Is no one else concerned about the current Administration?

Oh please. Obama and his crew cannot do any lasting damage to this country, any more or less than Carter did. The only thing they can damage is themselves and the Democrat Party, just like Carter did.

Stop it with the Chicken Little nonsense.

The country may survive, but not as it once was. It didn't after Andrew Jackson, or FDR, or Johnson, or Carter, or Bush, I think it will be very different after Obama.
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Oh please. Obama and his crew cannot do any lasting damage to this country, any more or less than Carter did. The only thing they can damage is themselves and the Democrat Party, just like Carter did.

Stop it with the Chicken Little nonsense.

The country may survive, but not as it once was. It didn't after Andrew Jackson, or FDR, or Johnson, or Carter, or Bush, I think it will be very diffe
Yep, wait until the dollar collapse and the new one monetary bill comes out! One world order here we are.
I can see how, by the way he talked, people might have believed him while he was campaigning. But to continue to believe him when he says that we'll find a way and then doesn't explain himself except through continuous bail-outs to banks (not people)? I just don't get it.

Obama didnt explain himself when he was campaigning in 2008 except for repeatly saying wealth redistribution?.. so what's new?, you people were warned!
YouTube - Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered
[ame=]YouTube - Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown[/ame]
Unlike under the Bush administration, I feel that the Islam world is really starting to perceive the US under the Obama administration as a "paper tiger," Just what Bin Laden thought of the US under the Clinton administration. To put it really short..."IT SUCKS"
Oh please. Obama and his crew cannot do any lasting damage to this country, any more or less than Carter did. The only thing they can damage is themselves and the Democrat Party, just like Carter did.

Stop it with the Chicken Little nonsense.

When a program is put in to the government... you do not see it leave... if this administration does somehow get in universal health care, etc... it will do LASTING damage that will be almost impossible to get out

Lasting damage? Are you kidding? At his inauguration damn near all the damage that could possibly be inflicted was already policy.

Its incomprehensible to characterize health care as damaging after Katrina... or pick a war, or tax dollars spent on warrantless wiretaps.

Its health care. Its care for your health. Sure its a lot of scratch. See above for the absurdity by contrast.
Oh please. Obama and his crew cannot do any lasting damage to this country, any more or less than Carter did. The only thing they can damage is themselves and the Democrat Party, just like Carter did.

Stop it with the Chicken Little nonsense.

I do disagree with this

When a program is put in to the government... you do not see it leave... if this administration does somehow get in universal health care, etc... it will do LASTING damage that will be almost impossible to get out
It can be undone. Most all of Carter's nonsense was.

This stuff of "Obama's destroying the country" is really silly.

Its silly, but realistically unlike obama he is not focusing on what we need but what he wants and says we need and wasting valuable time. Should the republicans take over in 2013 its more wasted time un doing what was already wasted getting it done ... So yea ITS FUCKING SILLY!!!!
It's not just Obama that's the problem. It's all of them. It's time to clean house. It's time for another Tea Party...
I do disagree with this

When a program is put in to the government... you do not see it leave... if this administration does somehow get in universal health care, etc... it will do LASTING damage that will be almost impossible to get out
It can be undone. Most all of Carter's nonsense was.

This stuff of "Obama's destroying the country" is really silly.

Its silly, but realistically unlike obama he is not focusing on what we need but what he wants and says we need and wasting valuable time. Should the republicans take over in 2013 its more wasted time un doing what was already wasted getting it done ... So yea ITS FUCKING SILLY!!!!

Well the probs not entirely all the presidential admins fault, if you were president wouldnt you run it like you want???sure you would.. No! one of the main reason we have more and more failed admins, is because of the socialist communist leaning media outlets in this country maliciously catering to the over populated electorial swing stateswherein most were affected by public schooling dumb-down projects who believe anything to get a handout or free lunch plain and simple...Nothing silly really, it was done on purpose by design long before the Kenyan foreign national came to power in the USA....I hope you enjoy both your ride and your wallets for the next four years, youve earned it............Oh and the stock market will bounce up and down like a superball for a little while and may eventually do well, but when the bottom falls out we may never recover finanically...

Never spend your money before you have earned it.
Thomas Jefferson

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
Benjamin Franklin

Half a truth is often a great lie.
Benjamin Franklin

Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.
George Washington

Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government.
James Madison
Yes, but we are mostly powerless to change things. The two parties have ran the nation into the ground. They are entrenched and we will have to ride out the calamities as they come until a party comes along they will work for the benefit of the nation as a whole.

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