Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

Nope, but you are a fool.

obama is a member and was supported by the Chicago New Party. stop being a partisan idiot.


That doesn't show he was a member of the party. It shows he was endorsed by the party.
Well everything I've read suggests that Hitler went after the conservatives of his time--those who resisted letting go of the status quo which is the definition of conservatism in Europe at that time. (Not so in America at this time.)

I would be highly skeptical of the sources you're reading if they've told you Hitler went after the conservatives of the time. One of the primary ways the Nazis gained a veneer of respectability was via their alliance with the paramilitary wing of the largest right-wing party in Germany before their rise (the German National People's Party).

Well you'll have to take it up with the history textbook publishers, the Encyclopedia Britannica, reputable historical websites and other scholarly history publications that I use for my sources. Both 'conservative' and 'right wing' were defined quite differently in most of Hitler's eastern and western Euriope than the definitions we use in modern day America.
Handshake? Was it limp and without firmness?

in between... It wasn't bone crushing but it wasn't limp...

Jerry Springer on the other hand (no pun intended) had one of the most feminine handshakes I have ever had from a dude...

Yeah when I was a brainwashed progressive I went to his show - we got front row seats to boot... Some naked chick fell on me trying to attack an audience member - that was my 30 seconds of fame hahaha... I saw myself on TV...

Not surprising. If a MAN lacks FIRM handshake? Can't be trusted.

Thanks for the answer brother.

Well, I think there are three types of handshakes. 1) the limp homo handshake, 2) the confident and respectful handshake and 3) the bone crushing intimidating handshake...

Most of the blue collar guys I know and meet prefer #3 ahaha.... It becomes a hand squeezing competition for who has the stronger grip hahaha.

I have pretty strong hands so when dudes pull that shit I'll squeeze as hard as I can.... :lol:

It's cool though because that is automatic respect on both sides.... You know what type of person you're dealing with....
Well everything I've read suggests that Hitler went after the conservatives of his time--those who resisted letting go of the status quo which is the definition of conservatism in Europe at that time. (Not so in America at this time.)

I would be highly skeptical of the sources you're reading if they've told you Hitler went after the conservatives of the time. One of the primary ways the Nazis gained a veneer of respectability was via their alliance with the paramilitary wing of the largest right-wing party in Germany before their rise (the German National People's Party).

Well you'll have to take it up with the history textbook publishers, the Encyclopedia Britannica, reputable historical websites and other scholarly history publications that I use for my sources. Both 'conservative' and 'right wing' were defined quite differently in most of Hitler's eastern and western Euriope than the definitions we use in modern day America.

I have never seen a history text that defines the parties the Nazis allied with as anything but the right. The standard breakdown of major German parties of the time is the DNVP and the Nazis on the right, the SDP and the KDP on the left, with Centre (Catholic party) in the middle.
obama is a member and was supported by the Chicago New Party. stop being a partisan idiot.


That doesn't show he was a member of the party. It shows he was endorsed by the party.

Minutes of the meeting on January 11, 1996, of the New Party’s Chicago chapter read as follows:
Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party “Candidate Contract” and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party


That doesn't show he was a member of the party. It shows he was endorsed by the party.

Minutes of the meeting on January 11, 1996, of the New Party’s Chicago chapter read as follows:
Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party “Candidate Contract” and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party


Notice how in your own source he said he won the DEMOCRATIC primary. Aka, he was a member of the Democratic Party. He spoke to the members of the New Party because they endorsed him in a fusion arrangement. Same reason Republicans in New York speak to Conservative Party and Right to Life Party gatherings.

That doesn't show he was a member of the party. It shows he was endorsed by the party.

Minutes of the meeting on January 11, 1996, of the New Party’s Chicago chapter read as follows:
Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party “Candidate Contract” and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party


So, who's right?
"Obama was never a member, never active in anything," said Dan Swinney, a co-chair of the Party at the time and now the head of the Center for Labor and Community Research in Chicago, who was present at the 1996 meeting, according to the minutes. "I wish he was. He was obviously a progressive Democrat, but not a member of the New Party."

"There was really no process" for becoming a member, Swinney said.

Swinney's account echoes what New Party founder Joel Rogers told BuzzFeed last week.

"We didn’t have membership, it wasn’t a membership organization," Rogers said. He later clarified in an email, "The only time I talked to BHO about it, he made clear he didn't want to work on it or join it or be identified with it."

Others who were involved in the New Party's brief existence don't remember Obama being a part of it.
In Chicago, No Memory Of Obama New Party Membership
Handshake? Was it limp and without firmness?

in between... It wasn't bone crushing but it wasn't limp...

Jerry Springer on the other hand (no pun intended) had one of the most feminine handshakes I have ever had from a dude...

Yeah when I was a brainwashed progressive I went to his show - we got front row seats to boot... Some naked chick fell on me trying to attack an audience member - that was my 30 seconds of fame hahaha... I saw myself on TV...

Not surprising. If a MAN lacks FIRM handshake? Can't be trusted.

Thanks for the answer brother.

My god. You really are a caricature.
That doesn't show he was a member of the party. It shows he was endorsed by the party.

Minutes of the meeting on January 11, 1996, of the New Party’s Chicago chapter read as follows:
Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party “Candidate Contract” and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party


Notice how in your own source he said he won the DEMOCRATIC primary. Aka, he was a member of the Democratic Party. He spoke to the members of the New Party because they endorsed him in a fusion arrangement. Same reason Republicans in New York speak to Conservative Party and Right to Life Party gatherings.

Do you notice where it says Illinois Three NP MEMBERS WON democratic primaries last spring. And it mentions the three members name?

Don't respond back with anything other than I am sorry I was wrong.
Where are rdweeb, lakhota, luddly and TDM?. I can't believe the race card hasn't been proudly plopped down on the table here.

Socialist or Fascist?


i don't know about them. but i'm too busy laughing at the stupid people your purported question seems to have attracted.

sorry it didn't get the flies you wanted. *shrug*

btw, sowell isn't very impressive... except to people who already believe the nonsense he spouts.
Well you'll have to take it up with the history textbook publishers, the Encyclopedia Britannica, reputable historical websites and other scholarly history publications that I use for my sources. Both 'conservative' and 'right wing' were defined quite differently in most of Hitler's eastern and western Euriope than the definitions we use in modern day America.

As modern Liberalism differs significantly from Soviet Marxism, but that doesn't stop some people from equating the two.

However, it is true that fascism is a right-wing philosophy.

It is corporatism taken to the extreme.

Of course, I would say the logical progression of modern conservatism would be more like Iran-style theocracy than WWII era fascism.
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That doesn't show he was a member of the party. It shows he was endorsed by the party.

Minutes of the meeting on January 11, 1996, of the New Party’s Chicago chapter read as follows:
Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party “Candidate Contract” and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party


So, who's right?
"Obama was never a member, never active in anything," said Dan Swinney, a co-chair of the Party at the time and now the head of the Center for Labor and Community Research in Chicago, who was present at the 1996 meeting, according to the minutes. "I wish he was. He was obviously a progressive Democrat, but not a member of the New Party."

"There was really no process" for becoming a member, Swinney said.

Swinney's account echoes what New Party founder Joel Rogers told BuzzFeed last week.

"We didn’t have membership, it wasn’t a membership organization," Rogers said. He later clarified in an email, "The only time I talked to BHO about it, he made clear he didn't want to work on it or join it or be identified with it."

Others who were involved in the New Party's brief existence don't remember Obama being a part of it.
In Chicago, No Memory Of Obama New Party Membership

The date of the meeting minutes are 1/11/96 That's January 11 1996
obama became a member in the spring of that year of course there would not be any mention of him in Jan, 1996.
in between... It wasn't bone crushing but it wasn't limp...

Jerry Springer on the other hand (no pun intended) had one of the most feminine handshakes I have ever had from a dude...

Yeah when I was a brainwashed progressive I went to his show - we got front row seats to boot... Some naked chick fell on me trying to attack an audience member - that was my 30 seconds of fame hahaha... I saw myself on TV...

Not surprising. If a MAN lacks FIRM handshake? Can't be trusted.

Thanks for the answer brother.

My god. You really are a caricature.

Real men shake hands firmly....

You only shake a womans hand gently....

Your handshake is your caricature. If you have a limp handshake no one will respect you because you're obviously a person who has never done blue collar work...

When you shake a mans hand you can tell by the shake what they do, where they come from and what their background is.
Not surprising. If a MAN lacks FIRM handshake? Can't be trusted.

Thanks for the answer brother.

My god. You really are a caricature.

Real men shake hands firmly....

You only shake a womans hand gently....

Your handshake is your caricature. If you have a limp handshake no one will respect you because you're obviously a person who has never done blue collar work...

When you shake a mans hand you can tell by the shake what they do, where they come from and what their background is.

As if there is something particularly virtuous about blue collar work.
My god. You really are a caricature.

Real men shake hands firmly....

You only shake a womans hand gently....

Your handshake is your caricature. If you have a limp handshake no one will respect you because you're obviously a person who has never done blue collar work...

When you shake a mans hand you can tell by the shake what they do, where they come from and what their background is.

As if there is something particularly virtuous about blue collar work.

It is just a sign....

It means "we do the same shit and work hard doing it and we don't use band aids"

It means you're fucking reliable and do what it takes to get the job done. It means you're you're not lazy, it means you're loyal to your friends and family..... It means you work fucking hard and take pride in it...

A limp handshake means you would drag a 2x4 instead of pick it up and carry it like a man. It means you're fucking weak....
  • Thanks
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Real men shake hands firmly....

You only shake a womans hand gently....

Your handshake is your caricature. If you have a limp handshake no one will respect you because you're obviously a person who has never done blue collar work...

When you shake a mans hand you can tell by the shake what they do, where they come from and what their background is.

As if there is something particularly virtuous about blue collar work.

It is just a sign....

It means "we do the same shit and work hard doing it and we don't use band aids"

It means you're fucking reliable and do what it takes to get the job done. It means you're you're not lazy, it means you're loyal to your friends and family..... It means you work fucking hard and take pride in it...

A limp handshake means you would drag a 2x4 instead of pick it up and carry it like a man. It means you're fucking weak....

I know plenty of lazy blue collar, super lazy
A handshake means nothing, and tells you little...
Minutes of the meeting on January 11, 1996, of the New Party’s Chicago chapter read as follows:
Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party “Candidate Contract” and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party


So, who's right?
"Obama was never a member, never active in anything," said Dan Swinney, a co-chair of the Party at the time and now the head of the Center for Labor and Community Research in Chicago, who was present at the 1996 meeting, according to the minutes. "I wish he was. He was obviously a progressive Democrat, but not a member of the New Party."

"There was really no process" for becoming a member, Swinney said.

Swinney's account echoes what New Party founder Joel Rogers told BuzzFeed last week.

"We didn’t have membership, it wasn’t a membership organization," Rogers said. He later clarified in an email, "The only time I talked to BHO about it, he made clear he didn't want to work on it or join it or be identified with it."

Others who were involved in the New Party's brief existence don't remember Obama being a part of it.
In Chicago, No Memory Of Obama New Party Membership

The date of the meeting minutes are 1/11/96 That's January 11 1996
obama became a member in the spring of that year of course there would not be any mention of him in Jan, 1996.

But the link refuting his membership (or anyone's membership for that matter as "it wasn't a membership organization") doesn't refer to any dates.

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