Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

Your libertarianian analysis, Conty, sees the world in binary numbers, 0 and 1.
As it should be. Either something is true or it isn't. Oh Lord of mercy. I need to show you the finger again. How many fucking times have I stated the same thing.
Of course, libertarianism is more dangerous than statism...
True, if you are a parasite. But you knew that roaches hate the light.

Nope, life is far more complex than binary concepts.

Libertarianism is merely the flip side of communism: one the rule of a cadre of elites and the other the rule of "a society of equals".

Americans will neither accept communism nor libertarianism.

Libertarians live in this fantasy world were all markets are perfectly competitive.
Your libertarianian analysis, Conty, sees the world in binary numbers, 0 and 1.
As it should be. Either something is true or it isn't. Oh Lord of mercy. I need to show you the finger again. How many fucking times have I stated the same thing.
Of course, libertarianism is more dangerous than statism...
True, if you are a parasite. But you knew that roaches hate the light.

Nope, life is far more complex than binary concepts.

Libertarianism is merely the flip side of communism: one the rule of a cadre of elites and the other the rule of "a society of equals".

Americans will neither accept communism nor libertarianism.

They already have, That's what the FDR revolution was all about.

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As it should be. Either something is true or it isn't. Oh Lord of mercy. I need to show you the finger again. How many fucking times have I stated the same thing. True, if you are a parasite. But you knew that roaches hate the light.

Nope, life is far more complex than binary concepts.

Libertarianism is merely the flip side of communism: one the rule of a cadre of elites and the other the rule of "a society of equals".

Americans will neither accept communism nor libertarianism.

Libertarians live in this fantasy world were all markets are perfectly competitive.

Fascistotards live in this fantasy world where all brown shirted bureaucrats are angels.

May I suggest that you move to Greece , Spain , Italy , Somalia, Cuba....and any other socialist paradise your heart desires?!?!?!

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Nope, life is far more complex than binary concepts.

Libertarianism is merely the flip side of communism: one the rule of a cadre of elites and the other the rule of "a society of equals".

Americans will neither accept communism nor libertarianism.

Libertarians live in this fantasy world were all markets are perfectly competitive.

Fascistotards live in this fantasy world where all brown shirted bureaucrats are angels.

May I suggest that you move Greece , Spain , Italy , Somalia, Cuba....and any other socialist paradise your heart desires?!?!?!


Actually, Somalia seems like a libertarian paradise. Not a government in sight. Should be heaven on Earth.
You've shown no such thing. You keep claiming it happened, but never supported your claims with evidence. Your claims about the left wanting to "take away the evil profits" is a massive strawman, but that didn't happen in Nazi Germany either.

And yes, protection of mothers has always been a right-wing position (look at the context it was being used in), ditto for duty to the state (that's what glorification of military service is, after all).
Really protection of the mother rights a right wing thing?
Protection of mother and child by outlawing child labour.

Here it is one more time I recall it was the left that wants to keep children who live on a farm from working. and it is the left who are pro choice.

Your claims about the left wanting to "take away the evil profits" is a massive strawman, but that didn't happen in Nazi Germany either.

I got too ask what are you smoking? What is the OWS protest all about?

As for the Nazis, they generally did not have to kill in order to seize the property of Germans other than Jews. This was because, as we have seen, they established socialism by stealth, through price controls, which served to maintain the outward guise and appearance of private ownership. The private owners were thus deprived of their property without knowing it and thus felt no need to defend it by force.
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian - George Reisman - Mises Daily
bigreb's sources do not show that nationalization of industry occurred. He posted a source last year that stated clearly that it did not happen. bigrebnc, clevergirl, and foxfyre cannot at all in anyway every show that Hitler was anything other than a right wing statist fascist.

They will never get away with misdefinition and narrative inaccuracies.

They are absolutely clueless far righties and libertarians without a clue of political philosophy.
and flake is bat shit crazy and ready to have a meltdown.
This is an even more absurd flip than the time you claiming being able to buy more goods per dollar meant a dollar is worth less.

Combines extreme nationalism, racism and some socialist concepts.

Unification of Greater Germany (Austria + Germany)
Land + expansion
Anti-Versailles - abrogation of the Treaty.
Land and territory - lebensraum.
Only a "member of the race" can be a citizen.
Anti-semitism - No Jew can be a member of the race.
Anti-foreigner - only citizens can live in Germany.
No immigration - ref. to Jews fleeing pograms.
Everyone must work.
Abolition of unearned income - "no rent-slavery". the left
Nationalisation of industry the left
Divison of profits the left
Extension of old age welfare. the left
Land reform the left
Death to all criminals
German law, not Roman law (anti- French Rev.)
Education to teach "the German Way"
Education of gifted children
Protection of mother and child by outlawing child labour. the left
Encouraging gymnastics and swimming
Formation a national army.
Duty of the state to provide for its volk. the left
Duty of individuals to the state the left

Internet History Sourcebooks

But notice that many of the things you label as "the left" never occurred (nationalization of industry and division of profits being primary examples). And several of the other things you label as "the left" (protection of mothers/children, duty of individuals to the state) typically seen as right-wing positions.

And others deemed 'left', by those who missed too many history classes, are in reality, canons of the right: Duty on individuals to risk their lives for the state, whether the military action is necessary or not, nationalization of industry as a part OF the government, a partner; again, extremist RIGHT.
Libertarians live in this fantasy world were all markets are perfectly competitive.

Fascistotards live in this fantasy world where all brown shirted bureaucrats are angels.

May I suggest that you move Greece , Spain , Italy , Somalia, Cuba....and any other socialist paradise your heart desires?!?!?!


Actually, Somalia seems like a libertarian paradise. Not a government in sight. Should be heaven on Earth.

Somalia was victimized by your ilk. Socialism is like an atomic bomb - nothing grows for years in its aftermath
Combines extreme nationalism, racism and some socialist concepts.

Unification of Greater Germany (Austria + Germany)
Land + expansion
Anti-Versailles - abrogation of the Treaty.
Land and territory - lebensraum.
Only a "member of the race" can be a citizen.
Anti-semitism - No Jew can be a member of the race.
Anti-foreigner - only citizens can live in Germany.
No immigration - ref. to Jews fleeing pograms.
Everyone must work.
Abolition of unearned income - "no rent-slavery". the left
Nationalisation of industry the left
Divison of profits the left
Extension of old age welfare. the left
Land reform the left
Death to all criminals
German law, not Roman law (anti- French Rev.)
Education to teach "the German Way"
Education of gifted children
Protection of mother and child by outlawing child labour. the left
Encouraging gymnastics and swimming
Formation a national army.
Duty of the state to provide for its volk. the left
Duty of individuals to the state the left

Internet History Sourcebooks

But notice that many of the things you label as "the left" never occurred (nationalization of industry and division of profits being primary examples). And several of the other things you label as "the left" (protection of mothers/children, duty of individuals to the state) typically seen as right-wing positions.

And others deemed 'left', by those who missed too many history classes, are in reality, canons of the right: Duty on individuals to risk their lives for the state, whether the military action is necessary or not, nationalization of industry as a part OF the government, a partner; again, extremist RIGHT.
It seems you missed a few classes. obama once made this speech.
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

Military action? Who was cheering obama's action in Libya?
As it should be. Either something is true or it isn't. Oh Lord of mercy. I need to show you the finger again. How many fucking times have I stated the same thing. True, if you are a parasite. But you knew that roaches hate the light.

Nope, life is far more complex than binary concepts.

Libertarianism is merely the flip side of communism: one the rule of a cadre of elites and the other the rule of "a society of equals".

Americans will neither accept communism nor libertarianism.

They already have, That's what the FDR revolution was all about.


No, that is a libertarian fantasy. Not based in fact or narrative at all.
Nope, life is far more complex than binary concepts.

Libertarianism is merely the flip side of communism: one the rule of a cadre of elites and the other the rule of "a society of equals".

Americans will neither accept communism nor libertarianism.

Libertarians live in this fantasy world were all markets are perfectly competitive.

Fascistotards live in this fantasy world where all brown shirted bureaucrats are angels.

May I suggest that you move to Greece , Spain , Italy , Somalia, Cuba....and any other socialist paradise your heart desires?!?!?!


Libertarotards live in fantsyville.
I don't recall which thread, but I responded to a "Hitler got rid of unions just like conservatives want to" if~

Here is a great link that shoots the implication that Hitler was anything other than a fascist megalomaniac Hitler Didn

And this too:

There are right wing fascism (Hitler) and left wing fascism (Stalin).

Fascism is simply totalitarianism – a severe police state. And that can operate under any economic system.

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." — Adolf Hitler, May 1, 1927

It might be an over-simplification, but to the absolute left is ultra-Socialism which can manifest itself as Fascism or Communism. To the absolute right is Anarchism. Complete government control over citizens and property vs. zero control over citizens and property.

That's not really accurate. You're getting level of government control mixed up with government's role in the economy. Fascism and communism aren't "ultra-Socialism", they're both forms of which envision a large role for the state, but for very different ends (dictatorship of the workers in communist, maximizing the profits of major industry in fascism). There are also visions of a minimal/no state on both the right (anarcho-capitalism) and left (anarcho-syndicalism).

That's an academic look at it, I live in the real world, so whether TECHNICALLY the Nazis had private property or not, STalin=Hitler, not much difference. It's like Oranges and Tangerines, same thing.
Utopian Socialism and anarchy are the same thing, just different ways to view it. Conservatives see chaos and call it anarchy(it conjures up chaos, does it not?), while liberals see it as a panacea starting with Thomas Moore. YAY!
You live in the world of reality one uses words with real definitions and terms and narrative, not made up ones by anyone, left or right.

buckeye has no idea at all concerning political philosophy and certainly nothing about Stalin, Hitler, socialism, and communism. To him they are all the same thing, which merely reveals his deep-set ignorance.
You live in the world of reality one uses words with real definitions and terms and narrative, not made up ones by anyone, left or right.

buckeye has no idea at all concerning political philosophy and certainly nothing about Stalin, Hitler, socialism, and communism. To him they are all the same thing, which merely reveals his deep-set ignorance.

JAke we have been over this, and you never give us your information, so stop being a dipshit.
So far we have learned taht Marx got his ideas from the French Revoltion, and the left wing is a big fan of Marx (although you say no, but I havent seen any proof from you). And we know that yes in theory there are differences, but in practice, Hitler and Stalin, which one was better?
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You live in the world of reality one uses words with real definitions and terms and narrative, not made up ones by anyone, left or right.

buckeye has no idea at all concerning political philosophy and certainly nothing about Stalin, Hitler, socialism, and communism. To him they are all the same thing, which merely reveals his deep-set ignorance.

JAke we have been over this, and you never give us your information, so stop being a dipshit.

Yes, we have been over this, and you are wrong every time.

Jillian is your better on these subjects: be schooled by her and learn.

Enough of you and your illiteracy about these matters.
You live in the world of reality one uses words with real definitions and terms and narrative, not made up ones by anyone, left or right.

buckeye has no idea at all concerning political philosophy and certainly nothing about Stalin, Hitler, socialism, and communism. To him they are all the same thing, which merely reveals his deep-set ignorance.

JAke we have been over this, and you never give us your information, so stop being a dipshit.

Yes, we have been over this, and you are wrong every time.

Jillian is your better on these subjects: be schooled by her and learn.

Enough of you and your illiteracy about these matters.

Again, you run away, because you have nothing.
Libertarians live in this fantasy world were all markets are perfectly competitive.

Fascistotards live in this fantasy world where all brown shirted bureaucrats are angels.

May I suggest that you move Greece , Spain , Italy , Somalia, Cuba....and any other socialist paradise your heart desires?!?!?!


Actually, Somalia seems like a libertarian paradise. Not a government in sight. Should be heaven on Earth.

That's not's ANARCHY, which is the ultimate right wing philosphy, but it means chaos, we're not wanting to get to that, we'd like to get as close as possible (think calculus) without touching it.

Here we go...

And in your answer, please include how the 39.6% top marginal tax rate he wants would constitute "socialism" or "fascism". Thanks.


Obama is a socialist--and you people who voted for Obama should have realized that he was a socialist when he got caught saying this--believing that no one was recording him. I knew it right then. Obama voters ignored it.

[ame=]Meet Joe Plumber/ Obama talks to Joe Plumber (FULL VIDEO) - YouTube[/ame]
He is a damn socialist, and a racist - an enemy of the country! That is the fundamental change he was refering to. You can't argue with most liberals - they won't see beyond their ideology/agenda. Breaking the law is fine if it congruent with their crap!
He is a damn socialist, and a racist - an enemy of the country! That is the fundamental change he was refering to. You can't argue with most liberals - they won't see beyond their ideology/agenda. Breaking the law is fine if it congruent with their crap!

no kidding, the liberals are all ass kissing Obama types, but I do see a couple of more moderate people, which is nice and then people like me :badgrin:

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