Is it time for Universal Healthcare....and can it be done?

The Venezuelan government can't even run a simple oil industry. Oil exports account for 96% of their revenues, but output has dropped to its lowest level in 30 years — 1.5 million barrels a day, down from 3.2 million in 2008.

Yet another proven failure of socialism.
Oh, the STUPID Venezuela comparison again.

ALL the other 30 OECD Industrialized countries have National Health care in some form or total.
Canada, Germany, Japan, UK, Sweden, etc, etc, etc.

Only partisan Hack Clowns would bring up Venezuela in this respect.

Looking at Switzerland right now. Richer than any of those nations. Where is the free health care?

Switzerland has a mandatory Swiss health insurance everyone must pay into. Is that the model you wish for the US?
These "places" you're referring to are in other countries, or were you referring to state programs?

Yes, other countries. The working models already exist. What does debt have to do with that?
Are you willing to pay 70% of your income?

No one pays that, dope.
In the countries with “free everything” they do!

Please provide a few examples.

70% is high but socialist-leaning countries still have higher than average tax rates. We seriously don't deserve to be as screwed up as they are...

Top Ten Countries With Highest Tax Rates -
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.
You can't move there stupid and I am not talking about a broke third world country d u h ...

Evidently you CAN move there. Here are a couple of pointers to get started.
What should I know before moving to Venezuela? - Caracas Forum - TripAdvisor
Sure, all you need is a job waiting 4 you...
Yes, other countries. The working models already exist. What does debt have to do with that?
Are you willing to pay 70% of your income?

No one pays that, dope.
In the countries with “free everything” they do!

Please provide a few examples.

70% is high but socialist-leaning countries still have higher than average tax rates. We seriously don't deserve to be as screwed up as they are...

Top Ten Countries With Highest Tax Rates -
Correct, add that to the VAT tax and those people are paying monstrous taxes to keep the freebies rolling!
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.
You can't move there stupid and I am not talking about a broke third world country d u h ...

Evidently you CAN move there. Here are a couple of pointers to get started.
What should I know before moving to Venezuela? - Caracas Forum - TripAdvisor
Sure, all you need is a job waiting 4 you...

Yeah, given that you are a leftist, it would be an impossibility to get a job indeed.

Even Venezuela won't accept this guy and he thinks he should be giving us advice. That is shocking... Miserable existence.
What fix is there?
We expand the current Medicare - Medicare Advantage - Medicare Supplement system to all. An excellent, already-functioning blend of public money and free market competition and innovation.

The Supplements and MA plans are optional, and people can just buy up. We'd catch and fix problems much earlier, before they become larger and more costly problems. We take a MASSIVE cost monkey off the backs of American employers. We streamline the delivery/billing process. We no longer have Americans paying higher premiums and fees to make up for those who don't and get "free" care.

When we're younger and healthier, the plan would cover less and ladder up over time. The Supplements and MA plans would take care of the rest.

It's right there, waiting for us, but we have our heads too far up our ass to see it.
Are you aware that the people on Medicare paid into the system for 20-30 years before they ever drew a nickels worth of care?
And, those paying into Medicare are compelled by force of government, given no other choice?
The Venezuelan government can't even run a simple oil industry. Oil exports account for 96% of their revenues, but output has dropped to its lowest level in 30 years — 1.5 million barrels a day, down from 3.2 million in 2008.

Yet another proven failure of socialism.
Oh, the STUPID Venezuela comparison again.

ALL the other 30 OECD Industrialized countries have National Health care in some form or total.
Canada, Germany, Japan, UK, Sweden, etc, etc, etc.

Only partisan Hack Clowns would bring up Venezuela in this respect.

Looking at Switzerland right now. Richer than any of those nations. Where is the free health care?

Switzerland has a mandatory Swiss health insurance everyone must pay into. Is that the model you wish for the US?
Sounds like obummercare! And Medicare!
The Venezuelan government can't even run a simple oil industry. Oil exports account for 96% of their revenues, but output has dropped to its lowest level in 30 years — 1.5 million barrels a day, down from 3.2 million in 2008.

Yet another proven failure of socialism.
Oh, the STUPID Venezuela comparison again.

ALL the other 30 OECD Industrialized countries have National Health care in some form or total.
Canada, Germany, Japan, UK, Sweden, etc, etc, etc.

Only partisan Hack Clowns would bring up Venezuela in this respect.

Looking at Switzerland right now. Richer than any of those nations. Where is the free health care?

Switzerland has a mandatory Swiss health insurance everyone must pay into. Is that the model you wish for the US?
Sounds like obummercare! And Medicare!

It's not like medicare, and wasn't conducted by anti-Swiss morons.

They want to see their nations healthy and prosperous. Exact opposite of what was going on with those programs.
Yes, other countries. The working models already exist. What does debt have to do with that?
Are you willing to pay 70% of your income?

No one pays that, dope.
In the countries with “free everything” they do!

Please provide a few examples.

70% is high but socialist-leaning countries still have higher than average tax rates. We seriously don't deserve to be as screwed up as they are...

Top Ten Countries With Highest Tax Rates -
And they are all much happier than we are..
And many more too....
What fix is there?
We expand the current Medicare - Medicare Advantage - Medicare Supplement system to all. An excellent, already-functioning blend of public money and free market competition and innovation.

The Supplements and MA plans are optional, and people can just buy up. We'd catch and fix problems much earlier, before they become larger and more costly problems. We take a MASSIVE cost monkey off the backs of American employers. We streamline the delivery/billing process. We no longer have Americans paying higher premiums and fees to make up for those who don't and get "free" care.

When we're younger and healthier, the plan would cover less and ladder up over time. The Supplements and MA plans would take care of the rest.

It's right there, waiting for us, but we have our heads too far up our ass to see it.
Are you aware that the people on Medicare paid into the system for 20-30 years before they ever drew a nickels worth of care?
And, those paying into Medicare are compelled by force of government, given no other choice?
Nope! If you opt out of Medicare they will take your social security too! Medicare! You pay 30 years before drawing a dime, you pay monthly premiums, you pay deductibles you pay co pays! You think it’s cheap?
Are you willing to pay 70% of your income?

No one pays that, dope.
In the countries with “free everything” they do!

Please provide a few examples.

70% is high but socialist-leaning countries still have higher than average tax rates. We seriously don't deserve to be as screwed up as they are...

Top Ten Countries With Highest Tax Rates -
And they are all much happier than we are..
And many more too....
Stop wanting what someone else has earned. Find your own happiness!
Are you willing to pay 70% of your income?

No one pays that, dope.
In the countries with “free everything” they do!

Please provide a few examples.

70% is high but socialist-leaning countries still have higher than average tax rates. We seriously don't deserve to be as screwed up as they are...

Top Ten Countries With Highest Tax Rates -
And they are all much happier than we are..
And many more too....
Speak for yourself hater dupe slinger

Are you willing to pay 70% of your income?

No one pays that, dope.
In the countries with “free everything” they do!

Please provide a few examples.

70% is high but socialist-leaning countries still have higher than average tax rates. We seriously don't deserve to be as screwed up as they are...

Top Ten Countries With Highest Tax Rates -
And they are all much happier than we are..
And many more too....

Is this like some opinion you have based on your hatred for America, or have you actually lived in any of those countries?

If what I suspect is true, what gives you the right to say what those people in those other countries feel? Are you the self-appointed spokesperson for them, or are you just blowing smoke out of your ass?
No one pays that, dope.
In the countries with “free everything” they do!

Please provide a few examples.

70% is high but socialist-leaning countries still have higher than average tax rates. We seriously don't deserve to be as screwed up as they are...

Top Ten Countries With Highest Tax Rates -
And they are all much happier than we are..
And many more too....
Stop wanting what someone else has earned. Find your own happiness!
Another incredibly selfish GOP moron who can't see past his own nose and thinks everyone is like that... I am happily retired, idiot.
No one pays that, dope.
In the countries with “free everything” they do!

Please provide a few examples.

70% is high but socialist-leaning countries still have higher than average tax rates. We seriously don't deserve to be as screwed up as they are...

Top Ten Countries With Highest Tax Rates -
And they are all much happier than we are..
And many more too....

Is this like some opinion you have based on your hatred for America, or have you actually lived in any of those countries?
Google happiest countries, moron, and try watching and and reading real news someday, super duper...
Universal health care if applied now would be the anchor that drags the US economy into a never ending downward spiral. Prior to Obamacare, the health care system was basically working but too expensive. After Obamacare, the health care system is working less well (more complicated longer wait times etc) and is considerably more expensive. It is clear that the "Affordable Care Act" had nothing to do with making health care affordable and was instead a massive expansion of healthcare to the poor and elderly who incidentally are the greatest consumers of health services.

We need to address COSTS, drug costs, treatment costs, billing simplification, new more efficient health centers, as well as meaningful tort reform and penalties for frivolous malpractice law suits. Lawyers and their class action lawsuits have become fabulously wealthy suing drug and equipment manufacturers and as a result contributed to the rising costs.

Actually Obamacare took 960 billion dollars from senior care.

WRONG, is this something you heard from Hannity or Limbaugh?

Here are the facts:

Think Changes to Obamacare Won't Affect You? Think Again

You may think a repeal of Obamacare would apply only to the roughly 22 million Americans who have gained coverage under the law. But changes to the law formally known as the Affordable Care Act would also affect current and future Medicare beneficiaries—that is, pretty much all Americans.

After a rush to begin dismantling Obamacare when he first took office, President Donald Trump appears to have pushed the pause button. He said in an interview with Fox News over the weekend that it might take until next year for replacement legislation to be ready.*** Some lawmakers have recently shifted their rhetoric from repealing Obamacare to “repairing” it, suggesting less of an overhaul than previously envisioned.

***Trump said this in Feb 2017. Where is the Republican replacement he promised?

Think Changes to Obamacare Won't Affect You? Think Again
In the countries with “free everything” they do!

Please provide a few examples.

70% is high but socialist-leaning countries still have higher than average tax rates. We seriously don't deserve to be as screwed up as they are...

Top Ten Countries With Highest Tax Rates -
And they are all much happier than we are..
And many more too....
Stop wanting what someone else has earned. Find your own happiness!
Another incredibly selfish GOP moron who can't see past his own nose and thinks everyone is like that... I am happily retired, idiot.
You are a smelly old goat with his hand out yelling gimme!

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