"Is it wrong for a married couple to have sex just for pleasure?"


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
"Is it wrong for a married couple to have sex just for pleasure?"

Answer: Almost an entire book in the Old Testament is dedicated to the subject of passion and sex for pleasure. Song of Solomon is so detailed in its intention of sexual pleasure in marriage that allegories were used to tone it down and Hebrew boys couldn't read it until they were 12, when they became men. God clearly intended sex in marriage to be pleasurable. First Corinthians 7:3-5 talks about not abstaining from sex in marriage: "But because of immoralities, each man is to have his own wife, and each woman is to have her own husband. (Knock down Fundamentalist belief in pologmy based on religion) The husband is to fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does, and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control."
Is it wrong for a married couple to have sex just for pleasure?
Santorum’s belief that one should only have sex to procreate is not biblical based and his personal belief and he should keep it personal and not political. Does Santorum believe people should not have sex only when they want to procreate and people beyond the age of procreation should not have sex at all? Santorum is a dangerous religions fanatic and should not be leader of the free nation. Comparable to fundamental Mormons and pastor Phelps and Islamic extremist.
Big deal.....that's his belief! So most of us know he's wrong...do you're own thing and don't worry about something this ridiculous, there's more important things to concern yourself over. This is stupid!
NOTHING WRONG ABOUT IT AT ALL. Why can't the government leave people the fuck alone?
Why can't the government leave people the fuck alone

Better question; why the hell can't Repubs stay the fuck out of people's sex and reproductive lives?
NOTHING WRONG ABOUT IT AT ALL. Why can't the government leave people the fuck alone?

OMG...it's his BELIEF! How in hell does the Govt have anything to do with what Santorum believes? How has it effected you? Not at all!
Why can't the government leave people the fuck alone

Better question; why the hell can't Repubs stay the fuck out of people's sex and reproductive lives?

Excuse me???

What does this have to do with Republicans?

There are just as many Catholic Democrats as there are Catholic Republicans.
How in hell does the Govt have anything to do with what Santorum believes?

PSSSTT Little secret; he (Santorum) is running for President. Therefore, If elected, his beliefs would dictate the direction he wants to lead the nation. And that makes his beliefs a problem. Because no one in their right mind wants to hear about the government dictating their sex lives.
What does this have to do with Republicans?

Is Santorum a Republican? or not? Is it not the Repubs that are so concerned with birth control and abortion. You know, those things that the guvmint has no business trying to dictate.
What does this have to do with Republicans?

Is Santorum a Republican? or not? Is it not the Repubs that are so concerned with birth control and abortion. You know, those things that the guvmint has no business trying to dictate.

Santorum does not speak for the rest of the Republicans. Unlike Democrats conservatives have a mind of their own.
Somebody point out the Democrat that is out there talking about their sex lives and how they think other people should conduct their sex lives.

No sex for fun. Bad bad. Shamey shamey. Birth control bad. makes it easier to have sex for fun. Birth control bad. Women need to be barefoot and pregnant. That is the GOP way.

So this is about married people having sex with each other, right?

Santorum does not speak for the rest of the Republicans.

Well then the repubs he doesn't speak for need to tell him to shut the hell up. He is scary in his right wing wacko bull shit.
Somebody point out the Democrat that is out there talking about their sex lives and how they think other people should conduct their sex lives.

No sex for fun. Bad bad. Shamey shamey. Birth control bad. makes it easier to have sex for fun. Birth control bad. Women need to be barefoot and pregnant. That is the GOP way.

Name the Republican that said exactly that.

The issue is about religious freedom, not whether sex should be pleasurable. Besides, sex is better when you bareback, dumb-ass. Anyone can tell you that.
How in hell does the Govt have anything to do with what Santorum believes?

PSSSTT Little secret; he (Santorum) is running for President. Therefore, If elected, his beliefs would dictate the direction he wants to lead the nation. And that makes his beliefs a problem. Because no one in their right mind wants to hear about the government dictating their sex lives.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpGH02DtIws]Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube[/ame]
Is it wrong for pursuite of pleasure to be the center of your life to the excusion of all else?
Big deal.....that's his belief! So most of us know he's wrong...do you're own thing and don't worry about something this ridiculous, there's more important things to concern yourself over. This is stupid!

Well enough. Except that Santorum is the one who is effectively running on a no sex for pleasure platform as this moment. Which makes it fair game to talk about.

The fact that this thread even exists just goes to show the pathetic state of American politics nowadays. We're now reduced to decide who is best to lead the free world based on whether it's okay to feel good during sex? These are the best candidates we can come up with?
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There is nothing "wrong" with whatever mutually consenting adults choose to do for sexual gratification.

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