Is It Right That American Citizens Should Have To Stand Over 5 or 6 Hours In Line Just To Vote?

Several things upfront that I would personally like to see changed to help create an easier voting process nationwide. Again, this is just my opinion of what I think could make voting faster and easier here:

1. Be able to vote for federal government elections anywhere in the state that you live in. If you want to vote for local elections then you would need to report your home precinct to do that but otherwise you could vote for a national position anywhere that you would like in your state. To avoid having people vote more than once your name would be checked off on a registry at the polling location when you receive your ballot.
2. Two separate and easy to read ballots. One for federal elections such as president, senate, and house, and then a different ballot for local elections. These elections would not coincide with each other and would be staggered by a year or two. This would make the time spent in a voting booth much shorter.
3.. Make it super easy to drop off a ballot or to vote. Meaning create many more voting stations that you could walk to from your home or stop at when leaving the grocery store and even near major places of employment so that people can walk over and vote on their lunch breaks. It could be a mixture of actual places to obtain a ballot and then vote right then and there or a locked drop off box that is overseen by an elections official, but many more of these in many more public areas.
4. Extend early voting out even longer, at least one full month across the country for every state.
5. Eliminate mail in voting (except for overseas absentee). With the mass expansion of voting locations, the ability to vote anywhere in your state, and the expansion of the early voting period to at least a full month a mail in ballot would no longer be needed in my opinion.
Didn’t trump declare the southern border a national emergency? Didn’t he ask Ukraine to make shit up about biden? Didn’t he lie to us about the pandemic because he didn’t want to hurt his numbers? He cost thousands of American lives

With the exception of the border, the rest are lies.
He didn't ask Ukraine to open up a bogus investigation against his political rival? You're brainwashed.
The problem is that we have too many voters who use the criteria to vote representatives into office that they used when they voted for their favorite American Idol contestant. Who could be voting against Trump based on his record? Who could be voting for Biden for his, especially now that scandalous emails from his son came up?
No one. In fact, their records rarely come up even during the debates. Almost the entire campaign for Biden with the DNC has been a personal attack against Trump! I remember years ago working with a very liberal person and one night our having a (friendly) argument about whether integrity mattered in a president. I think we were talking about Clinton. Her position was that Bill's integrity DID NOT matter so long as he did his job and did it well, what difference his personal life! Now last night, what did the media want to know about? Integrity. False integrity. Donald, will you disavow white supremacism? Donald, where are your tax returns? Donald, did you really pay $750? Very little about his actual policies much less accomplishments.

Biden ads make a point of dwelling on suggestive imagery that Trump is highly driven in his Covid policy based on EGO, ATTENTION, and stock markets for the rich. Rally's are for attention. They very much play how Trump is a callous, insensitive brute while making out Biden as a caring, loving, forgiving, inclusive man. Nothing could be farther from the truth, in fact, quite the opposite.

So now we're going to have millions of voters getting ballots sent to their homes, without having to lift a finger, voting on a US President based on how nice of a guy they are instead of having the understanding that Trump did three times as much as President in four years than Joe did as Senator/ VP in 47 years.
Quite so. I've seen some libs argue they should be able to vote on line! What the unsolicited mail in voting does is put a ballot in every person's hands whether they follow or have any interest at all, so that many people with no desire or intention to vote will now vote. Many will say that since all they have to do is check a box and stick it back in the mail, they might as well, which means that you will have many low information people who normally don't vote, voting for the hell of it, because it is right under their nose.

The Democrat strategists know that plays into their hand. Through TV, newspapers and other media, they constantly paint Trump as a rogue and a failure, meanwhile making Biden out as the iconic family man hero. Low information people go by superficial impressions, will naturally know nothing of Trump's accomplishments because these media suppress it, and will likely go by nothing more than the caricatures that THEY and the media paint. This leaves the vote nothing more than in the hands of who spends the most money to character-assassinate the other with lies.

Voting for leaders should not be based on a personality contest.
Quite the opposite. History shows that most great leaders who were true change-agents of history in difficult and pivotal times were not cardboard cutouts of handsome men with warm personalities, they were anything but that. They were bold, fearless, daring, high-risk, cunning and ambitious. Kill or be killed. Survivors. Fighters. Winners. Not the sort of person that could be played up as a commodity on color TV. In fact, through most of history, there WAS no color TV, no media like today, so all folks really HAD to go by WAS their real accomplishments!!!

That's why my idea (and yours) about taking a very simple test should apply. Yes, it would require a constitutional amendment, however while no chance at passing, such a vote would expose which party is fearful of having intelligent or politically ignorant voters. You, I and many others both know which party that would be.
Well, obviously, it is the party of the smart, educated Democrats who would oppose it because they know so many of their base are not so smart or educated, otherwise, their media fakery wouldn't buy them as voters in the first place!

The RIGHT TO VOTE means that the government shall make available to every person the ability to cast their vote. It says nothing about it being easy, simple or for the uninformed. An uninformed vote pollutes the balloting as noise because it is arbitrary, random, meaningless. The uninformed low-information voter casts their vote based on which name they like more, who appeals to them in looks more, impressions, sound bites; a guess, a whim. In effect, a roll of the dice and as such, in effect-- -- noise. An uninformed voter pollutes the balloting with noise and is less a measure of the will of the populous who care, are affected and notice, and more a measure of the mere effectiveness of political ADVERTISING to influence and sway shallow opinion.

I will have a lot more to say about this later in a thread of mine called A Tale of Two Debates, when I have time to write it.
Republicans still think this Hunter Biden story has legs. LOL. I heard fox news' spin on this story. Basically, who cares if the story isn't true. It's not fair that twitter took trump's lies down.

Trump can't spread his misinformation. Waaah. You birthers crack me up. You want free speech to mean free to spread your lies unchecked.
Quid Pro Joe sold the office of VP so he and his crackhead son could take millions from the Chicoms and Russia.

You have no problem with that, Sillyboob.

Not if you don't have a problem with the 1000 shady things Trump has done while in office. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. Biden could murder someone on 5th ave and not lose one supporter.

Plus it doesn't matter we all already voted. Too late to change our votes.
List those "shady things", Sillyboob.

Google them and stop telling others to cater to your idiocy and laziness.
He made a claim, Asswipe. It's on him to back it up. STFU and butt out.
A no. The fact you even have to ask. He has broken several laws if you look them up you’ll see them. Small stuff and the senate won’t do anything about it so he goes unchecked. Then there are all the rules he breaks. Not laws, rules.

There are just too many to list. Go back to his inappropriate conversation with comey where he asked if he was loyal.

Trump is shady. Look up the word in the dictionary there’s a picture of trump.

"Too many to list"?

Explains why you can't bring a single one, Sillyboob. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
I thought I did. He asked comey if he was loyal. That’s shady even paul Ryan house leader admitted it. His excuse was trump was new and didn’t know better.

This is just one of hundreds of shady things trump has done.

How about the emoluments clause?

Too many of these shady things to remember even a percentage of them. It was daily. So many we are numb to it. He’s got to go
So, even though there are “too many to list”, the best you can come up with is “He asked Comey if he was loyal”????????

I think you are done here, Hack.
I told you. A million little shady things he's done

There's an entire wiki pages dedicated to it all

Don't waste my time. I know nothing will get you to vote Biden so bugger off. LOL
He didn't ask Ukraine to open up a bogus investigation against his political rival? You're brainwashed.

No, he didn't ask for an investigation, he asked Zelensky to look into it as a favor. Secondly, Biden was a candidate for the Democrat nomination, not a political rival. He did not become a political rival until Biden won the nomination several months later.
He didn't ask Ukraine to open up a bogus investigation against his political rival? You're brainwashed.

No, he didn't ask for an investigation, he asked Zelensky to look into it as a favor. Secondly, Biden was a candidate for the Democrat nomination, not a political rival. He did not become a political rival until Biden won the nomination several months later.
Oh please. I'm not going to get into the 1000s of shady things Trump has done and how you can make excuses for just about anything. Give it up. Vote next month. That's it.
The problem is that we have too many voters who use the criteria to vote representatives into office that they used when they voted for their favorite American Idol contestant. Who could be voting against Trump based on his record? Who could be voting for Biden for his, especially now that scandalous emails from his son came up?
No one. In fact, their records rarely come up even during the debates. Almost the entire campaign for Biden with the DNC has been a personal attack against Trump! I remember years ago working with a very liberal person and one night our having a (friendly) argument about whether integrity mattered in a president. I think we were talking about Clinton. Her position was that Bill's integrity DID NOT matter so long as he did his job and did it well, what difference his personal life! Now last night, what did the media want to know about? Integrity. False integrity. Donald, will you disavow white supremacism? Donald, where are your tax returns? Donald, did you really pay $750? Very little about his actual policies much less accomplishments.

Biden ads make a point of dwelling on suggestive imagery that Trump is highly driven in his Covid policy based on EGO, ATTENTION, and stock markets for the rich. Rally's are for attention. They very much play how Trump is a callous, insensitive brute while making out Biden as a caring, loving, forgiving, inclusive man. Nothing could be farther from the truth, in fact, quite the opposite.

So now we're going to have millions of voters getting ballots sent to their homes, without having to lift a finger, voting on a US President based on how nice of a guy they are instead of having the understanding that Trump did three times as much as President in four years than Joe did as Senator/ VP in 47 years.
Quite so. I've seen some libs argue they should be able to vote on line! What the unsolicited mail in voting does is put a ballot in every person's hands whether they follow or have any interest at all, so that many people with no desire or intention to vote will now vote. Many will say that since all they have to do is check a box and stick it back in the mail, they might as well, which means that you will have many low information people who normally don't vote, voting for the hell of it, because it is right under their nose.

The Democrat strategists know that plays into their hand. Through TV, newspapers and other media, they constantly paint Trump as a rogue and a failure, meanwhile making Biden out as the iconic family man hero. Low information people go by superficial impressions, will naturally know nothing of Trump's accomplishments because these media suppress it, and will likely go by nothing more than the caricatures that THEY and the media paint. This leaves the vote nothing more than in the hands of who spends the most money to character-assassinate the other with lies.

Voting for leaders should not be based on a personality contest.
Quite the opposite. History shows that most great leaders who were true change-agents of history in difficult and pivotal times were not cardboard cutouts of handsome men with warm personalities, they were anything but that. They were bold, fearless, daring, high-risk, cunning and ambitious. Kill or be killed. Survivors. Fighters. Winners. Not the sort of person that could be played up as a commodity on color TV. In fact, through most of history, there WAS no color TV, no media like today, so all folks really HAD to go by WAS their real accomplishments!!!

That's why my idea (and yours) about taking a very simple test should apply. Yes, it would require a constitutional amendment, however while no chance at passing, such a vote would expose which party is fearful of having intelligent or politically ignorant voters. You, I and many others both know which party that would be.
Well, obviously, it is the party of the smart, educated Democrats who would oppose it because they know so many of their base are not so smart or educated, otherwise, their media fakery wouldn't buy them as voters in the first place!

The RIGHT TO VOTE means that the government shall make available to every person the ability to cast their vote. It says nothing about it being easy, simple or for the uninformed. An uninformed vote pollutes the balloting as noise because it is arbitrary, random, meaningless. The uninformed low-information voter casts their vote based on which name they like more, who appeals to them in looks more, impressions, sound bites; a guess, a whim. In effect, a roll of the dice and as such, in effect-- -- noise. An uninformed voter pollutes the balloting with noise and is less a measure of the will of the populous who care, are affected and notice, and more a measure of the mere effectiveness of political ADVERTISING to influence and sway shallow opinion.

I will have a lot more to say about this later in a thread of mine called A Tale of Two Debates, when I have time to write it.
Republicans still think this Hunter Biden story has legs. LOL. I heard fox news' spin on this story. Basically, who cares if the story isn't true. It's not fair that twitter took trump's lies down.

Trump can't spread his misinformation. Waaah. You birthers crack me up. You want free speech to mean free to spread your lies unchecked.
Quid Pro Joe sold the office of VP so he and his crackhead son could take millions from the Chicoms and Russia.

You have no problem with that, Sillyboob.

Not if you don't have a problem with the 1000 shady things Trump has done while in office. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. Biden could murder someone on 5th ave and not lose one supporter.

Plus it doesn't matter we all already voted. Too late to change our votes.
List those "shady things", Sillyboob.

Google them and stop telling others to cater to your idiocy and laziness.
He made a claim, Asswipe. It's on him to back it up. STFU and butt out.
A no. The fact you even have to ask. He has broken several laws if you look them up you’ll see them. Small stuff and the senate won’t do anything about it so he goes unchecked. Then there are all the rules he breaks. Not laws, rules.

There are just too many to list. Go back to his inappropriate conversation with comey where he asked if he was loyal.

Trump is shady. Look up the word in the dictionary there’s a picture of trump.

"Too many to list"?

Explains why you can't bring a single one, Sillyboob. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
I thought I did. He asked comey if he was loyal. That’s shady even paul Ryan house leader admitted it. His excuse was trump was new and didn’t know better.

This is just one of hundreds of shady things trump has done.

How about the emoluments clause?

Too many of these shady things to remember even a percentage of them. It was daily. So many we are numb to it. He’s got to go
So, even though there are “too many to list”, the best you can come up with is “He asked Comey if he was loyal”????????

I think you are done here, Hack.
It would consume my entire day going back and remembering all the shady shit.

This should be enough. Only reason he got away with it is the Republicans in the Senate fear him.

he had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election to help his re-election bid, and then obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony. The inquiry reported that Trump withheld military aid[a] and an invitation to the White House to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky in order to influence Ukraine to announce an investigation into Trump's political opponent Joe Biden and to promote a discredited conspiracy theory that Ukraine, not Russia, was behind interference in the 2016 presidential election.

The inquiry stage of Trump's impeachment lasted from September to November 2019 in the wake of an August whistleblower complaint alleging Trump's abuse of power.

Remember the whistleblower?
He didn't ask Ukraine to open up a bogus investigation against his political rival? You're brainwashed.

No, he didn't ask for an investigation, he asked Zelensky to look into it as a favor. Secondly, Biden was a candidate for the Democrat nomination, not a political rival. He did not become a political rival until Biden won the nomination several months later.
Blah Blah blah. Bullshit. Fake news. Liar. It was a perfect call. NOT
Blah Blah blah. Bullshit. Fake news. Liar. It was a perfect call. NOT

Fake news? Would you like me to post the transcript of the call? Trump's exact words: look into it, favor.
I already saw it. He was clearly trying to strongarm the Ukraine president. It's so obvious except with Trump supporters. That's why you're going to be surprised when you lose bad. Moderates and independents see reality even if they were duped into voting for Trump in 2016. I get it why they did it in 2016 but not now.

My brother is one of them. Makes over $500K a year and willing to sacrifice his tax breaks because Trump has to go. He's a trouble maker not a uniter.
Blah Blah blah. Bullshit. Fake news. Liar. It was a perfect call. NOT

Fake news? Would you like me to post the transcript of the call? Trump's exact words: look into it, favor.
Thanks for bringing up another shady thing Trump did. Add this to the list

G.A.O. Report Says Trump Administration Broke Law in Withholding Ukraine Aid
As the Senate prepared for the impeachment trial, the Government Accountability Office said the White House violated a law that limits a president’s power to withhold money allocated by Congress.
The problem is that we have too many voters who use the criteria to vote representatives into office that they used when they voted for their favorite American Idol contestant. Who could be voting against Trump based on his record? Who could be voting for Biden for his, especially now that scandalous emails from his son came up?
No one. In fact, their records rarely come up even during the debates. Almost the entire campaign for Biden with the DNC has been a personal attack against Trump! I remember years ago working with a very liberal person and one night our having a (friendly) argument about whether integrity mattered in a president. I think we were talking about Clinton. Her position was that Bill's integrity DID NOT matter so long as he did his job and did it well, what difference his personal life! Now last night, what did the media want to know about? Integrity. False integrity. Donald, will you disavow white supremacism? Donald, where are your tax returns? Donald, did you really pay $750? Very little about his actual policies much less accomplishments.

Biden ads make a point of dwelling on suggestive imagery that Trump is highly driven in his Covid policy based on EGO, ATTENTION, and stock markets for the rich. Rally's are for attention. They very much play how Trump is a callous, insensitive brute while making out Biden as a caring, loving, forgiving, inclusive man. Nothing could be farther from the truth, in fact, quite the opposite.

So now we're going to have millions of voters getting ballots sent to their homes, without having to lift a finger, voting on a US President based on how nice of a guy they are instead of having the understanding that Trump did three times as much as President in four years than Joe did as Senator/ VP in 47 years.
Quite so. I've seen some libs argue they should be able to vote on line! What the unsolicited mail in voting does is put a ballot in every person's hands whether they follow or have any interest at all, so that many people with no desire or intention to vote will now vote. Many will say that since all they have to do is check a box and stick it back in the mail, they might as well, which means that you will have many low information people who normally don't vote, voting for the hell of it, because it is right under their nose.

The Democrat strategists know that plays into their hand. Through TV, newspapers and other media, they constantly paint Trump as a rogue and a failure, meanwhile making Biden out as the iconic family man hero. Low information people go by superficial impressions, will naturally know nothing of Trump's accomplishments because these media suppress it, and will likely go by nothing more than the caricatures that THEY and the media paint. This leaves the vote nothing more than in the hands of who spends the most money to character-assassinate the other with lies.

Voting for leaders should not be based on a personality contest.
Quite the opposite. History shows that most great leaders who were true change-agents of history in difficult and pivotal times were not cardboard cutouts of handsome men with warm personalities, they were anything but that. They were bold, fearless, daring, high-risk, cunning and ambitious. Kill or be killed. Survivors. Fighters. Winners. Not the sort of person that could be played up as a commodity on color TV. In fact, through most of history, there WAS no color TV, no media like today, so all folks really HAD to go by WAS their real accomplishments!!!

That's why my idea (and yours) about taking a very simple test should apply. Yes, it would require a constitutional amendment, however while no chance at passing, such a vote would expose which party is fearful of having intelligent or politically ignorant voters. You, I and many others both know which party that would be.
Well, obviously, it is the party of the smart, educated Democrats who would oppose it because they know so many of their base are not so smart or educated, otherwise, their media fakery wouldn't buy them as voters in the first place!

The RIGHT TO VOTE means that the government shall make available to every person the ability to cast their vote. It says nothing about it being easy, simple or for the uninformed. An uninformed vote pollutes the balloting as noise because it is arbitrary, random, meaningless. The uninformed low-information voter casts their vote based on which name they like more, who appeals to them in looks more, impressions, sound bites; a guess, a whim. In effect, a roll of the dice and as such, in effect-- -- noise. An uninformed voter pollutes the balloting with noise and is less a measure of the will of the populous who care, are affected and notice, and more a measure of the mere effectiveness of political ADVERTISING to influence and sway shallow opinion.

I will have a lot more to say about this later in a thread of mine called A Tale of Two Debates, when I have time to write it.
Republicans still think this Hunter Biden story has legs. LOL. I heard fox news' spin on this story. Basically, who cares if the story isn't true. It's not fair that twitter took trump's lies down.

Trump can't spread his misinformation. Waaah. You birthers crack me up. You want free speech to mean free to spread your lies unchecked.
Quid Pro Joe sold the office of VP so he and his crackhead son could take millions from the Chicoms and Russia.

You have no problem with that, Sillyboob.

Not if you don't have a problem with the 1000 shady things Trump has done while in office. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. Biden could murder someone on 5th ave and not lose one supporter.

Plus it doesn't matter we all already voted. Too late to change our votes.
List those "shady things", Sillyboob.

Google them and stop telling others to cater to your idiocy and laziness.
He made a claim, Asswipe. It's on him to back it up. STFU and butt out.
A no. The fact you even have to ask. He has broken several laws if you look them up you’ll see them. Small stuff and the senate won’t do anything about it so he goes unchecked. Then there are all the rules he breaks. Not laws, rules.

There are just too many to list. Go back to his inappropriate conversation with comey where he asked if he was loyal.

Trump is shady. Look up the word in the dictionary there’s a picture of trump.

"Too many to list"?

Explains why you can't bring a single one, Sillyboob. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
I thought I did. He asked comey if he was loyal. That’s shady even paul Ryan house leader admitted it. His excuse was trump was new and didn’t know better.

This is just one of hundreds of shady things trump has done.

How about the emoluments clause?

Too many of these shady things to remember even a percentage of them. It was daily. So many we are numb to it. He’s got to go
So, even though there are “too many to list”, the best you can come up with is “He asked Comey if he was loyal”????????

I think you are done here, Hack.
Here's another one

G.A.O. Report Says Trump Administration Broke Law in Withholding Ukraine Aid
As the Senate prepared for the impeachment trial, the Government Accountability Office said the White House violated a law that limits a president’s power to withhold money allocated by Congress.

I could dig this stuff up all day but I work.

All you had on Obama/Hillary was 3 things. Fast and furious, Benghazi and emails.

Oh, that reminds me of another one

After going after Hillary for her emails, Trump is such a hypocrite.

Remember this one?

Conway broke law by promoting Ivanka's clothing line

The shadiest administration ever. Corrupt. Criminal. Bush stole and election and lied us into a war so maybe Trump is number 2 on the list. Yes I still think Trump's better than Bush was.
Blah Blah blah. Bullshit. Fake news. Liar. It was a perfect call. NOT

Fake news? Would you like me to post the transcript of the call? Trump's exact words: look into it, favor.

It is illegal for the President of the United States to ask leaders of other countries for personal "favours" to help his election chances. PERIOD!!
He didn't ask Ukraine to open up a bogus investigation against his political rival? You're brainwashed.

No, he didn't ask for an investigation, he asked Zelensky to look into it as a favor. Secondly, Biden was a candidate for the Democrat nomination, not a political rival. He did not become a political rival until Biden won the nomination several months later.
Someday – be it in January 2021 or in January 2025 – Donald Trump will no longer be president. And journalists will want the American public to take them seriously. Those days are gone, and journalism by way of the mainstream media is dead. It was a lengthy suicide by their own hand, accelerated as they first kissed Barack Obama’s ass to cover for his scandals, then flipped on a dime to scour the earth for the sins of Donald Trump, and are now circling the wagons yet again around their current precious, Joe Biden.

The pretense of objective fact-gathering and presenting is gone. And when the day comes that Trump is no longer in office, and journalists everywhere are confused as to why no one listens to them any more, do me a favor. Point and laugh at them. Mock them and tease them for thinking that they are better and smarter than the people they cover. They are not. They deserve nothing but scorn and mockery for the kind of “yellow journalism” that would have made Hearst and Pulitzer blush.

Blah Blah blah. Bullshit. Fake news. Liar. It was a perfect call. NOT

Fake news? Would you like me to post the transcript of the call? Trump's exact words: look into it, favor.
Thanks for bringing up another shady thing Trump did. Add this to the list

G.A.O. Report Says Trump Administration Broke Law in Withholding Ukraine Aid
As the Senate prepared for the impeachment trial, the Government Accountability Office said the White House violated a law that limits a president’s power to withhold money allocated by Congress.

They are FOS.

If the president is asking to permanently rescind money, Congress must give its approval. But if Congress does not pass a bill approving the retraction within 45 days, the money must be made available for spending, according to the law.

If the president is only asking to temporarily delay spending, then congressional approval is not required. But the president still has to send Congress a "special message" to let it know. There are other requirements, too.

For example, the act says a request to delay spending is "permissible" only if the hold provides for unforeseen contingencies, saves money or is specifically provided by law. Spending cannot be stalled through the end of the fiscal year, either.

Mark Sandy, a career official in the White House Office of Management and Budget, testified that the Trump administration never sent Congress a proposal to rescind or delay the money earmarked for Ukraine. Pentagon official Laura Cooper said the same.

Instead, the OMB implemented the hold on aid to Ukraine through footnotes in a series of funding documents, known as apportionments, sent to the Defense Department. The footnote in the first document, sent July 25, said the Pentagon couldn’t spend the money until Aug. 5.

Pfiffner, the George Mason University professor, told us that while there "seems to have been a post hoc rationalization for delaying the Ukraine funds,"
it would be up to a court to decide whether the near-expiration of that $35 million would constitute a violation. The hold was lifted on Sept. 11, with some time left in the year to distribute the frozen funds.

"It might be argued that the law would not actually be broken until Oct. 1, the beginning of the (2020) fiscal year," he said. "But the DOD and OMB career people know what time is necessary to actually transfer the funds, and had legitimate concerns about violating the law."

It is illegal for the President of the United States to ask leaders of other countries for personal "favours" to help his election chances. PERIOD!!

How would it have helped his election chances when he didn't even know who he was running against? It's not like Joe was as pure as the wind driven snow. His son's position at Burisma getting a no-show 83K a month job is plenty suspicious, given his past personal and professional problems, and that Ears put Joe in charge of Ukraine. Of course the President had every right to have a country leader look into the potential corruption of one of our former officials.

Now that we have the emails and images from Hunters computer, it seems that hiring Hunter for access to his father is pretty obvious. Not only that, but two of Hunters former coworkers concurred those emails were genuine. One of them is in prison. Now Ukraine stated it confiscated another computer that verifies the data on Hunter's computer too. It's not looking good for Joe, and it confirms Trump's suspicions all along.
He didn't ask Ukraine to open up a bogus investigation against his political rival? You're brainwashed.

No, he didn't ask for an investigation, he asked Zelensky to look into it as a favor. Secondly, Biden was a candidate for the Democrat nomination, not a political rival. He did not become a political rival until Biden won the nomination several months later.
Someday – be it in January 2021 or in January 2025 – Donald Trump will no longer be president. And journalists will want the American public to take them seriously. Those days are gone, and journalism by way of the mainstream media is dead. It was a lengthy suicide by their own hand, accelerated as they first kissed Barack Obama’s ass to cover for his scandals, then flipped on a dime to scour the earth for the sins of Donald Trump, and are now circling the wagons yet again around their current precious, Joe Biden.

The pretense of objective fact-gathering and presenting is gone. And when the day comes that Trump is no longer in office, and journalists everywhere are confused as to why no one listens to them any more, do me a favor. Point and laugh at them. Mock them and tease them for thinking that they are better and smarter than the people they cover. They are not. They deserve nothing but scorn and mockery for the kind of “yellow journalism” that would have made Hearst and Pulitzer blush.

What a pile of steaming alt right bullshit. It is not the MSM which will face a reconning in the wake of the Trump Presidency. It will be the lying right wing billionaire media. I can see FOX News losing their broadcast license, simply based on their failed fact check records, and proveable lies.

Rupert Murdoch's complicity in the spreading of Russian propaganda, especially his work in promoting the proveable lie of Hunter Biden's computer is absolutely shameless and absolutely irresponsible. FOX News viewer are fed a steady diet of lies, misrepresentations to promote Republican candidates who vote for tax breaks for billionaires, and demonize Democrats. Those who promote lies and conspiracy theories should not have the means to mass market this crap.

The American people are fed up and angry with Republicans, and it's because of 40 years of lies, misinformation and failed poicies. You seem to think that the American people don't know who pushed these lies on them, and that the MSM has steadfastly opposed such crap.

Everyone is allowed their own opinions, but not there own set of "facts".
I already saw it. He was clearly trying to strongarm the Ukraine president. It's so obvious except with Trump supporters. That's why you're going to be surprised when you lose bad. Moderates and independents see reality even if they were duped into voting for Trump in 2016. I get it why they did it in 2016 but not now.

He never threatened Zelensky once. Do you know what the definition of a favor is? It's asking for somebody to do something for you with no expectation of reward. That's exactly what Trump did. As I said, it's all in the transcript.
Blah Blah blah. Bullshit. Fake news. Liar. It was a perfect call. NOT

Fake news? Would you like me to post the transcript of the call? Trump's exact words: look into it, favor.

It is illegal for the President of the United States to ask leaders of other countries for personal "favours" to help his election chances. PERIOD!!
He knows that. But he'll say it wasn't that. It was corruption. Trump was concerned about corruption. But we know that's just another lie. It's obvious to all but Trump supporters.

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