Is it too late to impeach this jerk president?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
I know of no other president that has caused so much turmoil and set up citizens for terror attacks. I kinow of no other president who has lied to the people after promising to be the most transparent POTUS the world has known.

This man is a nasty joke who as someone else put it, "couldn't hold a job in the real world." Shame on those who voted him in a second time. May you find yourself living next to a herd of Syrian refugees.
its never too late for RW's to ask dumb questions that's for sure.
"I know of no other president" than Bush43 "that has caused so much turmoil and set up citizens for terror attacks."

Jackson, not to worry: Obama is going to make sure that no more elections will be held and he will be dictator for life.

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