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Is it time for a woman President?

What a brilliant response! Can you name some people who have accused "those who don't like him of not liking him just because he is black"? Let's personalize this. Have I done that?

One of the problems with idiot nutters is that they are transparent. You witnessed someone CORRECTLY ACCUSING some loser of doing this or.....more likely....were exposed to an OP Ed or a pundit describing someone doing it. And.......WHAM......suddenly all liberals do it. It is a ridiculous meme that you dummies have been running with for six years now.

There is no doubt that one of the components....for a considerable number of "conservatives"......of dislike for this president is his skin color. But the primary motivator for most who harbor such dislike is the man's politics.

Now.....quit being a retard.

You're kidding right? Anytime someone posts something negative about Obama it is guaranteed that someone will pop up with the, "or maybe it's because you can't handle that he's black" b.s.

No, it is not all democrats or lefties. Yes, there are people who routinely do it.
Mathbud1 is correct generally in that one side's hero is vociferously defended by his supporters against any and all attacks.

However, an anecdote or one incident that is extrapolated to somehow indict all behavior is a fallacy of hasty generalization and not acceptable.
What a brilliant response! Can you name some people who have accused "those who don't like him of not liking him just because he is black"? Let's personalize this. Have I done that?

One of the problems with idiot nutters is that they are transparent. You witnessed someone CORRECTLY ACCUSING some loser of doing this or.....more likely....were exposed to an OP Ed or a pundit describing someone doing it. And.......WHAM......suddenly all liberals do it. It is a ridiculous meme that you dummies have been running with for six years now.

There is no doubt that one of the components....for a considerable number of "conservatives"......of dislike for this president is his skin color. But the primary motivator for most who harbor such dislike is the man's politics.

Now.....quit being a retard.

You're kidding right? Anytime someone posts something negative about Obama it is guaranteed that someone will pop up with the, "or maybe it's because you can't handle that he's black" b.s.

No, it is not all democrats or lefties. Yes, there are people who routinely do it.
Some time back I posted about 4-5 vids of prominent Democrats saying exactly that. Everyone from Jimmy Carter to Sheila Jackson Lee.
I'm 52, and obviously a lot clearer than you are.

Old enough to realize the "Free Market", Capitalism will provide shit is exactly that, shit.
I'm older than you, son...and your marxist doubletalk doesn't fly.

Again, why do you guys treat Marxism and Corporatism like they are the only choices on the menu?

You use marxist doubletalk to "support" your statist "government knows best" position. No one is buying it...

Maybe because you can only get people to eat a steaming pile of shit if you compare it to another steaming pile of shit?

Always classy and eloquent......:rolleyes:

I do my best.

Here's the problem. Marxism and Corporatism both work really good for the guys in charge, and not so great for the rest of us.

But your argument is that 'Hey, we have to totally eat the shit from big corporaitons because because the bad old Marxists would be worse."

Okay. You win. Marxism is a bad idea.

How about we just go back to what we had in the 1950's, where you had a strong, unionized middle class bringing home good wages and strong protections for our markets?

Sure, as long as we also bring back the same level of government spending.
"With many people now acting as if it is time for "a woman" to become president,"

Again, who are these many people? They don't exist, correct? His rant is just one big strawman.

Yeah, he's a genius alright. If you're a con and easily led.

It's pretty clear that a woman could not screw up any worse than her opposite sex predacessors in some cases.

Voting for a person because of their gender or their race or voting against someone because of gender or race is silly. Glad I didn't waste my time reading the Orwell piece.

Vote for who shares your values because fiscally, neither side is engaged enough to do what is necessary or politically powerful enough to make it happen regardless of their best intentions.
Wow. A well thought out post well put.
What have you done Candy?

I agree, it was a good post.
I'm 52, and obviously a lot clearer than you are.

Old enough to realize the "Free Market", Capitalism will provide shit is exactly that, shit.
Im exactly your age (Feb 1962) and I know that the free market will do a far far better job of providing things to people than the government ever can.
Then again I got off my ass and did something.

I've probably done more than you have.

But I realize that "I didn't build that". That everything that's gone well for me is because we've had a progressive government that looks out for it citizens.

It certainly wasn't the market looking out for me. Pretty much, I haven't worked for a single employer who hasn't tried to pull some kind of shit. The capper for me was the guys who fired me after I got injured because I ran up too many medical bills on insurance i paid for.

I'm not for abolishing capitalism, just keeping it on a very short leash with a newspaper rolled up to swat it on the snout when it pisses on the rug.
As with every story, there's likely a lot more to it. I've been dealing with you here for over 3 years and with the level of credibility you've established here, I expect you were fired because the effects of your off the job injury made it impossible for you to do your job.
My first impression is that you set yourself on fire while free basing.
[.]Do you even know why people feel "entitled" to things they have paid for all their working lives?

I seriously doubt that you can even grasp the concept.

They aren't paying for it. Someone else is paying for it.

the delusion a lot of you guys have is that you are more entitled to benefits than other people are.

The problem being when the government stopped calling these things 'Welfare" and started calling them "Entitlements".

But even Rush Limbaugh calls Social Security Welfare.

He says the same thing about Unemployment, but he doesn't like to talk about that time in his 20's when he was an unemployed record spinner and collected unemployment after he got fired from his gig after he got caught soliciting a male prostitute.
They paid for those that came before them. I paid into Social Security for 49 years. With matching contributions from my employers, I paid in about a half million. I expect some return on that investment. I am entitled to it.

You are not entitled to an obamaphone.
What if we were to ask....Is it time for a Republican President?

And voted accordingly
After the current fiasco? If people were honest to themselves, we would have a slaughter akin to Nixon/McGovern.

If people voted their own interests, you'd have the 20% who own 87% of the wealth voting Republican, and the 80% who fight over the remaining 13% off the wealth voting Democratic.

Thankfully for the GOP, they're able to distract stupid people by talking about guns, abortions, gays and oh, yeah, "Freedom".
You're dismissed.
Personally, I think It's time for a half black, mentally retarded, gay president. Oh wait, we have that now.....

How about a gay dwarf amputee President? If it was a Moslem that'd be so inclusive....I hear this bitch is available....

You gotta love Thomas Sowell. I agree 100%

With many people now acting as if it is time for "a woman" to become president, apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from the disastrous results of the irresponsible self-indulgence of choosing a President of the United States on the basis of demographic characteristics, instead of individual qualifications.

It would not matter to me if the next five presidents in a row were all women, if these happened to be the best individuals available at the time. But to say that we should now elect "a woman" president in 2016 is to say that we are willfully blind to the dangers of putting life and death decisions in the hands of someone chosen for symbolic reasons.

Since women will apparently accept about any job offered to them for 70% of what a man will accept the same job for, I'd say go for it.
You gotta love Thomas Sowell. I agree 100%

With many people now acting as if it is time for "a woman" to become president, apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from the disastrous results of the irresponsible self-indulgence of choosing a President of the United States on the basis of demographic characteristics, instead of individual qualifications.

It would not matter to me if the next five presidents in a row were all women, if these happened to be the best individuals available at the time. But to say that we should now elect "a woman" president in 2016 is to say that we are willfully blind to the dangers of putting life and death decisions in the hands of someone chosen for symbolic reasons.

Since women will apparently accept about any job offered to them for 70% of what a man will accept the same job for, I'd say go for it.

Straw man...next
You gotta love Thomas Sowell. I agree 100%

With many people now acting as if it is time for "a woman" to become president, apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from the disastrous results of the irresponsible self-indulgence of choosing a President of the United States on the basis of demographic characteristics, instead of individual qualifications.

It would not matter to me if the next five presidents in a row were all women, if these happened to be the best individuals available at the time. But to say that we should now elect "a woman" president in 2016 is to say that we are willfully blind to the dangers of putting life and death decisions in the hands of someone chosen for symbolic reasons.

Well, the Left's first Black president has proven to be a total failure so I guess they will probably never push the election of another Black to that office. Perhaps the Left will now try their luck with a female.
As long as the meme is, "It's time to elect a woman", and not "We'd better elect the best leader", it doesn't matter who's put forward and we don't need a campaign season or election. A computer program could pick the winner by weighting various characteristics.

Professed gender?
Skin color?
Sexual orientation?

All of these would be worth a certain number of points, and it would literally take a few miliseconds to pick the winner.

Now, there IS one characteristic that throws that whole calculation completely out of whack. If a poor, gay female candidate was a conservative, a rich white liberal man would beat her in the minds of the usual suspects, and they would be cavorting about, gleefully smearing the character of the woman. We know this to be true based on their behavior when Bubba, the most powerful man in the office, used Monica, the least powerful woman in the office, for his selfish sexual pleasure. That used to be frowned upon, until a democrat did it. Then the "nuts and sluts" defense became acceptable.

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