Is John McCain a racist?


so self-hate is something that doesn't happen???

Rarely, but that is nowhere near the case with Barack, will you just actually read his book before you make crap up.

I'm a mixed person, and if any of you are not and think Barack is racist, then you'll never understand
That doesn't make it right, it is still a racial term even if you use it when you are vet and you were over there. Vets were using it as a slang term then and now as a racial term. They are called Asians, Japanese,CHinese, Vietmanese, and so on not gook. And it is not alright to still call them gook thirty years later.
I had an Uncle who fought in WWII against the Japanese. He always call them "Japs".

My Father was also in the same war, but against the Germans. He refered to them as "Krauts"

As a boy this seemed kind of strange to me. But later in life I learn why you give the enemy names and why it sticks with you and your psyche.

In other words, Asians will forever be "Gooks" to me. And whoever doesn't like it can shove it!!! :evil:
Really? Who does Obama hate? His white mammy or his black pappy?

White people, of course.

(Obama) vowed that he would “never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.”
Do any of you think that if you were disabled by your captors, that you wouldn't hold a little bit of a grudge. They were his countries freaking enemies he dropped 500lb bombs on them! Do you think he likes them, even now 40yrs later?

The problem with our electoral process is as follows:

Two party system
corporate greed
60 to 90yr olds fashioning our laws, they are not direct reflections of their constiuents

too many doctor,lawyers and insurance agents in Washington
I love your posts. They are always so juvenile and devoid of reason. Obama is an African-American. For more information, do a Google Search on 'African American' and there will be plenty of definitions for you to choose from. You might also consider reading Obama's book.

Good day!

I've not only read his book(s) but I've(because of a family friend) also MET the man and had the pleasure of talking to him so please don't get involved in something you don't know anything about son. We are apart of the smallest minority in this country and not even blacks or whites can fully understand what it means to be mixed/biracial in America

After reading what you say its hilarious you call me juvenile when you're obviously a teenager
his dad left him when he was very young. Mom went off to Indonesia got married and shipped Brock back to Hawaii to be rasied by her parents.

Thats not even close to the truth but you've proven that facts don't mean anything to you.

Shipped? Wow, must be nice to live in a world thats not even close to reality
I've not only read his book(s) but I've(because of a family friend) also MET the man and had the pleasure of talking to him so please don't get involved in something you don't know anything about son. We are apart of the smallest minority in this country and not even blacks or whites can fully understand what it means to be mixed/biracial in America

After reading what you say its hilarious you call me juvenile when you're obviously a teenager

So being biracial has made you this angry? That's sad. You must have had a terrible childhood. I will pray for you.
Neither Obama or McCain are overt racists. The american presidential electoral process would have vetted them out long ago if they were.

Posters like JSanders are just lying and smearing, because they don't actually know why they're voting republican, and they havent' found any McCain policies they can actually defend on a regular basis. They just don't want a black Democrat in the white house.
Neither Obama or McCain are overt racists. The american presidential electoral process would have vetted them out long ago if they were.

Posters like JSanders are just lying and smearing, because they don't actually know why they're voting republican, and they havent' found any McCain policies they can actually defend on a regular basis. They just don't want a black Democrat in the white house.

Though he still hasn't really made a valid excuse as to why to vote against a MLK holiday. I'm still wondering on that one.

Ronald Reagan was also opposed to the holiday. He recanted only after Congress passed the King Day bill with an overwhelming veto-proof majority (338 to 90 in the House of Representatives and 78 to 22 in the Senate).[11] Prior to that date, New Hampshire and Arizona had not observed the day. Throughout the 1990s, this was heavily criticized. After a 1990 proposition to recognize the holiday in Arizona did not pass, the National Football League boycotted hosting Super Bowl XXVII at Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe.[12] The hip-hop group Public Enemy recorded a song titled "By The Time I Get To Arizona", on their 1991 album Apocalypse 91... The Enemy Strikes Black, in which they describe assassinating Arizona Governor Fife Symington III for his opposition to the holiday.

On May 2, 2000, South Carolina governor Jim Hodges signed a bill to make Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday an official state holiday. South Carolina was the last state to recognize the day as a paid holiday for all state employees. Prior to this, employees could choose between celebrating Martin Luther King Day or one of three confederate holidays.

The Republican's great hero Ronald Reagan was also against it. Funny since MLK Jr himself was a Republican, but things/policies change in 20-40 years.

Notice how one of the key opponent states to this was: ARIZONA!

And which senator is from there? Anyone out there in the crowd? John McCain! [ame=]YouTube - The Price is Right, Extended Theme[/ame]
Though he still hasn't really made a valid excuse as to why to vote against a MLK holiday. I'm still wondering on that one.

The Republican's great hero Ronald Reagan was also against it. Funny since MLK Jr himself was a Republican, but things/policies change in 20-40 years.

Notice how one of the key opponent states to this was: ARIZONA!

And which senator is from there? Anyone out there in the crowd? John McCain! YouTube - The Price is Right, Extended Theme

McCain adopted a black baby. I don't think he's personally racist.

I think he might be racially insensitive, and I think like all republicans, he exploits the racist elements in the GOP base for political advantage.

And likewise, democrats often exploit a sense of victimization of minorities for political gain.

But there's nothing to suggest Obama and McCain are personally racist.

JRsanders is just lying.
McCain adopted a black baby. I don't think he's personally racist.

I think he might be racially insensitive, and I think like all republicans, he exploits the racist elements in the GOP base for political advantage.

And likewise, democrats often exploit a sense of victimization of minorities for political gain.

But there's nothing to suggest Obama and McCain are personally racist.

JRsanders is just lying.

Do I think McCain is racist? Maybe, I don't know.

Do I think he is very ignorant in many cases all over the board? Of course.
the question has been raised of whether Obama is a racist...sentences are lifted from his book "Dreams of my Father" they are twisted entirely and/or taken completely out of context to make this claim so that begs the question...Is John McCain a racist?

Example #1

in 2000 he called Asians gooks.

John McCain's racist remark very troubling

McCain: racist, bigot & homophobe | Capitol Hill Blue

McCain is racist, not Ron Paul

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

some other examples:

John McCain voted against MLK day but has later said his opinion evolved... he was 50 when he voted against it... too old to be naive or uninformed of the contribution and sacrafice made by Mr. King.

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> [/youtube]'s up to the McCain supporters to prove that he's NOT a racist....if the standards to the same for both candidates I mean.

I proved that Obama made racist statements an expert in African American Politics stated he made those statements. I guess you know more than the experts though....
You do know McCain calls all asians GOOKS, right? Not just vietnamese, but even our Japanese and Chinese friends. ALL Asians.

That's sick. That's like calling all blacks YOU KNOW WHAT.

Bobo your "menacing"....

The same word Obama uses to describe whites....
Bobo your "menacing"....

The same word Obama uses to describe whites....
Wow! A black man that thinks whites are menacing especially when white people still are racist towards black people in this country. Maybe it might have to do with the fact David Duke still has a following in the south. Or their is the fact white people still act on their racism whether it be behind the scenes such as saying an apartment is not for rent or having parades down main street!
Wow! A black man that thinks whites are menacing especially when white people still are racist towards black people in this country. Maybe it might have to do with the fact David Duke still has a following in the south. Or their is the fact white people still act on their racism whether it be behind the scenes such as saying an apartment is not for rent or having parades down main street!

Rev. Wright had a church in Chicago with thousands of followers. One of those followers for 20 years was Obama. What there can't be black racists, is that impossible? It would have been understandable if Obama had called David Duke menacing, but he didn't he said whites. That is a stereotpye and racist....
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I proved that Obama made racist statements an expert in African American Politics stated he made those statements. I guess you know more than the experts though....

Obama makes statements? OMG RACISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

McCain calls Asians Gooks? Eh, its understandable.

You'd look a bit less like a complete partisan hack if you were more consistent on this. Or are you afraid of an uppity ****** getting into power?

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