Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

Not his "progressive" leanings, though I did not like much of his NCLB or the supplemental seniors drug program. It was his stupid ass invasion of Iraq and failure to provide a competent followup that broke our NG and AR, weakened our military, led to a more vicious Patriot Act in Obama's admin, and so forth.

Bush's war mongering is what weakened this country.

The nick name some have given you here ("Fake") seems to fit you, sir. You seem to be a reasonably intelligent fellow, but have no convictions; no moral compass of your own.
You seem so intent on being seen as reasonable, that you come off as an empty shell devoid of any passion or position. You are a "nothing". You accomplish nothing, you influence no one. In other words, you are worthless; without purpose. You are the proverbial "tits on a boar".

I am reasonable, I am convicted to the Constitution, I have served my country, and I know that extremism such as you and other wish practiced in this country would destroy it.

You are an actor with a role you play. WHY you act as you do and HOW you really feel is a mystery to me, and I'd bet, to everyone else here.
Nick didn't you say you were from Chicago. Do you recall if obama was ever a member of the New Party?

Yes, not only that but the guy was a total Marxist.... He was advocating blatant socialist ideals.... The party you're referring to is called the "New Left." I have absolutely no idea why it is being referred to as the "New Party."

The party you speak of is almost a revival of the Weather Underground and the SDS (students for a democratic society).

This is old news to me and I'm shocked the media is breaking it now considering I knew about it back in 2005.

Obama is an SDS/Weatherman sympathizer......

Go read the book "Prairie fire" or even read Obama sr. writings...

It doesn't take a fucking idiot to realize what his agenda is - especially after his actions after three fucking years..

New Party is what I have heard it called but you are the one that lives their and should know what it's called.

I don't believe the party only exists only in Chicago..... IMO it's national and it still exists..

It is a throwback of the SDS and Weather Underground..... It is certainly a socialist movement ... It is a very confusing movement.

I suppose it would really take a thesis to explain everything in detail but, in my own personal opinion, the idea is oxymoronic.... I would call the New Left an extremely right wing organization that was bizarrely inspired by left wing antics from the 60's and early 70's..

I would recommend reading the Cloward-Piven strategy..... The "New Left" is a conspiracy....
The nick name some have given you here ("Fake") seems to fit you, sir. You seem to be a reasonably intelligent fellow, but have no convictions; no moral compass of your own.
You seem so intent on being seen as reasonable, that you come off as an empty shell devoid of any passion or position. You are a "nothing". You accomplish nothing, you influence no one. In other words, you are worthless; without purpose. You are the proverbial "tits on a boar".

I am reasonable, I am convicted to the Constitution, I have served my country, and I know that extremism such as you and other wish practiced in this country would destroy it.

You are an actor with a role you play. WHY you act as you do and HOW you really feel is a mystery to me, and I'd bet, to everyone else here.

Unlike so many here, I am what I seem on the board. I am not concerned that others can't perceive that, because for them they allow their preconceptions to color their conclusions. Folks often do that.
in between... It wasn't bone crushing but it wasn't limp...

Jerry Springer on the other hand (no pun intended) had one of the most feminine handshakes I have ever had from a dude...

Yeah when I was a brainwashed progressive I went to his show - we got front row seats to boot... Some naked chick fell on me trying to attack an audience member - that was my 30 seconds of fame hahaha... I saw myself on TV...

Not surprising. If a MAN lacks FIRM handshake? Can't be trusted.

Thanks for the answer brother.

My god. You really are a caricature.
I hope your handlers pay you well for your apologist obfuscation. You're pretty good. Have been since I first saw you on another board.

Too bad the product you're protecting (the Leftist Rainbow) is so lousy and exposed for what it is now. Makes your job that much harder.
Enough with the Pub dupe, Ugly 'Merican xenophobia, ignorance and rudeness. The people of much of the world have a better grasp of the USA than Pub dupes LOL. Welcome, citizens of the world. The USA after 30 years of Reaganism could learn a lot. NZ is a gd utopia in comparison LOL. $13 minimum wage and demon "socialism" has hardly ruined them, chumps. See sig pp1...
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Enough with the Pub dupe, Ugly 'Merican xenophobia, ignorance and rudeness. The people of much of the world have a better grasp of the USA than Pub dupes LOL. Welcome, citizens of the world. The USA after 30 years of Reaganism could learn a lot. NZ is a gd utopia in comparison LOL. $13 minimum wage and demon "socialism" has hardly ruined them, chumps. See sig pp1...
Please move there then. We promise not to cry.
Some of the further extremists to the reactionary right remind me of the poorly educated teachers in Nazi Germany demonizing Jewry in the public schools. In our case, some of our far right extremists are demonizing their fellow Americans based on false conceptions of politics, race, and ethnicity. This is one of so many reasons why Americans in whole and those under 45 in particular reject far right extremism in America.

This is why Romney is a rejection of the far right as well as the far left.

Propaganda & Children during the Hitler years
Yes I do, they're all over my fucking telly!!!!

Do you have a vote here foreigner?

I think I'll call the cops in Bug Tussle and tell them about the great patriot plumber who evades his taxes. What an a-hole Pub troll. LOL The only kind of troll...

Excuse me? Evades my taxes? what the fuck are you smoking? I pay more in taxes than you make in a year.
I doubt you pay taxes.
I would be highly skeptical of the sources you're reading if they've told you Hitler went after the conservatives of the time. One of the primary ways the Nazis gained a veneer of respectability was via their alliance with the paramilitary wing of the largest right-wing party in Germany before their rise (the German National People's Party).

Well you'll have to take it up with the history textbook publishers, the Encyclopedia Britannica, reputable historical websites and other scholarly history publications that I use for my sources. Both 'conservative' and 'right wing' were defined quite differently in most of Hitler's eastern and western Euriope than the definitions we use in modern day America.

I have never seen a history text that defines the parties the Nazis allied with as anything but the right. The standard breakdown of major German parties of the time is the DNVP and the Nazis on the right, the SDP and the KDP on the left, with Centre (Catholic party) in the middle.

It is not the terms themselves that are in question, but the definitions attached to them that are impotant to know. LWC for instance defines modern American conservatism in very uncomplimentary terms generally dictated by leftwing websites and/or other sources too partisan to be objective about anything. But it is important to know that 'conservatives' in Nazi Germany were a very different thing from modern American conservatives.

. . . Supported by the pan-German nationalism of 1848, the Prussian state was able to assert its centralizing, authoritarian control over the bulk of the Reich. The traditional Imperial idea of transnational lordship which had characterized the Imperial Crown from Charlemagne's time fell under the sword of Prussian aggression in 1866; shortly thereafter, Bismarck launched the Kulturkampf against the Church. In response to this maneuver, which anticipated Hitler's own assault against the religious bodies, the Center Party leader Ludwig Windthorst stated succinctly the conservative position, "My loyalty to the Royal family of Hanover will last until my dying day, and nothing in the world, not even the most powerful Chancellor of Germany, will be able to make me depart from it." Conservative in Germany, as elsewhere, meant an adherence to legitimate and traditional institutions ‹ the very opposite of the Nazi ideology. . . .

--excerpted from In Hitler's Shadow - The Myth of Nazism's Conservative Roots by By Elbridge Colby, Deputy Editor of "The Harvard Salient"
Enough with the Pub dupe, Ugly 'Merican xenophobia, ignorance and rudeness. The people of much of the world have a better grasp of the USA than Pub dupes LOL. Welcome, citizens of the world. The USA after 30 years of Reaganism could learn a lot. NZ is a gd utopia in comparison LOL. $13 minimum wage and demon "socialism" has hardly ruined them, chumps. See sig pp1...
Please move there then. We promise not to cry.
Well you'll have to take it up with the history textbook publishers, the Encyclopedia Britannica, reputable historical websites and other scholarly history publications that I use for my sources. Both 'conservative' and 'right wing' were defined quite differently in most of Hitler's eastern and western Euriope than the definitions we use in modern day America.

I have never seen a history text that defines the parties the Nazis allied with as anything but the right. The standard breakdown of major German parties of the time is the DNVP and the Nazis on the right, the SDP and the KDP on the left, with Centre (Catholic party) in the middle.

It is not the terms themselves that are in question, but the definitions attached to them that are impotant to know. LWC for instance defines modern American conservatism in very uncomplimentary terms generally dictated by leftwing websites and/or other sources too partisan to be objective about anything. But it is important to know that 'conservatives' in Nazi Germany were a very different thing from modern American conservatives.

. . . Supported by the pan-German nationalism of 1848, the Prussian state was able to assert its centralizing, authoritarian control over the bulk of the Reich. The traditional Imperial idea of transnational lordship which had characterized the Imperial Crown from Charlemagne's time fell under the sword of Prussian aggression in 1866; shortly thereafter, Bismarck launched the Kulturkampf against the Church. In response to this maneuver, which anticipated Hitler's own assault against the religious bodies, the Center Party leader Ludwig Windthorst stated succinctly the conservative position, "My loyalty to the Royal family of Hanover will last until my dying day, and nothing in the world, not even the most powerful Chancellor of Germany, will be able to make me depart from it." Conservative in Germany, as elsewhere, meant an adherence to legitimate and traditional institutions ‹ the very opposite of the Nazi ideology. . . .

--excerpted from In Hitler's Shadow - The Myth of Nazism's Conservative Roots by By Elbridge Colby, Deputy Editor of "The Harvard Salient"

The place is a far right extremist journal that wishes to redefine the political and historical terms of Western culture. The above is an excellent example of it. Here is the front plant from its web site.

The Harvard Salient is a fortnightly journal of political thought. Naturally conservative but free from political allegiances, the Salient was founded in 1981 by Harvard students who sought to provide a journalistic alternative to a predominantly liberal campus press. Opportunities abound for writers, artists, photographers, production assistants, and advertising salesmen. The Salient's goal is to return to the Harvard campus, through thoughtful discourse, the ancient principles underpinning Western civilization: tradition, family, property, and respect for ordered liberty.

Harvard Salient

"The Myth" itself is a myth, but that is obvious. What is nice is that Harvard has its own extremist right wing voice. Good. No more carping about a left dominated educational and university universe.

The real point is that German conservatism, as a philosophy, of course adhered to legitimacy and traditional institutions, but the fact remains that conservatives and their parties and the corporations belied all that and supported Hitler.

The real point is that Romney and the mainstream Republican Party rejects the politics and philosophy of the far extremist right of political and cultural America. Our difference with German conservatism is that we won't let extremist reactionary right wing perversion corrupt the party.
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