Is it time for Universal Healthcare....and can it be done?

The Venezuelan government can't even run a simple oil industry. Oil exports account for 96% of their revenues, but output has dropped to its lowest level in 30 years — 1.5 million barrels a day, down from 3.2 million in 2008.

Yet another proven failure of socialism.
Oh, the STUPID Venezuela comparison again.

ALL the other 30 OECD Industrialized countries have National Health care in some form or total.
Canada, Germany, Japan, UK, Sweden, etc, etc, etc.

Only partisan Hack Clowns would bring up Venezuela in this respect.
Add $32.6 trillion to that if we want universal healthcare. Bernie Sanders and a bunch of Democrats want to push through a "Medicare for all" plan.

Except they forgot to do a cost-analysis and don't have a clue where the money would come from...

Bernie Sanders' 'Medicare for all' bill estimated to cost $32.6T, new study says
Add $32.6 trillion to that if we want universal healthcare.
Of course that in not true at all. This isn't a theoretical exercise. There are places where this type of system already exists.

...which is one of the reasons we're already $20 trillion in debt. Doubling or tripling down on a dose of medicine doesn't necessarily cure what ails you. Sometimes it just kills you.


What does debt have to do with my point?

These "places" you're referring to are in other countries, or were you referring to state programs?

Yes, other countries. The working models already exist. What does debt have to do with that?
Are you willing to pay 70% of your income?
The Venezuelan government can't even run a simple oil industry. Oil exports account for 96% of their revenues, but output has dropped to its lowest level in 30 years — 1.5 million barrels a day, down from 3.2 million in 2008.

Yet another proven failure of socialism.
Oh, the STUPID Venezuela comparison again.

ALL the other 30 OECD Industrialized countries have National Health care in some form or total.
Canada, Germany, Japan, UK, Sweden, etc, etc, etc.

Only partisan Hack Clowns would bring up Venezuela in this respect.

In case you haven't been keeping up, Canada, Germany, Japan, UK, and Sweden aren't really the best countries to live in, unless you're a Muslim refugee.
Of course that in not true at all. This isn't a theoretical exercise. There are places where this type of system already exists.

...which is one of the reasons we're already $20 trillion in debt. Doubling or tripling down on a dose of medicine doesn't necessarily cure what ails you. Sometimes it just kills you.


What does debt have to do with my point?

These "places" you're referring to are in other countries, or were you referring to state programs?

Yes, other countries. The working models already exist. What does debt have to do with that?
Are you willing to pay 70% of your income?

No one pays that, dope.
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.

That's only one country and the U.S. played a large part in why they collapsed. Almost their entire government is financed off of oil... which is a horrible thing to do. You have to be more diversified. Because their whole economy relies so much on oil, when a large country like the U.S. ramps up oil production and drives the price of oil down, it absolutely devastates a country like Venezuela to the point they can't recover. I'm sure it was done on purpose after what the ex-president of Venezuela said about the U.S. He was one of the leaders that repeated that the U.S. has a HAARP weather making machine that can destroy countries and that they tested it in Haiti making the earthquake there.

Was Hugo Chavez Right About HAARP & The HAITI Earthquake? Is Weather Even Natural Anymore?

Here: I'll feed your paranoia...:laugh:

H.A.A.R.P weather control

These idiots will use any excuse, no matter how silly, in order to defend their mistaken world view.
Democrats have a small percentage of conspiracy nut jobs. The brainwashed GOP/Fox Etc party has a majority LOL.
What fix is there?
We expand the current Medicare - Medicare Advantage - Medicare Supplement system to all. An excellent, already-functioning blend of public money and free market competition and innovation.

The Supplements and MA plans are optional, and people can just buy up. We'd catch and fix problems much earlier, before they become larger and more costly problems. We take a MASSIVE cost monkey off the backs of American employers. We streamline the delivery/billing process. We no longer have Americans paying higher premiums and fees to make up for those who don't and get "free" care.

When we're younger and healthier, the plan would cover less and ladder up over time. The Supplements and MA plans would take care of the rest.

It's right there, waiting for us, but we have our heads too far up our ass to see it.
Are you aware that the people on Medicare paid into the system for 20-30 years before they ever drew a nickels worth of care?
Of course. And I'm also aware of the fact that over 80% of our health care costs go to people over the age of 65, so we're not ramping costs in a linear way. And I already said it would cover less when we're young. This could increase Medicare taxes a bit, depending on its structure, but:

I'd rather see us all have preventive care so we can fix issues before they become expensive. I'm sick of paying more for my premiums and care because I'm also paying for others. I'd like to free American business from the burden of health care costs.
The Venezuelan government can't even run a simple oil industry. Oil exports account for 96% of their revenues, but output has dropped to its lowest level in 30 years — 1.5 million barrels a day, down from 3.2 million in 2008.

Yet another proven failure of socialism.
Oh, the STUPID Venezuela comparison again.

ALL the other 30 OECD Industrialized countries have National Health care in some form or total.
Canada, Germany, Japan, UK, Sweden, etc, etc, etc.

Only partisan Hack Clowns would bring up Venezuela in this respect.

In case you haven't been keeping up, Canada, Germany, Japan, UK, and Sweden aren't really the best countries to live in, unless you're a Muslim refugee.
Only on Fox Etc!!
First off, for those that know me...I am a conservative.
I do ask the question in sincerity.
Last year with health premiums, and healthcare bills, my wife and I spent $7,040 for the two of us.
Then add in the employers portion of premium and that totals up to roughly $11,000.
Even with that, we are well below the average cost the average American pays.
So, would I pay out say... $600 a month in taxes, and my employer in lieu of paying premiums, pay another $400 a month? Instead of paying an insurer?
Yes, yes I would.
But only if the care was equally as good.
And would it be?
How would we, as a nation, pay for the bums and lazy asses who won't work?
Should a "health tax" be income specific? So someone who makes $250,000 a year would pay a great deal more than a $50,000 a year person? Would that work?

One thing is for certain. The current system is not working well. We are paying more and more and more to insurers who are raising deductibles and increasing premiums while covering less.
What fix is there?

It will happen, Trump supports UHC and he has already gotten his followers to embrace and cheer for other liberal ideas (tariffs, bailouts, etc) and when he presents UHC to make America great again, his followers will eat it up and never question it
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.

That's only one country and the U.S. played a large part in why they collapsed. Almost their entire government is financed off of oil... which is a horrible thing to do. You have to be more diversified. Because their whole economy relies so much on oil, when a large country like the U.S. ramps up oil production and drives the price of oil down, it absolutely devastates a country like Venezuela to the point they can't recover. I'm sure it was done on purpose after what the ex-president of Venezuela said about the U.S. He was one of the leaders that repeated that the U.S. has a HAARP weather making machine that can destroy countries and that they tested it in Haiti making the earthquake there.

Was Hugo Chavez Right About HAARP & The HAITI Earthquake? Is Weather Even Natural Anymore?

Here: I'll feed your paranoia...:laugh:

H.A.A.R.P weather control

These idiots will use any excuse, no matter how silly, in order to defend their mistaken world view.
Democrats have a small percentage of conspiracy nut jobs. The brainwashed GOP/Fox Etc party has a majority LOL.

I have never seen anyone else here pull up the HAARP.

Even though, compared to the Russian conspiracy theory, that seems like a beacon of sane. Guy's an amateur compared to a seasoned veteran like yourself.
First off, for those that know me...I am a conservative.
I do ask the question in sincerity.
Last year with health premiums, and healthcare bills, my wife and I spent $7,040 for the two of us.
Then add in the employers portion of premium and that totals up to roughly $11,000.
Even with that, we are well below the average cost the average American pays.
So, would I pay out say... $600 a month in taxes, and my employer in lieu of paying premiums, pay another $400 a month? Instead of paying an insurer?
Yes, yes I would.
But only if the care was equally as good.
And would it be?
How would we, as a nation, pay for the bums and lazy asses who won't work?
Should a "health tax" be income specific? So someone who makes $250,000 a year would pay a great deal more than a $50,000 a year person? Would that work?

One thing is for certain. The current system is not working well. We are paying more and more and more to insurers who are raising deductibles and increasing premiums while covering less.
What fix is there?

If we keep importing poor people we will go bankrupt
And a wall is stupid and won't work. Why are we the only developed country with out a national ID card to end this GOP scam?
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.

That's only one country and the U.S. played a large part in why they collapsed. Almost their entire government is financed off of oil... which is a horrible thing to do. You have to be more diversified. Because their whole economy relies so much on oil, when a large country like the U.S. ramps up oil production and drives the price of oil down, it absolutely devastates a country like Venezuela to the point they can't recover. I'm sure it was done on purpose after what the ex-president of Venezuela said about the U.S. He was one of the leaders that repeated that the U.S. has a HAARP weather making machine that can destroy countries and that they tested it in Haiti making the earthquake there.

Was Hugo Chavez Right About HAARP & The HAITI Earthquake? Is Weather Even Natural Anymore?

Here: I'll feed your paranoia...:laugh:

H.A.A.R.P weather control

These idiots will use any excuse, no matter how silly, in order to defend their mistaken world view.
Democrats have a small percentage of conspiracy nut jobs. The brainwashed GOP/Fox Etc party has a majority LOL.

It's not the quantity of the conspiracy nutjobs, it's the quality. Like for instance: Believing that some ham-fisted vodka-swilling Russians with Facebook accounts caused Hillary to lose.

That one tops the JFK assassination "magic bullet", GW setting the charges in the World Trade Center buildings, and the moon being made out of "green cheese."
The Venezuelan government can't even run a simple oil industry. Oil exports account for 96% of their revenues, but output has dropped to its lowest level in 30 years — 1.5 million barrels a day, down from 3.2 million in 2008.

Yet another proven failure of socialism.
Oh, the STUPID Venezuela comparison again.

ALL the other 30 OECD Industrialized countries have National Health care in some form or total.
Canada, Germany, Japan, UK, Sweden, etc, etc, etc.

Only partisan Hack Clowns would bring up Venezuela in this respect.

Looking at Switzerland right now. Richer than any of those nations. Where is the free health care?
...which is one of the reasons we're already $20 trillion in debt. Doubling or tripling down on a dose of medicine doesn't necessarily cure what ails you. Sometimes it just kills you.


What does debt have to do with my point?

These "places" you're referring to are in other countries, or were you referring to state programs?

Yes, other countries. The working models already exist. What does debt have to do with that?
Are you willing to pay 70% of your income?

No one pays that, dope.
In the countries with “free everything” they do!
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

So you’re in favor of turning your entire paycheck over to the Government each week? Good for you. I sure as Hell am not interested in doing so.
We pay 26%, other developed countries pay 34%. And they have free healthcare and all that other stuff. Don't be a dupe!

I did not know we paid 26% and other countries paid 34%. It is always painted that we are the most expensive mess ever. Since our leaders are morons and should not be asked to think, it is obvious we should just get them out of the picture as much as possible.
Lying GOP leaders you mean...
Look at Britain.

Free medical care.

Just get on the waiting list for your appointment.

Free prescription medication.

So long as a bureaucrat gets around to agreeing with the doctor (hardly "yours") who prescribed. It may take a while.

Free dental care.

Look at any Brit's teeth - if you can stand the sight without puking.

Free eyeglasses.

With thick lenses and fall-apart plastic frames.

Oh, be sure you understand the meaning of your ultimately being placed on "The Liverpool Protocol". Given the above chances are pretty good you'd welcome that.

What does debt have to do with my point?

These "places" you're referring to are in other countries, or were you referring to state programs?

Yes, other countries. The working models already exist. What does debt have to do with that?
Are you willing to pay 70% of your income?

No one pays that, dope.
In the countries with “free everything” they do!

Please provide a few examples.
First off, for those that know me...I am a conservative.
I do ask the question in sincerity.
Last year with health premiums, and healthcare bills, my wife and I spent $7,040 for the two of us.
Then add in the employers portion of premium and that totals up to roughly $11,000.
Even with that, we are well below the average cost the average American pays.
So, would I pay out say... $600 a month in taxes, and my employer in lieu of paying premiums, pay another $400 a month? Instead of paying an insurer?
Yes, yes I would.
But only if the care was equally as good.
And would it be?
How would we, as a nation, pay for the bums and lazy asses who won't work?
Should a "health tax" be income specific? So someone who makes $250,000 a year would pay a great deal more than a $50,000 a year person? Would that work?

One thing is for certain. The current system is not working well. We are paying more and more and more to insurers who are raising deductibles and increasing premiums while covering less.
What fix is there?

If we keep importing poor people we will go bankrupt
And a wall is stupid and won't work. Why are we the only developed country with out a national ID card to end this GOP scam?

What does debt have to do with my point?

These "places" you're referring to are in other countries, or were you referring to state programs?

Yes, other countries. The working models already exist. What does debt have to do with that?
Are you willing to pay 70% of your income?

No one pays that, dope.
In the countries with “free everything” they do!
We pay 26%, they pay 34%, super duper.
Make the health and pharma and hospital and medical providers bid to serve the population's wellness/illnessneeds.

Let marketplace determinism and competitive bidding set the prices.

What does debt have to do with my point?

These "places" you're referring to are in other countries, or were you referring to state programs?

Yes, other countries. The working models already exist. What does debt have to do with that?
Are you willing to pay 70% of your income?

No one pays that, dope.
In the countries with “free everything” they do!


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