Is Linux as good as many people say??


Active Member
Jun 13, 2015
Hello everyone question i am wondering if the Linux operating system is as good as many people say it is many other people i have talked to both online & real life say it is better then Windows & works very well at least from there experiences i have used computers since late 1995 & all my life i have been ether a Mac or Windows person so i ask you guys today is Linux really a good system yes or no & what should i know & learn about it??.
Linux is good if you're familiar with it...

... and a bit of a techie...

... should be a copy of Linux for Dummies...

... or An Idiots Guide to Linux...

... both good beginners books...

... at your local public library.
Running an operating system like Ubuntu or as I've been told, Mint, is very easy and compared to Microsoft, problem free. The weakness is at the gaming level - not too many titles available.

The available business suites like Libre Office take a little getting used to but they offer the same functionality as that found with Microsoft Office.

The key is to select the right hardware as not all firms provide Linux drivers and updates for their hardware - which is often the difficulty some people experience with Linux operating systems.

I quit Microsoft six years ago despite the fact that the other 30 people in my office are running Microsoft. Never a problem in all that time.

For most beginners I recommend either Mint or Ubuntu as they have the restricted (corporate owned) drivers built in or easily installed from the software package. As everyone else has said the primary weakness is in the gaming department (for now), if it wasn't for that I'd use Ubuntu exclusively.
Ubuntu has a slightly higher learning curve that Mint but from what I've read most non-techie Windows users prefer it over Mint once they get used to it (it's not hard to learn it).


Problem free? While it begins with that you have to configure your computer according to driver availability?

Oh for Pete's sake Blie...really?
I have been using Mint for years and have setup many friends PC's with Linux and everything is just fine.
Mint or Ubuntu will operate on all but a few systems with no driver issues fact much faster to setup printers/cameras etc. than windows in most cases unless you bought some cheap knockoff.
Once I install mint...I never have to do anything else except update every so often...which I know is sooo difficult...I have to click "ok" that is so hard!!

Give it a break.
Problem free? While it begins with that you have to configure your computer according to driver availability?

Oh for Pete's sake Blie...really?
I have been using Mint for years and have setup many friends PC's with Linux and everything is just fine.
Mint or Ubuntu will operate on all but a few systems with no driver issues fact much faster to setup printers/cameras etc. than windows in most cases unless you bought some cheap knockoff.
Once I install mint...I never have to do anything else except update every so often...which I know is sooo difficult...I have to click "ok" that is so hard!!

Give it a break.
Linux has only standard drivers. Support by the hardware manufacturers is minimal to not existing. I am really not a "Linux-opponent" but people trying Linux need to know that they now need two operating systems for the same tasks one OS was more than sufficient before.
Problem free? While it begins with that you have to configure your computer according to driver availability?

Oh for Pete's sake Blie...really?
I have been using Mint for years and have setup many friends PC's with Linux and everything is just fine.
Mint or Ubuntu will operate on all but a few systems with no driver issues fact much faster to setup printers/cameras etc. than windows in most cases unless you bought some cheap knockoff.
Once I install mint...I never have to do anything else except update every so often...which I know is sooo difficult...I have to click "ok" that is so hard!!

Give it a break.
Linux has only standard drivers. Support by the hardware manufacturers is minimal to not existing. I am really not a "Linux-opponent" but people trying Linux need to know that they now need two operating systems for the same tasks one OS was more than sufficient before.
Nice myth but hey, don't let that stop you........
Problem free? While it begins with that you have to configure your computer according to driver availability?

Oh for Pete's sake Blie...really?
I have been using Mint for years and have setup many friends PC's with Linux and everything is just fine.
Mint or Ubuntu will operate on all but a few systems with no driver issues fact much faster to setup printers/cameras etc. than windows in most cases unless you bought some cheap knockoff.
Once I install mint...I never have to do anything else except update every so often...which I know is sooo difficult...I have to click "ok" that is so hard!!

Give it a break.
Linux has only standard drivers. Support by the hardware manufacturers is minimal to not existing. I am really not a "Linux-opponent" but people trying Linux need to know that they now need two operating systems for the same tasks one OS was more than sufficient before.
Nice myth but hey, don't let that stop you........

It doesn't.
He keeps trying to get his RedHat 6 to up and re-declares Linux doesn't work.
...I am not a "Linux-opponent"....

Problem free? While it begins with that you have to configure your computer according to driver availability?

Oh for Pete's sake Blie...really?
I have been using Mint for years and have setup many friends PC's with Linux and everything is just fine.
Mint or Ubuntu will operate on all but a few systems with no driver issues fact much faster to setup printers/cameras etc. than windows in most cases unless you bought some cheap knockoff.
Once I install mint...I never have to do anything else except update every so often...which I know is sooo difficult...I have to click "ok" that is so hard!!

Give it a break.
Linux has only standard drivers. Support by the hardware manufacturers is minimal to not existing. I am really not a "Linux-opponent" but people trying Linux need to know that they now need two operating systems for the same tasks one OS was more than sufficient before.
Nice myth but hey, don't let that stop you........
What myth?
Problem free? While it begins with that you have to configure your computer according to driver availability?

Oh for Pete's sake Blie...really?
I have been using Mint for years and have setup many friends PC's with Linux and everything is just fine.
Mint or Ubuntu will operate on all but a few systems with no driver issues fact much faster to setup printers/cameras etc. than windows in most cases unless you bought some cheap knockoff.
Once I install mint...I never have to do anything else except update every so often...which I know is sooo difficult...I have to click "ok" that is so hard!!

Give it a break.
Linux has only standard drivers. Support by the hardware manufacturers is minimal to not existing. I am really not a "Linux-opponent" but people trying Linux need to know that they now need two operating systems for the same tasks one OS was more than sufficient before.
Nice myth but hey, don't let that stop you........

It doesn't.
He keeps trying to get his RedHat 6 to up and re-declares Linux doesn't work.
Linux is the OS for the escapists. If you don´t want your software to run and your hardware to be used properly, hey, try Noobuntu.
Problem free? While it begins with that you have to configure your computer according to driver availability?

Oh for Pete's sake Blie...really?
I have been using Mint for years and have setup many friends PC's with Linux and everything is just fine.
Mint or Ubuntu will operate on all but a few systems with no driver issues fact much faster to setup printers/cameras etc. than windows in most cases unless you bought some cheap knockoff.
Once I install mint...I never have to do anything else except update every so often...which I know is sooo difficult...I have to click "ok" that is so hard!!

Give it a break.
Linux has only standard drivers. Support by the hardware manufacturers is minimal to not existing. I am really not a "Linux-opponent" but people trying Linux need to know that they now need two operating systems for the same tasks one OS was more than sufficient before.
Nice myth but hey, don't let that stop you........
What myth?
RestrictedDrivers - Community Help Wiki

10 things to do first in Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon - Easy Linux tips project
Problem free? While it begins with that you have to configure your computer according to driver availability?

Oh for Pete's sake Blie...really?
I have been using Mint for years and have setup many friends PC's with Linux and everything is just fine.
Mint or Ubuntu will operate on all but a few systems with no driver issues fact much faster to setup printers/cameras etc. than windows in most cases unless you bought some cheap knockoff.
Once I install mint...I never have to do anything else except update every so often...which I know is sooo difficult...I have to click "ok" that is so hard!!

Give it a break.
Linux has only standard drivers. Support by the hardware manufacturers is minimal to not existing. I am really not a "Linux-opponent" but people trying Linux need to know that they now need two operating systems for the same tasks one OS was more than sufficient before.
Nice myth but hey, don't let that stop you........

It doesn't.
He keeps trying to get his RedHat 6 to up and re-declares Linux doesn't work.
Linux is the OS for the escapists. If you don´t want your software to run and your hardware to be used properly, hey, try Noobuntu.
All hail the great God Microsoft eh? :lmao:
Problem free? While it begins with that you have to configure your computer according to driver availability?

Oh for Pete's sake Blie...really?
I have been using Mint for years and have setup many friends PC's with Linux and everything is just fine.
Mint or Ubuntu will operate on all but a few systems with no driver issues fact much faster to setup printers/cameras etc. than windows in most cases unless you bought some cheap knockoff.
Once I install mint...I never have to do anything else except update every so often...which I know is sooo difficult...I have to click "ok" that is so hard!!

Give it a break.
Linux has only standard drivers. Support by the hardware manufacturers is minimal to not existing. I am really not a "Linux-opponent" but people trying Linux need to know that they now need two operating systems for the same tasks one OS was more than sufficient before.
Nice myth but hey, don't let that stop you........
What myth?
RestrictedDrivers - Community Help Wiki

10 things to do first in Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon - Easy Linux tips project
There are some half-assed drivers. Again, I tried Ubunto some years ago and neither sound nor the surfstick worked. Furthermore, you have to get your software through a tool and won´t find installers. Very strange.

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