is McCarthy correct, both Trump AND right wing stalwart Rohrabacher taking Putin paychecks?


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
McCarthy sez so, plus the CA wingnut announced during the Benghazi 'hearings' they were merely a political hit job, astonishing as that may sound lol

I've been watching Rohrabacher and his evil twin Issa The Car Thief for years, they make your typical Oklahoma wingnut look like Bernie Sanders

jeebus this Trump shit is getting weird!

It was a joke.


"Putin is paying Trump"

Hey, let's leak this conversation and watch the Dems jump on the flaming bag of pooh
UPDATE: Ryan on edge, more recordings still out there............Ryan: More audio leaks 'cause for concern'

In 2012, the FBI warned Rohrabacher during a classified briefing on Capitol Hill that Russian spies were trying to recruit him as an “agent of influence,” The New York Times reported Friday.

Ryan's leadership team has good reason to suspect McMullin leaked the audio. An outspoken Trump critic, McMullin even alluded to the 2016 meeting and McCarthy's Russia-Trump quip in a New York Times op-ed published in February.

"Suspect public comments like these led one senior Republican leader to dolefully inform his peers that he thought Mr. Trump was on the Kremlin’s payroll, suggesting that Mr. Trump had been compromised by Russian intelligence," McMullin wrote.

"Other leaders were surprised by their colleague’s frank assessment, but did not dispute it."

this is funny.....McMullin of all people taped this treachery!

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