Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

As if there is something particularly virtuous about blue collar work.

It is just a sign....

It means "we do the same shit and work hard doing it and we don't use band aids"

It means you're fucking reliable and do what it takes to get the job done. It means you're you're not lazy, it means you're loyal to your friends and family..... It means you work fucking hard and take pride in it...

A limp handshake means you would drag a 2x4 instead of pick it up and carry it like a man. It means you're fucking weak....

I know plenty of lazy blue collar, super lazy
A handshake means nothing, and tells you little...

Sure, I'm not saying a handshake is 100% accurate but 90% of the time it is.

I'll say this - I've never seen a guy with a sissy handshake pull his weight at a job site.

Besides, the ones who don't come through have drug problems.... They're not lazy they just have issues. If they were sober they definitely would take pride in their work...

The date of the meeting minutes are 1/11/96 That's January 11 1996
obama became a member in the spring of that year of course there would not be any mention of him in Jan, 1996.

But the link refuting his membership (or anyone's membership for that matter as "it wasn't a membership organization") doesn't refer to any dates.

Would obama want national attention that he was a member of the Chicago New Party when he ran for President? obama would direct all party's to involve to deny he was a member, but they forgot about the paper work or those issues that were saved.
Not surprising. If a MAN lacks FIRM handshake? Can't be trusted.

Thanks for the answer brother.

My god. You really are a caricature.

Real men shake hands firmly....

You only shake a womans hand gently....

Your handshake is your caricature. If you have a limp handshake no one will respect you because you're obviously a person who has never done blue collar work...

When you shake a mans hand you can tell by the shake what they do, where they come from and what their background is.

Indeed. Disingenuous ones are EASY to weed out.

It's a linguine-Spine detector.

Learn it, Live it, KNOW it.
It is just a sign....

It means "we do the same shit and work hard doing it and we don't use band aids"

It means you're fucking reliable and do what it takes to get the job done. It means you're you're not lazy, it means you're loyal to your friends and family..... It means you work fucking hard and take pride in it...

A limp handshake means you would drag a 2x4 instead of pick it up and carry it like a man. It means you're fucking weak....

I know plenty of lazy blue collar, super lazy
A handshake means nothing, and tells you little...

Sure, I'm not saying a handshake is 100% accurate but 90% of the time it is.

I'll say this - I've never seen a guy with a sissy handshake pull his weight at a job site.

Besides, the ones who don't come through have drug problems.... They're not lazy they just have issues. If they were sober they definitely would take pride in their work...

Nick didn't you say you were from Chicago. Do you recall if obama was ever a member of the New Party?
The date of the meeting minutes are 1/11/96 That's January 11 1996
obama became a member in the spring of that year of course there would not be any mention of him in Jan, 1996.

But the link refuting his membership (or anyone's membership for that matter as "it wasn't a membership organization") doesn't refer to any dates.

Would obama want national attention that he was a member of the Chicago New Party when he ran for President? obama would direct all party's to involve to deny he was a member, but they forgot about the paper work or those issues that were saved.[/QUOTE

Yeah, well, I'm sure that we could come up with all sorts of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.
You're happy to accept the result of your Google search, why is mine less valid?
Minutes of the meeting on January 11, 1996, of the New Party’s Chicago chapter read as follows:
Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party “Candidate Contract” and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party


So, who's right?
"Obama was never a member, never active in anything," said Dan Swinney, a co-chair of the Party at the time and now the head of the Center for Labor and Community Research in Chicago, who was present at the 1996 meeting, according to the minutes. "I wish he was. He was obviously a progressive Democrat, but not a member of the New Party."

"There was really no process" for becoming a member, Swinney said.

Swinney's account echoes what New Party founder Joel Rogers told BuzzFeed last week.

"We didn’t have membership, it wasn’t a membership organization," Rogers said. He later clarified in an email, "The only time I talked to BHO about it, he made clear he didn't want to work on it or join it or be identified with it."

Others who were involved in the New Party's brief existence don't remember Obama being a part of it.
In Chicago, No Memory Of Obama New Party Membership

The date of the meeting minutes are 1/11/96 That's January 11 1996
obama became a member in the spring of that year of course there would not be any mention of him in Jan, 1996.

Surely the bigger question is whether that is even a valid document?
Where is the original?
Where is the long form version?
Wow thirty-five pages and no agreement on definitions of socialism etc. One of the amazing things is the acceptance of Hitler's definition and words rather than what he practiced. In Germany he may still be referred to as "Old Honest Hit," but I still think he lied at times. Was it old honest Abe that said, calling a horse's tail a leg doesn't give the horse five legs.

The date of the meeting minutes are 1/11/96 That's January 11 1996
obama became a member in the spring of that year of course there would not be any mention of him in Jan, 1996.

Surely the bigger question is whether that is even a valid document?
Where is the original?
Where is the long form version?
I answered this post before the one you did a hatchet job on

Would obama want national attention that he was a member of the Chicago New Party when he ran for President? obama would direct all party's to involve to deny he was a member, but they forgot about the paper work or those issues that were saved.
But the link refuting his membership (or anyone's membership for that matter as "it wasn't a membership organization") doesn't refer to any dates.

Would obama want national attention that he was a member of the Chicago New Party when he ran for President? obama would direct all party's to involve to deny he was a member, but they forgot about the paper work or those issues that were saved.

Yeah, well, I'm sure that we could come up with all sorts of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.
You're happy to accept the result of your Google search, why is mine less valid?

The only conspiracy theory is the denial that he was a member when their is a paper trail
The date of the meeting minutes are 1/11/96 That's January 11 1996
obama became a member in the spring of that year of course there would not be any mention of him in Jan, 1996.

Surely the bigger question is whether that is even a valid document?
Where is the original?
Where is the long form version?
I answered this post before the one you did a hatchet job on

Would obama want national attention that he was a member of the Chicago New Party when he ran for President? obama would direct all party's to involve to deny he was a member, but they forgot about the paper work or those issues that were saved.

No offense to ya Old top? But WHY are you arguing with someone that has ZERO vested interest In the United States from New Zealand?
Wow thirty-five pages and no agreement on definitions of socialism etc. One of the amazing things is the acceptance of Hitler's definition and words rather than what he practiced. In Germany he may still be referred to as "Old Honest Hit," but I still think he lied at times. Was it old honest Abe that said, calling a horse's tail a leg doesn't give the horse five legs.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” - Adolf Hitler
Surely the bigger question is whether that is even a valid document?
Where is the original?
Where is the long form version?
I answered this post before the one you did a hatchet job on

Would obama want national attention that he was a member of the Chicago New Party when he ran for President? obama would direct all party's to involve to deny he was a member, but they forgot about the paper work or those issues that were saved.

No offense to ya Old top? But WHY are you arguing with someone that has ZERO vested interest In the United States from New Zealand?

I usually called them a fucking dumb ass foreigner who fuck sheep
I know plenty of lazy blue collar, super lazy
A handshake means nothing, and tells you little...

Sure, I'm not saying a handshake is 100% accurate but 90% of the time it is.

I'll say this - I've never seen a guy with a sissy handshake pull his weight at a job site.

Besides, the ones who don't come through have drug problems.... They're not lazy they just have issues. If they were sober they definitely would take pride in their work...

Nick didn't you say you were from Chicago. Do you recall if obama was ever a member of the New Party?

Yes, not only that but the guy was a total Marxist.... He was advocating blatant socialist ideals.... The party you're referring to is called the "New Left." I have absolutely no idea why it is being referred to as the "New Party."

The party you speak of is almost a revival of the Weather Underground and the SDS (students for a democratic society).

This is old news to me and I'm shocked the media is breaking it now considering I knew about it back in 2005.

Obama is an SDS/Weatherman sympathizer......

Go read the book "Prairie fire" or even read Obama sr. writings...

It doesn't take a fucking idiot to realize what his agenda is - especially after his actions after three fucking years..
Sure, I'm not saying a handshake is 100% accurate but 90% of the time it is.

I'll say this - I've never seen a guy with a sissy handshake pull his weight at a job site.

Besides, the ones who don't come through have drug problems.... They're not lazy they just have issues. If they were sober they definitely would take pride in their work...

Nick didn't you say you were from Chicago. Do you recall if obama was ever a member of the New Party?

Yes, not only that but the guy was a total Marxist.... He was advocating blatant socialist ideals.... The party you're referring to is called the "New Left." I have absolutely no idea why it is being referred to as the "New Party."

The party you speak of is almost a revival of the Weather Underground and the SDS (students for a democratic society).

This is old news to me and I'm shocked the media is breaking it now considering I knew about it back in 2005.

Obama is an SDS/Weatherman sympathizer......

Go read the book "Prairie fire" or even read Obama sr. writings...

It doesn't take a fucking idiot to realize what his agenda is - especially after his actions after three fucking years..

New Party is what I have heard it called but you are the one that lives their and should know what it's called.
Surely the bigger question is whether that is even a valid document?
Where is the original?
Where is the long form version?
I answered this post before the one you did a hatchet job on

Would obama want national attention that he was a member of the Chicago New Party when he ran for President? obama would direct all party's to involve to deny he was a member, but they forgot about the paper work or those issues that were saved.

No offense to ya Old top? But WHY are you arguing with someone that has ZERO vested interest In the United States from New Zealand?

It's the Global Village baby!
I answered this post before the one you did a hatchet job on

Would obama want national attention that he was a member of the Chicago New Party when he ran for President? obama would direct all party's to involve to deny he was a member, but they forgot about the paper work or those issues that were saved.

No offense to ya Old top? But WHY are you arguing with someone that has ZERO vested interest In the United States from New Zealand?

I usually called them a fucking dumb ass foreigner who fuck sheep

Which is why no-one takes you seriously.
I answered this post before the one you did a hatchet job on

Would obama want national attention that he was a member of the Chicago New Party when he ran for President? obama would direct all party's to involve to deny he was a member, but they forgot about the paper work or those issues that were saved.

No offense to ya Old top? But WHY are you arguing with someone that has ZERO vested interest In the United States from New Zealand?

It's the Global Village baby!

and you still don't have a vested interest in American Politics
I would be highly skeptical of the sources you're reading if they've told you Hitler went after the conservatives of the time. One of the primary ways the Nazis gained a veneer of respectability was via their alliance with the paramilitary wing of the largest right-wing party in Germany before their rise (the German National People's Party).

Well you'll have to take it up with the history textbook publishers, the Encyclopedia Britannica, reputable historical websites and other scholarly history publications that I use for my sources. Both 'conservative' and 'right wing' were defined quite differently in most of Hitler's eastern and western Euriope than the definitions we use in modern day America.

I have never seen a history text that defines the parties the Nazis allied with as anything but the right. The standard breakdown of major German parties of the time is the DNVP and the Nazis on the right, the SDP and the KDP on the left, with Centre (Catholic party) in the middle.

Thank you for some sense here.

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