Is It True?,Black Lives Matter Is Actually In Fear Of A Carson/Trump Ticket But Wont Admit It?

i think everyone should fear that ticket. think about what it would mean for the country....
Scary for Democrats.....great for America

You have no idea what Obama's Executive Actions and his regulations are doing to this country as we speak. You'd never believe it if I told you......because they already have the liars set up in the media to defend Obama. Some of them are here posting on this board.

I wish this country could put a stop to all of the lies and deceptions that keeps the Democrat Party in power.
Right. It's all a conspiracy to cover up the "real truth" that only people like you know.

Trump and Carson are not fit to be president. I think you know this in your heart
I think you know in your heart that Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama were not fit to be president.....but you didn't give a shit. You were scared into voting for them. Any piece of shit looks good to you compared to a White Republican man.....a black Republican man....or a White Republican woman.
The street constituency of black lies matter hates whites so much, they won't vote democrat either. They haven't treated Sanders or Omalley better than republicans.

Don't kid yourself. They won't bite the hand that feeds them.

They may nibble, but they definitely won't bite.
dont we all wished that Anderson Clooper 838 asked Hillary,,,,Mrs. Clinton,,,straight answer bitch,,,,,Black Lives Matter/White Lives Matter/or Anyone Who Plans to vote for me lives matter?
Does anyone here actually believe that The Donald would settle for second place? Then you don't know him as well as you think you do...
Can you imagine the inauguration !

Can you imagine the inauguration !

This just in from NBC News, over 500,000 New York City cockroaches have formed their own version of black lives matter, apparently the roaches are very angry over the racist treatment they have been dealing with since 1950. It is also rumored that a decendant of the roaches family, a "Reverend Al Sharpton" will become their spokesman and will bitch about cockroach abuse on every cable news program right thru 2016.
>>> still waiting for responses of "Jewish Lives Matter", "Latino Lives Matter" and "Men Who Feel Like A Woman" lives matter groups.
Nobody's lives matter unless the Democrats say so.
i just may start my own "Lives Matter Group" but I am going to have to order at least 5000 T-Shirts that read "Aliens From Uranus Lives Matter" with a huge printout of James Carvilles face right in the middle.

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