Is It Time to Criminalize Black Lies Matter?

You don't have to support black lives matter. But people need to stop defending cops for the bullshit they are doing nowadays.

I'm not saying cops are inherently bad. Far from it. My family has 4 officers in it and I have officer friends. They are good people who want to help others.

But there has to be more restraint from officers using deadly force.

There needs to be better behavior from the black community.

I agree. There's a lot of ratchet behavior going on in the black community. but it doesn't warrant killing off black people.

You're acting like the cops are shooting blacks because of their bad behavior. That's ridiculous. If you're going to threaten a cop with a gun, be prepared to get your ass shot off.
You don't have to support black lives matter. But people need to stop defending cops for the bullshit they are doing nowadays.

I'm not saying cops are inherently bad. Far from it. My family has 4 officers in it and I have officer friends. They are good people who want to help others.

But there has to be more restraint from officers using deadly force.

There needs to be better behavior from the black community.

I agree. There's a lot of ratchet behavior going on in the black community. but it doesn't warrant killing off black people.
You made it sound the PO are going and mowing down innocent people by the hundreds in black communities. Not the case at all.

Not all police officers are bad. In fact most aren't. But there are police officers in certain regions in this country that have heavily profile minorities. It's not mystery that you keep hearing about unarmed black people getting shot in the same states.

I believe every case has cleared the actions of the officers. I'm not suggesting there are no bad cops, but this isn't about bad cops. This is about an attack on authority and the dominant culture. This is a grab for power.
You are one disgusting fuck.

His hands were no longer you can see, clearly, he placed his right arm at his waist...and held it there. I would certainly think he had a gun. At least plausibly.
He caused his own death.

Pure bullshit as it turned out there was no gun.
It's exactly that irrational fear and bias that police and you operate under that makes BLM necessary and correct.

Nope...he disregarded repeated orders to surrender, he kept walking towards his vehicle...would not stop walking away...then he placed his hands down and put his right hand on his front waist-line.
He had a death wish...suicide by police.

Another Darwin Award winner, probably hoping to provoke something and get a big payday out of it. These big out of court settlements to vermin or their families is a major driver in this escalation of then numbers of morons and thuggz hoping to get rich for idiocy.

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