Is Letitia James the modern embodiment of Joseph Stalin's Secret Police Chief?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent. “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast. He served as deputy premier from 1941 until Stalin’s death in 1953, supervising the expansion of the gulags and other secret detention facilities for political prisoners. He became part of a post-Stalin, short-lived ruling troika until he was executed for treason after Nikita Khrushchev’s coup d’etat in 1953. Beria targeted “the man” first, then proceeded to find or fabricate a crime. Beria’s modus operandi was to presume the man guilty, and fill in the blanks later.

Comment: The philosophy of Beria and James is exactly the same. Take down your political opponents using the illusion of fair treatment in court. The only difference is today's US Democratic Party doesn't execute their political adversaries. Yet.
She's like the women in Mao's China and the struggle sessions. Yeah, we're moving in that direction led by a large contingent of, though not exclusively, knee grow women.

And leftoids will gladly go along with that. After all, a WaPo opinion piece, by a female, said the other day:

Look, no one more deserves to be mistreated, and no one more deserves a system rigged against him, than Trump.
Honestly, I may not agree with the size of the judgment in Trump's case, but Trump presented his case and now it is under appeal. Trump only has himself for the judgment. Did Trump even present much of a defense at trial? If anyone engaged in Soviet-style intimidation it was Trump who attacked the legal system, the judge, and the judge's staff. BTW, the only people I ever heard that echoed Stalinist/Leninist rhetoric are MAGAs and Trump himself.
Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent. “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast. He served as deputy premier from 1941 until Stalin’s death in 1953, supervising the expansion of the gulags and other secret detention facilities for political prisoners. He became part of a post-Stalin, short-lived ruling troika until he was executed for treason after Nikita Khrushchev’s coup d’etat in 1953. Beria targeted “the man” first, then proceeded to find or fabricate a crime. Beria’s modus operandi was to presume the man guilty, and fill in the blanks later.

Comment: The philosophy of Beria and James is exactly the same. Take down your political opponents using the illusion of fair treatment in court. The only difference is today's US Democratic Party doesn't execute their political adversaries. Yet.
She's a useful-idiot. When she stops being useful they'll find someone to replace her.
Honestly, I may not agree with the size of the judgment in Trump's case, but Trump presented his case and now it is under appeal. Trump only has himself for the judgment. Did Trump even present much of a defense at trial? If anyone engaged in Soviet-style intimidation it was Trump who attacked the legal system, the judge, and the judge's staff. BTW, the only people I ever heard that echoed Stalinist/Leninist rhetoric are MAGAs and Trump himself.
Trump wasn't given much of a chance to present his case.
The judge held him in contempt and threatened to have him thrown in jail just for issuing a statement.
They broke the law to get an indictment, and they ignored the law to pass judgement.
The statute of limitations had expired on most the case against Trump, but the judge illegally allowed it as evidence against him.
The judge didn't even have jurisdiction over the issues in the case.
The case never should have been in his courtroom, because another judge probably would have dismissed the cause on it's merits alone.
Lack of evidence, no crime involved, and no victims.

The judge even wanted to know how much money Trump had in is campaign fund so he could fine him more than he had.
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She is more a cult member that represents McCarthyism. A more secular version of the Dem Party unique to certain dishonest and obedient Dems who betray.American Values for their own political gains, be they in NY or in the MSM.they exiat. Recall that once McCarthy went too far his career was over. I think in his case he attacks the military as being Communists. . There will either be adults in the room who correct these abuses or America will lose great global Goodwill in exchange for short term control by the Establishment.
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She is more a cuot member that represents McCarthyism. A more secular version of the Dem Party unique to certain dishonest and obedient Dems who betray.American Values for their own political gains, be they in NY or in the MSM.they exiat. Recall that once McCarthy went too far his career was over. I think in his case he attacks the military as being Communists. . There wiol either be adults in the room who correct these abuses or America will lose great global Goodwill in exchange for short term control by the Establishment.
I don't believe it's accurate to equate James with Joseph McCarthy. IMO he was a "hyper-Patriot" who took Communism paranoia too far. James is clearly an anti-American who is using the courts to carry out a Political assassination on a targeted individual.
Honestly, I may not agree with the size of the judgment in Trump's case, but Trump presented his case and now it is under appeal. Trump only has himself for the judgment. Did Trump even present much of a defense at trial? If anyone engaged in Soviet-style intimidation it was Trump who attacked the legal system, the judge, and the judge's staff. BTW, the only people I ever heard that echoed Stalinist/Leninist rhetoric are MAGAs and Trump himself.

The judge said before the trial that the Trump organization was guilty, and the trial was only to decide how much of a fine to impose.
James will be erased from history just like Stalin's wing man, Nick Yezhov.

“That doesn’t mean I’m going to give money to a rogue and incompetent judge—the puppet of a corrupt attorney general who’s failing with violent crime and migrant crime and whose only purpose in life is attempting to get Trump,” President Trump told Fox News on Friday afternoon.

The Regime is very adept at picking the most hateful and determined useful idiots such as James, Engoron, Willis etc. to carry out their assault on US Justice.
$10,000,000.00 bucks can buy a lot of hate. They bribed Engeron with $10,000,000.00.

A lot of the omnibus bill has money-laundering in it so they can pay out bribe money to get what they want.
She is more a cult member that represents McCarthyism. A more secular version of the Dem Party unique to certain dishonest and obedient Dems who betray.American Values for their own political gains, be they in NY or in the MSM.they exiat. Recall that once McCarthy went too far his career was over. I think in his case he attacks the military as being Communists. . There will either be adults in the room who correct these abuses or America will lose great global Goodwill in exchange for short term control by the Establishment.
The truth is most blacks have zero respect for the law because they've been conditioned since before the civil rights movement to take welfare and have children out of wedlock.

The left hates normal families with a working father and a stay at home mother.
Most families cannot survive on one paycheck because Democrats keep causing the cost of living to go up.
They want you to sit at home and collect a welfare check every month and never work.

The minimum-wage argument is a fraud.
Most adults don't have minimum-wage jobs.
It's meant for seniors and students, not parents that have a home and children.

Poverty is the number one weapon the Democrats use against us.
Keep you poor, stupid, and dependent.
$10,000,000.00 bucks can buy a lot of hate. They bribed Engeron with $10,000,000.00.

A lot of the omnibus bill has money-laundering in it so they can pay out bribe money to get what they want.
I read that somewhere but has that been cross verified? That would be consistent with how The Regime operates. I have no doubt Letitia will quietly be receiving a similar windfall adding to her already skyrocketing 15 million dollar net worth. YAY FOR AMERIKASTAN!!!
Honestly, I may not agree with the size of the judgment in Trump's case, but Trump presented his case and now it is under appeal. Trump only has himself for the judgment. Did Trump even present much of a defense at trial? If anyone engaged in Soviet-style intimidation it was Trump who attacked the legal system, the judge, and the judge's staff. BTW, the only people I ever heard that echoed Stalinist/Leninist rhetoric are MAGAs and Trump himself.
Many witnesses involved in the loan transaction provided exculpatory testimony like, Trump insisted they get their own evaluations and satisfied parties to the loan transaction where no one was harmed and all the money paid back. He shouldn't have even been in court!! James and Engoron are the ONLY reason because they are obviously working in concert to keep Trump off the ballot which is election interference. It is THEY who should be charged and put on trial, not Trump because he did nothing wrong.
"Show me the person and I'll show you the crime". If every member of congress was subject to Stalinist investigation and interrogation by Beria clones, they would all be in freaking jail and Biden would be Commissar.
I read that somewhere but has that been cross verified? That would be consistent with how The Regime operates. I have no doubt Letitia will quietly be receiving a similar windfall adding to her already skyrocketing 15 million dollar net worth. YAY FOR AMERIKASTAN!!!
Everyone on the Biden payroll is getting massive jumps in income.

Letittya James is now worth $15 million.
I don't believe it's accurate to equate James with Joseph McCarthy. IMO he was a "hyper-Patriot" who took Communism paranoia too far. James is clearly an anti-American who is using the courts to carry out a Political assassination on a targeted individual.
Joseph McCarthy was just a drunk.
Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent. “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast. He served as deputy premier from 1941 until Stalin’s death in 1953, supervising the expansion of the gulags and other secret detention facilities for political prisoners. He became part of a post-Stalin, short-lived ruling troika until he was executed for treason after Nikita Khrushchev’s coup d’etat in 1953. Beria targeted “the man” first, then proceeded to find or fabricate a crime. Beria’s modus operandi was to presume the man guilty, and fill in the blanks later.

Comment: The philosophy of Beria and James is exactly the same. Take down your political opponents using the illusion of fair treatment in court. The only difference is today's US Democratic Party doesn't execute their political adversaries. Yet.


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