and many of them seeing a leftist candidate who was vehemently anti-gun, anti-borders, anti-border control, with a far-left policy that bordered on authoritarian principles. Those who spoke among the protesters and rioters, made it clear that they were against our Constitution and free-speech, unless it jived with their own concepts, thus an authoritarian stance that was clearly anti-US Constitution. So, those who voted for the Frump, wanted:
1. To maintain a sovereign nation.
2. Strong border control and vetting to ensure that those who enter, are neither criminals, nor terrorists.
3. Job growth which meant less restrictions on company growth.
4. To secure the right to own firearms for the protection of themselves, as well as their loved ones and also to keep them for sports and hunting.
5. Related to #2, many, seeing the global carnage being caused in the name of Islam (30,000+ Islamic attacks across the planet since 9/11) and 320,000,000 Muslims who readily admit that they are vehemently anti-non-Muslim and want us converted, subjugated or, killed) consider the freedom of religion portion of our Constitution to be our Achilles heel when it comes to Islam and want significant restrictions on them in place. Tokyo, Japan, is the largest city in the world, yet they have no Islamic terrorism; the reason being a small Muslim population with those being monitored, not to mention that conversion to Islam in Japan is considered culturally degrading.
Lets get with some facts :
  • 58% of white voters - 37% backed Clinton

  • 8% of black voters - 88% voted for Clinton

  • 29% of Hispanics - 65% supported Clinton
Fact: Hillary Rotten to the fuckin core Clittbitch....was a fucked candidate and nobody, including myself was excited about this bitch, top that with a news cycle wetting themselves everytime Trump opened that pussy hole mouth of his and you got Trump as president.

But make no mistakes, them white trashy mf's that voted for Trump, who's showing up at town halls whining about their welfare, could give a rats fuck about the shit your' talking about. And that's fact, half the mf's can't even spell Trump, let alone define what the fuck he stands for. You know it and I know it. But you keep believing that fake shit if it makes you feel better
One of the things that kept China from becoming the world power of the Middle Ages was the fact that each incoming government felt they had to destroy anything that the previous government had done.

Our previous government did nothing, save destroy what they could of the foundation.
I live for the fuckin day, you morons come up with some real facts about Obama instead of being spoon fed shit with ice cream mixed with it. All you clueless whore's do is mouth off bullshit, but you never come up with facts. The man left with a 57% approval rating, which means he did something right. Trump on the other hand, no matter what this dumb orange piece of shit does, will never get out of the 40%.

Horse shit, one thing the Tiger really digs about know when to fold em and let it go...props to you old fuck head!!
One of the things that kept China from becoming the world power of the Middle Ages was the fact that each incoming government felt they had to destroy anything that the previous government had done.

Our previous government did nothing, save destroy what they could of the foundation.
I live for the fuckin day, you morons come up with some real facts about Obama instead of being spoon fed shit with ice cream mixed with it. All you clueless whore's do is mouth off bullshit, but you never come up with facts. The man left with a 57% approval rating, which means he did something right. Trump on the other hand, no matter what this dumb orange piece of shit does, will never get out of the 40%.

A real and true fact about Obama:

He is a dirty no good lying fucker

There ya go... Pass it along
Coming from you...I'll pass it along.....printing now and will flush it so that all you white fucks will get it...sewer dwelling bitch
One of the things that kept China from becoming the world power of the Middle Ages was the fact that each incoming government felt they had to destroy anything that the previous government had done.

Our previous government did nothing, save destroy what they could of the foundation.
I live for the fuckin day, you morons come up with some real facts about Obama instead of being spoon fed shit with ice cream mixed with it. All you clueless whore's do is mouth off bullshit, but you never come up with facts. The man left with a 57% approval rating, which means he did something right. Trump on the other hand, no matter what this dumb orange piece of shit does, will never get out of the 40%.

A real and true fact about Obama:

He is a dirty no good lying fucker

There ya go... Pass it along
Coming from you...I'll pass it along.....printing now and will flush it so that all you white fucks will get it...sewer dwelling bitch

Funny how you never bother to address my very salient points about your beloved Barrypuppet....I blame it on the fact that you are like a deer caught in the headlights......
One of the things that kept China from becoming the world power of the Middle Ages was the fact that each incoming government felt they had to destroy anything that the previous government had done.

Our previous government did nothing, save destroy what they could of the foundation.
I live for the fuckin day, you morons come up with some real facts about Obama instead of being spoon fed shit with ice cream mixed with it. All you clueless whore's do is mouth off bullshit, but you never come up with facts. The man left with a 57% approval rating, which means he did something right. Trump on the other hand, no matter what this dumb orange piece of shit does, will never get out of the 40%.

A real and true fact about Obama:

He is a dirty no good lying fucker

There ya go... Pass it along
Coming from you...I'll pass it along.....printing now and will flush it so that all you white fucks will get it...sewer dwelling bitch

Ooooo... That was a crusher!
Your internet smack is SO juicy!
One of the things that kept China from becoming the world power of the Middle Ages was the fact that each incoming government felt they had to destroy anything that the previous government had done.

Our previous government did nothing, save destroy what they could of the foundation.
I live for the fuckin day, you morons come up with some real facts about Obama instead of being spoon fed shit with ice cream mixed with it. All you clueless whore's do is mouth off bullshit, but you never come up with facts. The man left with a 57% approval rating, which means he did something right. Trump on the other hand, no matter what this dumb orange piece of shit does, will never get out of the 40%.

Horse shit, one thing the Tiger really digs about know when to fold em and let it go...props to you old fuck head!!


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