Is It Moral for Married Couples to do Oral/Anal?

if it does not benefit the well being of society then what use are you?

And what if your behavior has no effect on anyone else? Two consenting adults engaging in a consensual sex act is just that.... between the two consenting adults. No one is talking about beastiality or pedophilia or the like. As for a couple bringing a third person into their bed, personally, I think it's disrespectful to the relationship, but again, that's my personal opinion and I wouldn't impose it on others.
That part you have a point, but who are you to tell me my business? isn't there a line between morality and what I do? I see your point but look at our world this type a behavior ain't new here as the world has had practice for a long time. I would just think you were a freak and keep my distance, what else can you really do? Call the cop? hell they'd join ya for all we know? This should be about leading by example in a positive way. But again I believe it goes back to what I do behind closed doors is my business. And thus unless it doesn't directly spill out into the neighborhood or community then bug off. (saying that in context of privacy) I mean you do spur interesting points I long have let go of due to very liberal ways we live in.

Who are you to say we cant tell others their business? We are all part of society. To think we have no right to an opinion or stating it simply because you do something in private is completely irrational.

We have ever right to tell you what we think, every right to proclaim whats right and wrong. If you disagree with us then its your right to ignore us. But to say we cant voice our opinions on it is ridiculous.
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And what if your behavior has no effect on anyone else? Two consenting adults engaging in a consensual sex act is just that.... between the two consenting adults. No one is talking about beastiality or pedophilia or the like. As for a couple bringing a third person into their bed, personally, I think it's disrespectful to the relationship, but again, that's my personal opinion and I wouldn't impose it on others.

Its completely ignorant to proclaim that any sexual act has no effect on anyone else. We are talking about the very process that produces more human beings. Abusing such activity most certainly DOES have an effect on future life.
Who are you to say we cant tell others their business? We are all part of society. To think we have no right to an opinion or stating it simply because you do something in private is completely irrational.

We have ever right to tell you what we think, every right to proclaim whats right and wrong. If you disagree with us then its your right to ignore us. But to say we cant voice our opinions on it is ridiculous.

It's not the giving of your opinion that is problematic. It's the arrogance of assuming your opinion (and that's all it is, no more, no less) is correct. We all assume our opinions are correct or we wouldn't hold to those opinions.... .which is why you have to leave people alone to make their own decisions and stop thinking you have any right to dictate to others.
Its completely ignorant to proclaim that any sexual act has no effect on anyone else. We are talking about the very process that produces more human beings. Abusing such activity most certainly DOES have an effect on future life.

And of course sex has no purpose but for procreation. Right? Like I said, keep to your opinions. Just keep from imposing them on everyone else.
It's not the giving of your opinion that is problematic. It's the arrogance of assuming your opinion (and that's all it is, no more, no less) is correct. We all assume our opinions are correct or we wouldn't hold to those opinions.... .which is why you have to leave people alone to make their own decisions and stop thinking you have any right to dictate to others.

In a nutshell.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jillian again.
And that has been my stand all along. But your private behavior does affect your social behavior; and if it does not benefit the well being of society then what use are you? NO man is an island. Whether we want to belive it or not, things we do affect others, either for the good or the bad. "A tree is known by the fruit it bears"....

Yes as per the following of Christ we have a spelled out agenda/plan/destiny and it unfolds as we grow. I guess in some senses this world has gotten so black or dark from it's current ways it is very difficult just to carry on. I mean are we basically good people? Hard one to call I do believe many of our motives are ill and improper in any society. Charles Sheldon wrote a very interesting book called in his steps this pretty much sums up your topic but not just sex, life in general could our world today even look at these ideas? Then could it give it 30 days? One thing I reckon I'd be off the chat rooms and blogs if I followed.
It's not the giving of your opinion that is problematic. It's the arrogance of assuming your opinion (and that's all it is, no more, no less) is correct. We all assume our opinions are correct or we wouldn't hold to those opinions.... .which is why you have to leave people alone to make their own decisions and stop thinking you have any right to dictate to others.
You are correct, opinions are just that, opinions. And yes, we all think we are right.
So what do you use as a standard of measure for your decisions? What dictates to you, how you vote, how you live your life, how you treat your neighbor or your spouse? How do you know, right from wrong?
You are correct, opinions are just that, opinions. And yes, we all think we are right.
So what do you use as a standard of measure for your decisions? What dictates to you, how you vote, how you live your life, how you treat your neighbor or your spouse? How do you know, right from wrong?

I start by trying to treat others the way I want to be treated and go from there.
You are correct, opinions are just that, opinions. And yes, we all think we are right.
So what do you use as a standard of measure for your decisions? What dictates to you, how you vote, how you live your life, how you treat your neighbor or your spouse? How do you know, right from wrong?
Well you have a point. I was in a place sometime ago and this very selfish and self centered guy said something to the effect how can I raise my daughter right? Well now you do have some concept of right and wrong? yes? So it goes back to personal opinion of what feels good or what I want or what society says or condones as right. Once upon a time things were still equally freaky but we had standards now standards don't apply we've gotten too smart for ourselves and being conservative is not morally correct these days.
Yes as per the following of Christ we have a spelled out agenda/plan/destiny and it unfolds as we grow. I guess in some senses this world has gotten so black or dark from it's current ways it is very difficult just to carry on. I mean are we basically good people? Hard one to call I do believe many of our motives are ill and improper in any society. Charles Sheldon wrote a very interesting book called in his steps this pretty much sums up your topic but not just sex, life in general could our world today even look at these ideas? Then could it give it 30 days? One thing I reckon I'd be off the chat rooms and blogs if I followed.
No, we are not. We are sinful by our very nature; inhabitants of this world. Without the atoning blood of Christ, man is doomed to destroying himself.
I start by trying to treat others the way I want to be treated and go from there.
And that is good. You don't hit people because that isn't nice; and you don't run people off the road, tho' it has entered my mind a time or two. :) But when you go from there, where are you operating from? Where do you get your sense of right & wrong?
Well you have a point. I was in a place sometime ago and this very selfish and self centered guy said something to the effect how can I raise my daughter right? Well now you do have some concept of right and wrong? yes? So it goes back to personal opinion of what feels good or what I want or what society says or condones as right. Once upon a time things were still equally freaky but we had standards now standards don't apply we've gotten too smart for ourselves and being conservative is not morally correct these days.
So that means we should lay down the gauntlet?
And of course sex has no purpose but for procreation. Right? Like I said, keep to your opinions. Just keep from imposing them on everyone else.

Oh seriously jillian you arent this stupid. No one said that the sole purpose of sex is procreation. Your straw men might work dumb people but no one with half a brain is going to fall for it.

It doesnt matter what the purpose of sex is, Im not talking about the purposes. Im talking about the consequences of it. The fact is that sex produce offspring. So the idea that no one is effected when people have sex is utter bull. Not only are people effected, but potentially billions of people are effected by it.

You have to be one selfish person if you think your sexual activities dont effect others. They effect everything.
It's not the giving of your opinion that is problematic. It's the arrogance of assuming your opinion (and that's all it is, no more, no less) is correct. We all assume our opinions are correct or we wouldn't hold to those opinions.... .which is why you have to leave people alone to make their own decisions and stop thinking you have any right to dictate to others.

You just completely contradicted yourself. How the heck is it arrogant to assume your opinion is correct if we all do it? Why would we have an opinion on the matter if we didnt think it was correct? You dont really think about what you say very well do you?

The fact is you dont like my opinions because they are correct and you dont want to admit it. If i am wrong who the heck cares? But you cant stand the idea that someone actually disagrees with your point of views and would advocate for them. So since you cant argue for the merits of the argument you have to argue that I dont have a right to speak them.

About the arrogance. stop projecting your own defects onto others. We arent the one forcing their views on others. You are.

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