Is It Moral for Married Couples to do Oral/Anal?

THeologically, I agree, we are a very darkened of the heart species. But emotionally, I do find a lot of people are very good in nature.
There ARE alot of good people. But by the very nature that we are inhabitants of this earth, we aren't. It takes the conviction of the Holy Spirit & the acceptence of Christ to even begin the steps toward anything that is good.

One of the things about morality is ,,,there are some things that can be done between consenting adults, but are still immoral.
ALso, we, as a county, no longer believe that just because something is immoral, we should make it illegal.
Speaking as a Christian, a Christian answers that question by HONESTLY asking themselves, does it glorify God.
There ARE alot of good people. But by the very nature that we are inhabitants of this earth, we aren't. It takes the conviction of the Holy Spirit & the acceptence of Christ to even begin the steps toward anything that is good.


I hope you don't mean to say that anyone who isn't Christian can't do good.
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is exactly what Joz is inferring to in the last sentence summarizing post 159.

Stop me if I go too fast for seem to be having a hard time following what's being discussed and argued.

1. You say that oral and anal sex by a married couple incurs God's wrath based on the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.

2. You say that social drinking and even alcohol abuse don't incur God's wrath because he never leveled a city in the midst of a drunken revel.

First, quote the part of Sodom and Gomorrah that says that God was pissed off about married people having non-missionary-position sex with each other.

Then, if you assume it's okay with God to abuse alcohol because he hasn't wiped out an Oktoberfest celebration, why can't it be assumed he's okay with married people engaging in other-than-sacred sex since, last I heard, no wife has suddenly been struck with a heavenly fireball in the middle of fellatio.
She pointed out her sig, I'm eagerly awaiting an answer....


It's not my responsibility to remind someone of what they posted, not just once, but twice within the last few minutes or hours. Her game is to say something and then deny, deny, deny. I figure it's past time to throw her game back at her.
It's not my responsibility to remind someone of what they posted, not just once, but twice within the last few minutes or hours. Her game is to say something and then deny, deny, deny. I figure it's past time to throw her game back at her.

Yeah, there is a lot of that going on lately. Good for you!
It's not my responsibility to remind someone of what they posted, not just once, but twice within the last few minutes or hours. Her game is to say something and then deny, deny, deny. I figure it's past time to throw her game back at her.

and you Missleman et al ....have no idea of who or waht you are talking about...!;)
and you Missleman et al ....have no idea of who or waht you are talking about...!;)

ROFL...Look at the buffoon coming in to defend his new sweetie. You think she's funny, and she's forgotten that you aren't...what a pair!
Done it it's ignored. Maybe more will make a difference. :thup:

and the last word on the matter goes to Mr.P...the ATC,Commercial pilot.Vn chopper guy who has the last word on everything cause he is great...dontcha know...albeit a little on the I think so side...or BS side...or whatever side!;)
ROFL...Look at the buffoon coming in to defend his new sweetie. You think she's funny, and she's forgotten that you aren't...what a pair!

I only defend those who I really no for sure are real...not

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