Is It Moral for Married Couples to do Oral/Anal?

indeed they are. I'll look forward to what you can provide.
I try to steer clear of the Old Testament but sometimes that is just too hard to do. Here are just a few.

In Leveitcus 20:10-21 Moses was given the laws of marriage. If you read this you will see that our way of living & our laws today still adhere to these very principles of adultery & incest.

1 Pete 3:7 Instructs men to dwell with their wives with understanding. It is man's job, as a husband, to understand the woman he is married to. Think that isn't a job?!!!

1 Corinth 7:2 Tells us that is is not right to withhold sex from either partner unless it is agreeded upon for a time of fasting.
This text also reinforces the 'sex for pleasure' arguement. If a couple have had children & are past the childbearing years, what difference would it make? But it does. Sex is for the marriage relationship, the intimacy that causes a man & woman to become one. It cannot be done without it.

1 Corinth 3:16, 17 Says the body is a temple & should be treated as such. Thus refraining from any immoral or harmful conduct.

1 Corinth 7: 10-17 Advises us to keep the marriage vows; the love, honor & cherish; whatever comes our way; until we die.
We are advised throughout the Bible to be kind & loving towards our fellow man. How much more important is it that we should behave that way towards the one person we pledge to love above all others? Why would you ever say or do anything or take a chance purposely to harm that person?

Jesus, Himself said very little about the marriage realtionship. But I think His views on marriage are quite plain in the Commandments.
Fornication is not advised because of all the problems that arise from that lifstyle, but it seems that God understands that there are slip-ups.
But He included in the 10 Commandments the one about adultery, ( and there are many ways to adulterate the marriage) telling me that He views marriage as something sacred and needs to be kept in the highest regard.
It is not my business; the fact that you watch certain shows on TV or that you like to cook or that you prefer football over baseball. And I am not going to peek in you windows nor follow you around town to see if you are cheating on your wife. This is indeed your business; how you chose to conduct your life.

But as you continue to repeat the same behavior over & over & over, you become hardened, rationalizing that what you are doing isn't really hurting anyone but yourself. But you know as well as I, that that is a lie.

As you get further & further away from God, you open yourself up to all kinds of illusions. You don't want to be judged for what you are doing so hey, if the guy next door is boinkin' his buddy, who's really gonna care? But what if he has engaged in this behavior for so long, it doesn't quite have the same effect so, hmmmm maybe a younger, tighter bottom might be the answer.
And now we are having to defend what marriage is. We are being asked to accept a behavior that for centuries was considered an abnormality, a perversion, an unacceptable behavior.

So I guess the answer is, what starts out as not being my business, eventually does become just that.

Since this thread is about Married Couples I disagree.
Since this thread is about Married Couples I disagree.
That's it? No explanation? You don't think your behavior as a husband has influence on your children, your friends & neighbors, your community?
That's it? No explanation? You don't think your behavior as a husband has influence on your children, your friends & neighbors, your community?

My question to you was "is it your business" not wheather it's acceptable.

You answered, I disagree in the context of this thread. That being Married Couples.
My question to you was "is it your business" not wheather it's acceptable.

You answered, I disagree in the context of this thread. That being Married Couples.
If you hit your wife, and she comes to my house in fear of her life, it becomes my business whether I want it to be or not. But heaven forbid that we would involve ourselves in someone elses's business.

If you rape your wife, I won't know it until you begin to bully other women in a demeaning manor. How you then treat me becomes my business.
My question to you was "is it your business" not wheather it's acceptable.

You answered, I disagree in the context of this thread. That being Married Couples.

I think Joz explained it quite well in post 159. I also think that you are backing off as much as you can. Why not be manly about it and admit that you are wrong?
If you hit your wife, and she comes to my house in fear of her life, it becomes my business whether I want it to be or not. But heaven forbid that we would involve ourselves in someone elses's business.

If you rape your wife, I won't know it until you begin to bully other women in a demeaning manor. How you then treat me becomes my business.

Stop takeing this OUT of the bedroom. Is what happens in MY bedroom your business?
Stop takeing this OUT of the bedroom. Is what happens in MY bedroom your business?
I guess I'm not making myself very clear.
The activities in your bedroom are not my business, whether you play Tarzan & Jane or that you perfer your wife on top, because this is normal behavior and you continue to be a productive, responsible adult.

But when you engage in a deviant behavior such as another person or animal joining you, that behavior cannot help but spill over into your everyday life; your decisions & behavior. You become deviant in your thinking & in your heart; it takes over & your skewed outlook is therefore revealed in the things you say, the way you conduct yourself, how you view society. You then have made your bedroom my business. I then have to fight you on certain principles that I know to be healthy & true for me & my children in this community.
I guess I'm not making myself very clear.
The activities in your bedroom are not my business, whether you play Tarzan & Jane or that you perfer your wife on top, because this is normal behavior and you continue to be a productive, responsible adult.


No you’re clearly saying that my bedroom is you business if you don’t agree that whatever happens there is not normal in your opinion.

Got news for ya, it ain’t.
No you’re clearly saying that my bedroom is you business if you don’t agree that whatever happens there is not normal in your opinion.

Got news for ya, it ain’t.
The fact that I keep my grass mowed & my house clean & in good repair is for naught if the family next door chooses to live among piles of garbage. If this is how they want to live so be it. But eventually, rats & other vermin will infest his house, but they will not stay there. They will venture to my house & the other neighbor's and then it becomes my business and other's as well.

Or if the neighbors across the street decide to open a crack/whore house. What goes on in there is none of my business, right? But when I have hookers walking in front of my house, when drug deals gone bad have me dodging bullets from their guns, then it is my business. We have a stake in a decent, civilized society.
If you think that sexual deviancy doesn't spill over then you are asleep; maybe deliberately so.

You can run naked through your house all you want. But instead of using the toilet, start defecating in each of the rooms. YOU, by your choice of behavior, will make what you do in your house, your neighbor's & the community around it, their business.
But when you engage in a deviant behavior such as another person or animal joining you,

That part you have a point, but who are you to tell me my business? isn't there a line between morality and what I do? I see your point but look at our world this type a behavior ain't new here as the world has had practice for a long time. I would just think you were a freak and keep my distance, what else can you really do? Call the cop? hell they'd join ya for all we know? This should be about leading by example in a positive way. But again I believe it goes back to what I do behind closed doors is my business. And thus unless it doesn't directly spill out into the neighborhood or community then bug off. (saying that in context of privacy) I mean you do spur interesting points I long have let go of due to very liberal ways we live in.
That part you have a point, but who are you to tell me my business? isn't there a line between morality and what I do? I see your point but look at our world this type a behavior ain't new here as the world has had practice for a long time. I would just think you were a freak and keep my distance, what else can you really do? Call the cop? hell they'd join ya for all we know? This should be about leading by example in a positive way. But again I believe it goes back to what I do behind closed doors is my business. And thus unless it doesn't directly spill out into the neighborhood or community then bug off. (saying that in context of privacy) I mean you do spur interesting points I long have let go of due to very liberal ways we live in.
And that has been my stand all along. But your private behavior does affect your social behavior; and if it does not benefit the well being of society then what use are you? NO man is an island. Whether we want to belive it or not, things we do affect others, either for the good or the bad. "A tree is known by the fruit it bears"....

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