Zone1 Is it time to re_evaluate the conduct of ordinary Germans during the holocaust and the rise of nazis ?

People can see the might of the US being used to murder children and steal land. A backlash is inevitable.
Its why 9 /11 happened and will happen again.
Far better to stop the killing and sit down and talk.
But do you agree we need to re-evaluate the conduct of germen civilians ? What have you done personally to stop the slaughter ?
The Muslim savages should not have started it all by invading a Kibbutz on the morning of a Jewish holiday and torturing Jewish men, women, children, toddlers, and babies to death - and then calling their mothers to brag about it.
The Muslim savages should not have started it all by invading a Kibbutz on the morning of a Jewish holiday and torturing Jewish men, women, children, toddlers, and babies to death - and then calling their mothers to brag about it.
I think it started aa long time before that and continues today in the west bank where terrorists are stealing land.

What about these german civiliaans though ?
I'm sure that a majority of Germans would have been appalled to know what the Nazi's were doing behind the scenes; they were appalled at what was going on in front of their eyes - the majority of them

German is possibly the worst possible example of how a substantial minority in a country can take over control through intimidation, threats, and violence. To me, it is astounding that they were able to do it in a country where the overall population is relatively intelligent. Contrast that to "Palestine," where the average IQ is sub-90.

Those who call us MAGA Trump supporters, "Fascists" are ignorant and foolish. Feel free to disagree, but try to use facts and logic rather than empty slander.
I'm sure that a majority of Germans would have been appalled to know what the Nazi's were doing behind the scenes; they were appalled at what was going on in front of their eyes - the majority of them

German is possibly the worst possible example of how a substantial minority in a country can take over control through intimidation, threats, and violence. To me, it is astounding that they were able to do it in a country where the overall population is relatively intelligent. Contrast that to "Palestine," where the average IQ is sub-90.

Those who call us MAGA Trump supporters, "Fascists" are ignorant and foolish. Feel free to disagree, but try to use facts and logic rather than empty slander.
Decades ago, scientists ran an experiment in which people of various ethnicities and nationalities were pressured to kill an innocent person by pushing a button they would kill him. (Of course it was fake. The button did nothing, but they didn’t know that.)

Guess which nationality most caved to the order to kill an innocent person? Germans.
I dont mean the nazis need to be looked at again. I mean the ordinary German. They have often been castigated for knowing enough to put a stop to fascism. They must have known about the concentration camps and did nothing. They kept their heads down and stayed silent.

But is that a fair assessment ?

Maybe we should look at their behaviour again.

We are seeing the rise of fascism in the US. Its happening as we speak. And the american people are complicit in its rise.

Politicians. judges and unions are passive in their opposition as a few oligarchs use their wealth to support their man. Law breaking is now the law.

Vast swathes of the US are being turned into police states as people are being rounded up and sent to a terror camp without trial. Trans people are being cancelled from public life and the constitution is being assaulted every day by a fraudster who is trying to see how far he can get without pushback.

Thiss is how it started in Nazi Germany. Where are the grown ups fighting for the US ?
He has purged his own party and it now consists of weak sycophants. They will not say a peep. Similarly he owns the corrupt judges who waive thru his edicts.

Trump is rebuilding a pre civil rights society without opposition. So should we cut Germany some slack and accept that they were no worse than anyone else ?

The evidence is they were just the same as everyone else.

Did the documentary mention that the German people ignored what was happening? What were they supposed to do. They knew that if you criticized the nazis you disappeared. You couldn't complain to anyone because everything was controlled by the nazis. The nazis controlled the schools and brainwashed the kids with their ideology. Because of this 14 year old's were going into battle voluntarily at the end of the war.
Decades ago, scientists ran an experiment in which people of various ethnicities and nationalities were pressured to kill an innocent person by pushing a button they would kill him. (Of course it was fake. The button did nothing, but they didn’t know that.)

Guess which nationality most caved to the order to kill an innocent person? Germans.
Well that is scientific.
Did the documentary mention that the German people ignored what was happening? What were they supposed to do. They knew that if you criticized the nazis you disappeared. You couldn't complain to anyone because everything was controlled by the nazis. The nazis controlled the schools and brainwashed the kids with their ideology. Because of this 14 year old's were going into battle voluntarily at the end of the war.
Im not ;ooking to demonise the german people. Far from it.
We cab see today how fascists can take over a country without a murmur.
That is in spite of improved communications these days.
A key part is the victimisation of minorities.
And of course the gays cop it every time.
Im not ;ooking to demonise the german people. Far from it.
We cab see today how fascists can take over a country without a murmur.
That is in spite of improved communications these days.
A key part is the victimisation of minorities.
And of course the gays cop it every time.

No I wasn't suggesting that you were demonizing it. I was wondering what the netflix show said about it.
No I wasn't suggesting that you were demonizing it. I was wondering what the netflix show said about it.
It was hinted at in places. People not knowing what was happening in their name. Im not sure that would be the case.
It also foccussed on those who spoke up and got killed by the nazis.
It was hinted at in places. People not knowing what was happening in their name. Im not sure that would be the case.
It also foccussed on those who spoke up and got killed by the nazis.

Yes and it isn't much different in most dictatorships. Complain about the government and it's a bullet to the head. Take North Korea, I can't imagine any private citizen was allowed to own guns unless they were members of the party.

This is the White Rose. A nazi resistence movement

The White Rose was a non-violent, intellectual resistance group in Nazi Germany which was led by five students and one professor at the University of Munich: Willi Graf, Kurt Huber, Christoph Probst, Alexander Schmorell, Hans Scholl and Sophie Scholl. The group conducted an anonymous leaflet and graffiti campaign that called for active opposition to the Nazi regime. Their activities started in Munich on 27 June 1942; they ended with the arrest of the core group by the Gestapo on 18 February 1943. They, as well as other members and supporters of the group who carried on distributing the pamphlets, faced show trials by the Nazi People's Court (Volksgerichtshof); many of them were imprisoned and executed.

Germans suffered from Mass Formation Psychosis which was not best defined until Mattias Desmet's recent books .
Robert Malone asserted that it existed during Covid but was wrongly ridiculed by the Establishment because of his anti vaxx position .

Mass Formation Psychosis already exists in the US .
TDS versus MAGA in common parlance .
See our Troll Bots -- both sides , but many more on the left due to the pain factor .

Note its close association with Group Hypnosis

It will worsen and is spreading .

The world is in the grips of mass formation—a dangerous, collective type of hypnosis—as we bear witness to loneliness, free-floating anxiety, and fear giving way to censorship, loss of privacy, and surrendered freedoms. It is all spurred by a singular, focused crisis narrative that forbids dissident views and relies on destructive groupthink.
You would have actively cheered them while repeating various justifications for killing Jews.
The same way the “innocent” Palestinians took their children out to the parade and cheered while the little coffins of the Jewish babies went by.

These are sick, sick people - and they have their defenders here in USMB.
Illegal immigrants are not a racial minority.
A comparison is not without some merit. The US would like to rid itself of illegal aliens just as Germany wanted to rid itself of Jews. In both instances, these groups were pressured to leave before they were rounded up for deportation.
A comparison is not without some merit. The US would like to rid itself of illegal aliens just as Germany wanted to rid itself of Jews. In both instances, these groups were pressured to leave before they were rounded up for deportation.

Those Jews were Germans, Subjects before 1918, citizens after.

Their citizenship was only removed via the Nuremberg laws of 1934.
I dont mean the nazis need to be looked at again. I mean the ordinary German. They have often been castigated for knowing enough to put a stop to fascism. They must have known about the concentration camps and did nothing. They kept their heads down and stayed silent.

But is that a fair assessment ?

Maybe we should look at their behaviour again.

We are seeing the rise of fascism in the US. Its happening as we speak. And the american people are complicit in its rise.

Politicians. judges and unions are passive in their opposition as a few oligarchs use their wealth to support their man. Law breaking is now the law.

Vast swathes of the US are being turned into police states as people are being rounded up and sent to a terror camp without trial. Trans people are being cancelled from public life and the constitution is being assaulted every day by a fraudster who is trying to see how far he can get without pushback.

Thiss is how it started in Nazi Germany. Where are the grown ups fighting for the US ?
He has purged his own party and it now consists of weak sycophants. They will not say a peep. Similarly he owns the corrupt judges who waive thru his edicts.

Trump is rebuilding a pre civil rights society without opposition. So should we cut Germany some slack and accept that they were no worse than anyone else ?

The evidence is they were just the same as everyone else.

Isn't Fascism when you use the FBI as your Secret Police, censor Free Speech, and persecute your political opponents?
The same way the “innocent” Palestinians took their children out to the parade and cheered while the little coffins of the Jewish babies went by.

These are sick, sick people - and they have their defenders here in USMB.
That's far enough off topic as to be in another state. Not that I disagree, but Tommy's interest is in the regular German people, as the Third Reich was was coming into power.

Personally, I think that the regular folks simply believed the propaganda slogans, and really weren't aware of what was going on. We're all Pennsylvania Dutch now, so we're cool.

Can the American populace do the same thing? More than likely, as can many other nation's people.
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