Is Joe biden's main problem is he just ain't liked

Yep. This really isn't all that complicated. But they can't imagine that EVERYONE doesn't adore their boi king like they do.

Biden is "meh" at best. A standard politician and an old & fading man. But they're tried desperately to turn him into Satan.
the democrats have been doing the same with trump....turn him into satan....
Yep. This really isn't all that complicated. But they can't imagine that EVERYONE doesn't adore their boi king like they do.

Biden is "meh" at best. A standard politician and an old & fading man. But they're tried desperately to turn him into Satan.
He's always been a asshole.

:12 in.

I just can't wait to see what his approval numbers look like after that debacle.
forget all the hubbub lying, skullduggery, etc, etc, etc,

Everytime he opens his pie hole his appoval numbers drop

Only thing I can figure is the populace just plain don't like him. Like maybe he just rub people the wrong way.
Are you talking about that nice old elderly man with memory problems?
Joe's problem is the American people are waking up to the fact that Joe doesn't give a damn about them. If he cared about us he would close the border.
Joe Biden was always stupid. He had to cheat to get through law school. He's been on the wrong side of every foreign policy position for the past 40 years. That's who he was BEFORE he became senile! Now he's an embarrassment and a danger to the country.

Well at least we know his Daddy didn't buy his way into school for him, and none Biden's professors called him the "dumbest student I ever taught".

Biden has done NOTHING to embarass himself either nationally or internationally. Neither the UN General Assembly, nor NATO has laughed in Biden's face, the way they did Trump.
Well at least we know his Daddy didn't buy his way into school for him, and none Biden's professors called him the "dumbest student I ever taught".

Biden has done NOTHING to embarass himself either nationally or internationally. Neither the UN General Assembly, nor NATO has laughed in Biden's face, the way they did Trump.
I hate to break the obvious to you, Dragonlady but the world in general is laughing at Joe Biden and the US behind Joe's back! He's a total embarrassment. The whole family is.
Well at least we know his Daddy didn't buy his way into school for him, and none Biden's professors called him the "dumbest student I ever taught".

Biden has done NOTHING to embarass himself either nationally or internationally. Neither the UN General Assembly, nor NATO has laughed in Biden's face, the way they did Trump.
Plagiarism in college, plagiarism during a political campaign in the 80s. Just another phoney democrat hack.
From nearly 40 fucking years ago, during another White House run. What possesses someone to hold on to power this long? It's a sickness!

Biden Admits Plagiarism in School But Says It Was Not 'Malevolent'​

By E. J. Dionne Jr., Special To the New York Times
  • Sept. 18, 1987

Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., fighting to salvage his Presidential campaign, today acknowledged ''a mistake'' in his youth, when he plagiarized a law review article for a paper he wrote in his first year at law school.

Mr. Biden insisted, however, that he had done nothing ''malevolent,'' that he had simply misunderstood the need to cite sources carefully. And he asserted that another controversy, concerning recent reports of his using material from others' speeches without attribution, was ''much ado about nothing.''

Mr. Biden, the 44-year-old Delaware Democrat who heads the Senate Judiciary Committee, addressed these issues at the Capitol in a morning news conference he had called expressly for that purpose. The news conference was held just before he presided over the third day of hearings on the nomination of Judge Robert H. Bork to the Supreme Court.

forget all the hubbub lying, skullduggery, etc, etc, etc,

Everytime he opens his pie hole his appoval numbers drop

Only thing I can figure is the populace just plain don't like him. Like maybe he just rub people the wrong way.

He isn't liked because his policies are anti America.

People don't like sending hundreds of billions to other countries.

People don't like a wide open border he is responsible for while for years he said was secure, then said it was the republicans fault, then said he could only fix with a bill that is fixed.

People don't like that our country is being invaded at his behest, meanwhile he does everything he can to protect other nations borders.

People don't like that the economy is tanking but he lies about how great it is while burning through trillions that do nothing for our country.

People don't like he only punishes his enemies but let's everyone else run around like animals.

People don't like he cares more about foreign countries than his own.

People don't like he takes care of illegals, praises criminal blacks and kneels to them for a photo op, invites trannies to the white house, says white supremacy is a problem, and basically tries to appeal to everyone while ignoring the majority of Americans.

People don't like he is pretty much touching and smelling children and making highly inappropriate comments to them constantly.

The list goes on and on.

From the moment he took office all he has done is ruin America.

They don't like pretty much every single thing he does. Sure the guy is a mumbling, stuttering, slow whitted, pandering asshole that is a weirdo perv. But the media would be able to cover all of that up if his seemingly sole intention wasnt to take a giant shit on the country and destabilize it for the interest of foreign entities.
forget all the hubbub lying, skullduggery, etc, etc, etc,

Everytime he opens his pie hole his appoval numbers drop

Only thing I can figure is the populace just plain don't like him. Like maybe he just rub people the wrong way.

Biden’s strength is that he is LIKED A WHOLE LOT MORE THAN TRUMP.
Biden’s strength is that he is LIKED A WHOLE LOT MORE THAN TRUMP.

As for being liked and being President, I didn't like Nixon yet voted for him 2 times. Liked shouldn't come into the equation. Competency is all that matters. And Biden is more qualified than Rump by a long shot.
Plagiarism in college, plagiarism during a political campaign in the 80s. Just another phoney democrat hack.
Joe needed to cheat because Joe's not a very smart guy. Sadly you don't need to be very smart to be a US Senator which is why Amtrak Joe stayed in the Senate for all those years!
As for being liked and being President, I didn't like Nixon yet voted for him 2 times. Liked shouldn't come into the equation. Competency is all that matters. And Biden is more qualified than Rump by a long shot.
Are you on some sort of medication? What has Joe Biden done that would make a reasonable person label him as "qualified"? That claim astounds me!
forget all the hubbub lying, skullduggery, etc, etc, etc,

Everytime he opens his pie hole his appoval numbers drop

Only thing I can figure is the populace just plain don't like him. Like maybe he just rub people the wrong way.

What's not to like about a dementia ridden incestuous pedophile?

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