Is James O Keefe about to smoke CNN?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Is James O'Keefe About To Smoke CNN? Tells Hannity He's Set To Release "Hundreds of Hours" Of Newsroom Footage "Wikileaks Style"

James O'Keefe of Project Veritas is set to unleash holy hell Thursday on #FakeNews network CNN. Well, he didn't exactly say it was CNN, but it was heavily implied. Apparently the network has a mole...
Is James O'Keefe About To Smoke CNN? Tells Hannity He's Set To Release "Hundreds of Hours" Of Newsroom Footage "Wikileaks Style" | Zero Hedge

I hope he is about to smoke CNN that lying news source has lied to the American public, they've assisted in dumbing down the public using tactics the CIA would use and how funny/odd is it that Anderson Cooper was a former CIA agent. Oh nothing goofy there.

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