I dont mean the nazis need to be looked at again. I mean the ordinary German. They have often been castigated for knowing enough to put a stop to fascism. They must have known about the concentration camps and did nothing. They kept their heads down and stayed silent.
But is that a fair assessment ?
Maybe we should look at their behaviour again.
We are seeing the rise of fascism in the US. Its happening as we speak. And the american people are complicit in its rise.
Politicians. judges and unions are passive in their opposition as a few oligarchs use their wealth to support their man. Law breaking is now the law.
Vast swathes of the US are being turned into police states as people are being rounded up and sent to a terror camp without trial. Trans people are being cancelled from public life and the constitution is being assaulted every day by a fraudster who is trying to see how far he can get without pushback.
Thiss is how it started in Nazi Germany. Where are the grown ups fighting for the US ?
He has purged his own party and it now consists of weak sycophants. They will not say a peep. Similarly he owns the corrupt judges who waive thru his edicts.
Trump is rebuilding a pre civil rights society without opposition. So should we cut Germany some slack and accept that they were no worse than anyone else ?
The evidence is they were just the same as everyone else.