Is it time for Universal Healthcare....and can it be done?

20+ trillion in debt. 150+ trillion unfunded liabilities.

I think it's time to stop demanding free shit.

Add $32.6 trillion to that if we want universal healthcare. Bernie Sanders and a bunch of Democrats want to push through a "Medicare for all" plan.

Except they forgot to do a cost-analysis and don't have a clue where the money would come from...

Bernie Sanders' 'Medicare for all' bill estimated to cost $32.6T, new study says

... And that's just the first 10 years.
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.

That's only one country and the U.S. played a large part in why they collapsed. Almost their entire government is financed off of oil... which is a horrible thing to do. You have to be more diversified. Because their whole economy relies so much on oil, when a large country like the U.S. ramps up oil production and drives the price of oil down, it absolutely devastates a country like Venezuela to the point they can't recover. I'm sure it was done on purpose after what the ex-president of Venezuela said about the U.S. He was one of the leaders that repeated that the U.S. has a HAARP weather making machine that can destroy countries and that they tested it in Haiti making the earthquake there.

Was Hugo Chavez Right About HAARP & The HAITI Earthquake? Is Weather Even Natural Anymore?
20+ trillion in debt. 150+ trillion unfunded liabilities.

I think it's time to stop demanding free shit.

Add $32.6 trillion to that if we want universal healthcare. Bernie Sanders and a bunch of Democrats want to push through a "Medicare for all" plan.

Except they forgot to do a cost-analysis and don't have a clue where the money would come from...

Bernie Sanders' 'Medicare for all' bill estimated to cost $32.6T, new study says

... And that's just the first 10 years.

"If you like your national debt, you can keep your national debt..."

With a Constitutional amendment, i would be ok with this.
However, the fed govs corruption and incompetency might have some effect on the actual outcome of money and service. Frankly, that scares the shit out of me.
These guys are fucking idiots.
Why would i want lawyers and elitists legislating and regulating 20% of our economy? Especially considering all they know about healthcare is i pay for most of theirs..

A very-very valid point.
Both houses of our legislative branch are thoroughly corrupt and no longer have the willingness to lead. Primarily, because voters are so divided and vote them in again and again no matter how bad they are.
Like you, my greatest concern is leaving it up to the corrupt and inept to govern the system.
Having said that, the alternative is little better. Like I said, insurers are ever raining our premiums while covering less.
First off, for those that know me...I am a conservative.
I do ask the question in sincerity.
Last year with health premiums, and healthcare bills, my wife and I spent $7,040 for the two of us.
Then add in the employers portion of premium and that totals up to roughly $11,000.
Even with that, we are well below the average cost the average American pays.
So, would I pay out say... $600 a month in taxes, and my employer in lieu of paying premiums, pay another $400 a month? Instead of paying an insurer?
Yes, yes I would.
But only if the care was equally as good.
And would it be?
How would we, as a nation, pay for the bums and lazy asses who won't work?
Should a "health tax" be income specific? So someone who makes $250,000 a year would pay a great deal more than a $50,000 a year person? Would that work?

One thing is for certain. The current system is not working well. We are paying more and more and more to insurers who are raising deductibles and increasing premiums while covering less.
What fix is there?
Before I went on Medicare 4 years ago, I was paying Aetna QPOS $2000 a MONTH for an individual policy in NY. (No dental).


This is why universal health care will be a reality at some point. Take your $2000 example. If you put into play all the GOP strategies, how much could we expect to cut those premiums down? A couple hundred bucks? So, now you face an $1800 premium. There is no plan out there that could for example cut your premium in half, and even that would still be similar to a mortgage payment. I don't know if Universal will work out better. But, unless someone comes up with a better idea, it will happen for better or worse.
Universal health care if applied now would be the anchor that drags the US economy into a never ending downward spiral. Prior to Obamacare, the health care system was basically working but too expensive. After Obamacare, the health care system is working less well (more complicated longer wait times etc) and is considerably more expensive. It is clear that the "Affordable Care Act" had nothing to do with making health care affordable and was instead a massive expansion of healthcare to the poor and elderly who incidentally are the greatest consumers of health services.

We need to address COSTS, drug costs, treatment costs, billing simplification, new more efficient health centers, as well as meaningful tort reform and penalties for frivolous malpractice law suits. Lawyers and their class action lawsuits have become fabulously wealthy suing drug and equipment manufacturers and as a result contributed to the rising costs.
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

So you’re in favor of turning your entire paycheck over to the Government each week? Good for you. I sure as Hell am not interested in doing so.
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...
Because you're too buzy paying for foreign socialist invasions by the ultimate socialist entity. The US military. Building any new bases this week ?
First off, for those that know me...I am a conservative.
I do ask the question in sincerity.
Last year with health premiums, and healthcare bills, my wife and I spent $7,040 for the two of us.
Then add in the employers portion of premium and that totals up to roughly $11,000.
Even with that, we are well below the average cost the average American pays.
So, would I pay out say... $600 a month in taxes, and my employer in lieu of paying premiums, pay another $400 a month? Instead of paying an insurer?
Yes, yes I would.
But only if the care was equally as good.
And would it be?
How would we, as a nation, pay for the bums and lazy asses who won't work?
Should a "health tax" be income specific? So someone who makes $250,000 a year would pay a great deal more than a $50,000 a year person? Would that work?

One thing is for certain. The current system is not working well. We are paying more and more and more to insurers who are raising deductibles and increasing premiums while covering less.
What fix is there?
Unfortunately, the socialist concept of universal health care adheres to the "from each, to each" concept. You say you and you wife have paid so much into the system? Obviously you are a "from-er". In reality, you are already footing the bill for many "to-ers".

I have received quotes from $1600-$1800 per month for a family plan. The best plan had a $2000 per year deductible. My wife stays at the job she has just for the insurance. Would our tax bill under the universal plan be $22,000 per year? We have an HMO plan right now, so wait times suck and we have limited choices. I sometimes wonder if it could get any worse?

And that is the point.
Premiums every single year continue to rise...despite the fact that the ACTUAL cost to treat most illnesses ARE LESS than before.
Kind of hard to explain that.
20+ trillion in debt. 150+ trillion unfunded liabilities.

I think it's time to stop demanding free shit.

Add $32.6 trillion to that if we want universal healthcare. Bernie Sanders and a bunch of Democrats want to push through a "Medicare for all" plan.

Except they forgot to do a cost-analysis and don't have a clue where the money would come from...

Bernie Sanders' 'Medicare for all' bill estimated to cost $32.6T, new study says
Add $32.6 trillion to that if we want universal healthcare.
Of course that in not true at all. This isn't a theoretical exercise. There are places where this type of system already exists.
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.

That's only one country and the U.S. played a large part in why they collapsed. Almost their entire government is financed off of oil... which is a horrible thing to do. You have to be more diversified. Because their whole economy relies so much on oil, when a large country like the U.S. ramps up oil production and drives the price of oil down, it absolutely devastates a country like Venezuela to the point they can't recover. I'm sure it was done on purpose after what the ex-president of Venezuela said about the U.S. He was one of the leaders that repeated that the U.S. has a HAARP weather making machine that can destroy countries and that they tested it in Haiti making the earthquake there.

Was Hugo Chavez Right About HAARP & The HAITI Earthquake? Is Weather Even Natural Anymore?

Here: I'll feed your paranoia...:laugh:

H.A.A.R.P weather control
Universal health care if applied now would be the anchor that drags the US economy into a never ending downward spiral. Prior to Obamacare, the health care system was basically working but too expensive. After Obamacare, the health care system is working less well (more complicated longer wait times etc) and is considerably more expensive. It is clear that the "Affordable Care Act" had nothing to do with making health care affordable and was instead a massive expansion of healthcare to the poor and elderly who incidentally are the greatest consumers of health services.

We need to address COSTS, drug costs, treatment costs, billing simplification, new more efficient health centers, as well as meaningful tort reform and penalties for frivolous malpractice law suits. Lawyers and their class action lawsuits have become fabulously wealthy suing drug and equipment manufacturers and as a result contributed to the rising costs.

Family plan quotes for my family run from $1600-$1800 per month. Best case, if all these issues were addressed, what could that monthly quote drop down to?
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.

That's only one country and the U.S. played a large part in why they collapsed. Almost their entire government is financed off of oil... which is a horrible thing to do. You have to be more diversified. Because their whole economy relies so much on oil, when a large country like the U.S. ramps up oil production and drives the price of oil down, it absolutely devastates a country like Venezuela to the point they can't recover. I'm sure it was done on purpose after what the ex-president of Venezuela said about the U.S. He was one of the leaders that repeated that the U.S. has a HAARP weather making machine that can destroy countries and that they tested it in Haiti making the earthquake there.

Was Hugo Chavez Right About HAARP & The HAITI Earthquake? Is Weather Even Natural Anymore?

Here: I'll feed your paranoia...:laugh:

H.A.A.R.P weather control

These idiots will use any excuse, no matter how silly, in order to defend their mistaken world view.
Universal health care if applied now would be the anchor that drags the US economy into a never ending downward spiral. Prior to Obamacare, the health care system was basically working but too expensive. After Obamacare, the health care system is working less well (more complicated longer wait times etc) and is considerably more expensive. It is clear that the "Affordable Care Act" had nothing to do with making health care affordable and was instead a massive expansion of healthcare to the poor and elderly who incidentally are the greatest consumers of health services.

We need to address COSTS, drug costs, treatment costs, billing simplification, new more efficient health centers, as well as meaningful tort reform and penalties for frivolous malpractice law suits. Lawyers and their class action lawsuits have become fabulously wealthy suing drug and equipment manufacturers and as a result contributed to the rising costs. pay too much attention to the drum beaters.
The average American pays over $9,000+ a year in costs. Add in employer contributions...and you are over $12,000.
We are already paying $trillions.
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.
You can't move there stupid and I am not talking about a broke third world country d u h ...

Well you certainly can't if you don't try. And as far as a broke third world country....WTF do you feel socialism does? Develop rich countries? dumbass.
20+ trillion in debt. 150+ trillion unfunded liabilities.

I think it's time to stop demanding free shit.

Add $32.6 trillion to that if we want universal healthcare. Bernie Sanders and a bunch of Democrats want to push through a "Medicare for all" plan.

Except they forgot to do a cost-analysis and don't have a clue where the money would come from...

Bernie Sanders' 'Medicare for all' bill estimated to cost $32.6T, new study says
Add $32.6 trillion to that if we want universal healthcare.
Of course that in not true at all. This isn't a theoretical exercise. There are places where this type of system already exists.

...which is one of the reasons we're already $20 trillion in debt. Doubling or tripling down on a dose of medicine doesn't necessarily cure what ails you. Sometimes it just kills you.
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.
You can't move there stupid and I am not talking about a broke third world country d u h ...

Well you certainly can't if you don't try. And as far as a broke third world country....WTF do you feel socialism does? Develop rich countries? dumbass.

They have massive oil reserves and still because of having utopian socialism that the dumbass supports, are out of toilet paper.
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

So you’re in favor of turning your entire paycheck over to the Government each week? Good for you. I sure as Hell am not interested in doing so.
We pay 26%, other developed countries pay 34%. And they have free healthcare and all that other stuff. Don't be a dupe!
20+ trillion in debt. 150+ trillion unfunded liabilities.

I think it's time to stop demanding free shit.

Add $32.6 trillion to that if we want universal healthcare. Bernie Sanders and a bunch of Democrats want to push through a "Medicare for all" plan.

Except they forgot to do a cost-analysis and don't have a clue where the money would come from...

Bernie Sanders' 'Medicare for all' bill estimated to cost $32.6T, new study says
Add $32.6 trillion to that if we want universal healthcare.
Of course that in not true at all. This isn't a theoretical exercise. There are places where this type of system already exists.

...which is one of the reasons we're already $20 trillion in debt. Doubling or tripling down on a dose of medicine doesn't necessarily cure what ails you. Sometimes it just kills you.


What does debt have to do with my point?
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.

That's only one country and the U.S. played a large part in why they collapsed. Almost their entire government is financed off of oil... which is a horrible thing to do. You have to be more diversified. Because their whole economy relies so much on oil, when a large country like the U.S. ramps up oil production and drives the price of oil down, it absolutely devastates a country like Venezuela to the point they can't recover. I'm sure it was done on purpose after what the ex-president of Venezuela said about the U.S. He was one of the leaders that repeated that the U.S. has a HAARP weather making machine that can destroy countries and that they tested it in Haiti making the earthquake there.

Was Hugo Chavez Right About HAARP & The HAITI Earthquake? Is Weather Even Natural Anymore?

Here: I'll feed your paranoia...:laugh:

H.A.A.R.P weather control

My paranoia? I didn't say it was true. I said that he said it... and since then the U.S. drove down the price of oil.

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