Is it wrong to bomb innocent people ? What do pro lifers think ?

You dont care about the rape of children apart from in the obvious cases. You lack credibility on this issue.
Of course I care about the rape of children.

Just because you are an avid supporter of rape gangs when they happen to be Muslim does not mean that I support the same thing when they are not.
Of course I care about the rape of children.

Just because you are an avid supporter of rape gangs when they happen to be Muslim does not mean that I support the same thing when they are not.
Why do you focus on rapes by muslims ? Of course they are awdul but they are a fraction of the overall total.
It suggests that your hatred of muslims is more important than your concern for children.
Like your hatred of trans people. Kids are more at risk from Uncle Bob than the person reading books to kids actually sitting with their parents.
You are a damaged person. We know that.
surely you've heard of 'peace through strength'.
i'm a big fan of that, being the realist that i am.
Yeah I’ve heard that and don’t buy it. Just more war propaganda for dupes like you.
Tommy Tainant

Do you know what's the difference between the RAF and the RAF in Germany? The RAF (Royal Air Force) bombed down helpless little romantic middle age German cities because such cities burned very well and it was a lot of fun to do so for your flying murderers. And the RAF (Red Army Fraction) had been terrorists trained from Palestinians under the influence of the socialists in the former GDR - where Putin lived as a leading member of the KGB. Unfortunatelly the RAF did not to take care that the RAF did not murder although from time to time had happened also somewhere else a Lockerbie or a 9/11 - totally without any RAF. And with Jews had this all anyway nothing to do ... except Munich in 1972 where good willing Jewish sportmen took care that innocent and very nice - but a little evilwilling - Palestinian terrorists had to break the Olympic peace by murdering them.

Every heard the word "patience" and what "end of patience" could mean?
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Tommy Tainant

Do you know what's the difference between the RAF and the RAF in Germany? The RAF (Royal Air Force) bombed down helpless little romantic middle age German cities because such cities burned very well and it was a lot of fun to do so for your flying murderers. And the RAF (Red Army Fraction) had been terrorists trained from Palestinians under the influence of the socialists in the former GDR - where Putin lived as a leading member of the KGB. Unfortunatelly the RAF did not to take care that the RAF did not murder.
Ya we all know Hitler and Germany did nothing to warrant the allies attacking them in WW2, peaceful fun-loving nonviolent Germans were simply murdered by aggressive allied forces after doing nothing at all to cause the attacks.
Ya we all know

nearly nothing except propaganda

Hitler and Germany did nothing to warrant the allies attacking them in WW2,

? ... warrant? ... ah yeah got it: You call evil war crimes godly justice if they are made from the right persons. That's the typical way how terrorists think.

peaceful fun-loving nonviolent Germans were simply murdered by aggressive allied forces after doing nothing at all to cause the attacks.

You made not only rubble out of Germany - you raped in masses German women. And not only German women - you raped also French women. And you genocided (=murdered and displaced) many German nations like the Baltic Germans, the Silesians, the Bohemians and others. And you sold a big part of Europe to the Soviets. Oh stop - I made a mistake: You sold not only a big part of Europe to the Soviets - you sold more than 50% of the world to the Soviets. And also Tommy Tainant is using still today a lot of socialist Soviet structures in his ways to think. Part of this structures is for example the anti-Semitism under Stalin after world war 2 and the persecution of Jews in Eastern Europe and Russia.
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Iaraelis are the nazis in this instance.

Seriously I could understand if a Jew would kill you now. But then he would not be a Jew but only an asshole like you.

Oh ... can it be you educated everyone on this planet to be an asshole? Was this the purpose of the British empire?

Yes they were. Learn something!
The grandparents should have thrown you back to the nazis till you grew up

That was a very wrong thing to say

But we won the war, which gives you the right to be wrong

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