Is it racist to think Barrack won't rescue the Texans?

He can do a speech in a stadium somewhere and talk about himselfs that's what I's says!
If you think Barrack won't rescue the Texans then you be a racist!

You understand that Obama is no longer president, and doesn't have the government authority to do anything more than you do, right? Lets see what that obese orange fool tries to do.
As long as that meat puppet faggot stays out of TX we'll be fine.

Every time the moonbat messiah showed up to fleece money out of the dumbest mother fuckers in the state he snarled traffic up all damn day.

The right wing conservative republicans are so dumb they don't realize Trump is now president. Of course being this dumb it doesn't really matter as they would blame someone else for their sorry life and education anyway. Weak people do that, for even though it is meaningless it gives the simpletons pleasure. It's all they can do. Meanwhile Trump and associates rob them blind. Fools thy name is right wing American.

"Conflicts of interest have been a defining trait of the Trump Administration. The President has not only refused to release his tax returns; he has declined to divest from his companies, instead putting them in a trust managed by his children. Questions have emerged about the ongoing business ties of his daughter and son-in-law, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, who, since Trump took office, have reaped nearly two hundred million dollars from the Trump hotel in Washington, D.C., and from other investments. Although Trump promised to “drain the swamp,” he has assembled a Cabinet of ultra-rich Americans, including two billionaires: Betsy DeVos, the Secretary of Education, and Wilbur Ross, the Secretary of Commerce." Carl Icahn’s Failed Raid on Washington

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