Is obama a socilist, or a fascist?

Read "" about "Hitler's revolution: AD 1933-1934." It explains how he manipulated the right to eliminate the left, then eliminated everyone who opposed him after he became dictator.

But first YOU look up the deinitions of left and right as they were defined in Germany and most of the rest of western Europe at that time.

Weimar Republic comes to mind as left from the LOSS of WWI by Germany...was imposed ON germany...and with WEAK leardership was left inept...and gave rise to asswipes like HITLER...

Must spread rep!

Excellent find. I am surprised so few who have dug into Obama's past are so unaware of that. Starting with his political career being kicked off in the living room of avowed leftist socialist militant William Ayers, there is quite a bit of information out there. Of coruse the mainstream media won't make anybody in their readership aware of such things that are so damning or at least really raise eyebrows:

As noted, a picture of Obama was published on the cover of the New Party News pamphlet back in 1996, serving as a small sliver of evidence that he had potential ties with the political party. Now, in a new piece for National Review, Stanley Kurtz is claiming that Obama’s ties to the controversial group were extensive — and corroborated — by recently uncovered documents.

It was also in 1996 that Kurtz says Obama formally joined the New Party. Interestingly, this is the same year that he appeared on the cover of the group’s pamphlet, which can be seen here:


Kurts goes on to share the background surrounding what happened when the commentator first brought to light Obama’s alleged ties to this third, seemingly radical political party:

In late October 2008, when I wrote here at National Review Online that Obama had been a member of the New Party, his campaign sharply denied it, calling my claim a “crackpot smear.” Fight the Smears, an official Obama-campaign website, staunchly maintained that “Barack has been a member of only one political party, the Democratic Party.” I rebutted this, but the debate was never taken up by the mainstream press.

New Documents Reportedly Show Obama Was a Member of the ‘New Party’ |

IF the Leftists here wish to NOT acknowledge Obama's lying and afiliations? Could it be said that THEY are of like mind and LIARS as well?

It was about the time obama came along that some people in America started openly say socialism was not that bad.
But first YOU look up the deinitions of left and right as they were defined in Germany and most of the rest of western Europe at that time.

Weimar Republic comes to mind as left from the LOSS of WWI by Germany...was imposed ON germany...and with WEAK leardership was left inept...and gave rise to asswipes like HITLER...

Must spread rep!

Thank you brother. Some people on these boards just don't understand what gave rise to shitasses like Hitler...(And be it understood I wasn't talking about Foxy whom I answered but merely bolstered) .

It boggles the mind that WE have to educate folks that should already know these things [NOT that they necessarily CARE about it mind you].:eusa_shhh:
Far righty assertions on the Weimar left blah blah blah without any evidence.

Hitler was politically right, Hitler was allied with the other rightists and the army and the capitalists, Hitler destroyed the left. Then he destroyed all of his enemies.

You extremists loons are flying erratically in sublunar flight snapping at everything.

What a buncha boobs.
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Far righty assertions on the Weimar left blah blah blah without any evidence.

Hitler was politically right, Hitler was allied with the other rightists and the army and the capitalists, Hitler destroyed the left. Then he destroyed all of his enemies.

You extremists oons are flying erratically in sublunar flight snapping at everything.

What a buncha boobs.

Jokey obama is a socialist that is all.
bigrebnc: boob extremist #1 now playing at the USMB Theatre of the Absurd.
Excellent find. I am surprised so few who have dug into Obama's past are so unaware of that. Starting with his political career being kicked off in the living room of avowed leftist socialist militant William Ayers, there is quite a bit of information out there. Of coruse the mainstream media won't make anybody in their readership aware of such things that are so damning or at least really raise eyebrows:

IF the Leftists here wish to NOT acknowledge Obama's lying and afiliations? Could it be said that THEY are of like mind and LIARS as well?

It was about the time obama came along that some people in America started openly say socialism was not that bad.

Well? Those people may LEAVE and go where what Obama is trying to make us look like...the EU Socialist mess.

I'll be willing for a one time tax increase for thier EXODUS.

I don't want then here fucking it up for the rest of us that know how to handle our own liberty.
. You also show this obsession with words over deeds. Hitler was very critical of capitalism in his early rhetoric, but in practice he served the interest of large German corporations and greatly aided them. In fact, one of the emerging areas of research in economic history is that German business pushed for the Second World War in at attempt to create captive markets in what they saw as an increasingly globalized world.

Aiding Corporations which assisted him in the war effort does not make his system Capitalist. He merely recognized that socialism sucks and bureaucrats can not manufacture anything worth a damn.

Krupp Industries employed workers conscripted by the Nazi regime from across Europe. These workers were initially paid, but as Nazi fortunes declined they were kept as slave workers.[citation needed] They were abused, beaten, and starved by the thousands, as detailed in the book The Arms of Krupp.


Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner. My whole premise of the thread was that obama would really WANT to be a socialist be realizes that that system is flawed. With his current incarnation of fascism, he can control the means of production with out the associated risk.
Force GM to build cars no one wants to buy and the company goes belly up? It's the fault of corporations.
Force insurance companies to take on more risk and when premiums go up, yup "evil corporations".
He can assume the control he wants and take credit for successes while retaining a scapegoat for the inevitable failures.
. You also show this obsession with words over deeds. Hitler was very critical of capitalism in his early rhetoric, but in practice he served the interest of large German corporations and greatly aided them. In fact, one of the emerging areas of research in economic history is that German business pushed for the Second World War in at attempt to create captive markets in what they saw as an increasingly globalized world.

Aiding Corporations which assisted him in the war effort does not make his system Capitalist. He merely recognized that socialism sucks and bureaucrats can not manufacture anything worth a damn.

Krupp Industries employed workers conscripted by the Nazi regime from across Europe. These workers were initially paid, but as Nazi fortunes declined they were kept as slave workers.[citation needed] They were abused, beaten, and starved by the thousands, as detailed in the book The Arms of Krupp.


Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner. My whole premise of the thread was that obama would really WANT to be a socialist be realizes that that system is flawed. With his current incarnation of fascism, he can control the means of production with out the associated risk.
Force GM to build cars no one wants to buy and the company goes belly up? It's the fault of corporations.
Force insurance companies to take on more risk and when premiums go up, yup "evil corporations".
He can assume the control he wants and take credit for successes while retaining a scapegoat for the inevitable failures.

Control is always the answer with despots as Obama.

Ding-Ding yerself.
Read "" about "Hitler's revolution: AD 1933-1934." It explains how he manipulated the right to eliminate the left, then eliminated everyone who opposed him after he became dictator.

But first YOU look up the deinitions of left and right as they were defined in Germany and most of the rest of western Europe at that time.

Weimar Republic comes to mind as left from the LOSS of WWI by Germany...was imposed ON germany...and with WEAK leardership was left inept...and gave rise to asswipes like HITLER...

It is always wise to always be on our guard not to replace the devil we know with a worse devil. The ONLY thing that would give rise to a Barack Obama in the United States of America in 2008 would be a much weakened Presidency coupled with a high misery index. Even though he himself was a good man with all the right motives, it was George W. Bush's own progressive leanings that did him in coupled with an incompetency in some areas that provided lots of ammunition for the opposition to demonize him to leftists completely willing to accept whatever they were told. Add something like the housing bubble collapse to that soup, and voila, there is a void allowing a Barack Obama to be raised up as the messiah, the savior, the agent of hope and change.

A scenario we have seen multiple times throughout the centuries when the people did not resist a bad government being overthrown by a socialist or totalitarian dictatorship that was far worse.

All that has saved America from a similar fate is the ingrained love of liberty and self governance ingrained into our culture. But I think this is the last generation to have that unless the conservatives such as the Tea Party minded regain control and begin to reteach the principles that made this nation great.
T, you far right extremists are nothing more than the fat man behind the curtain.

You can never, ever succeed with the American voter on your silly extreme interpretation of political and historical narratives, terms, and definitions.

I find great fun interacting with your type of looniness here, knowing that it has no relation to the real world "out there".
But first YOU look up the deinitions of left and right as they were defined in Germany and most of the rest of western Europe at that time.

Weimar Republic comes to mind as left from the LOSS of WWI by Germany...was imposed ON germany...and with WEAK leardership was left inept...and gave rise to asswipes like HITLER...

It is always wise to always be on our guard not to replace the devil we know with a worse devil. The ONLY thing that would give rise to a Barack Obama in the United States of America in 2008 would be a much weakened Presidency coupled with a high misery index. Even though he himself was a good man with all the right motives, it was George W. Bush's own progressive leanings that did him in coupled with an incompetency in some areas that provided lots of ammunition for the opposition to demonize him to leftists completely willing to accept whatever they were told. Add something like the housing bubble collapse to that soup, and voila, there is a void allowing a Barack Obama to be raised up as the messiah, the savior, the agent of hope and change.

A scenario we have seen multiple times throughout the centuries when the people did not resist a bad government being overthrown by a socialist or totalitarian dictatorship that was far worse.

All that has saved America from a similar fate is the ingrained love of liberty and self governance ingrained into our culture. But I think this is the last generation to have that unless the conservatives such as the Tea Party minded regain control and begin to reteach the principles that made this nation great.

AND the fact that the Founder's in thier wisdom left us with a STRONG DOCUMENT called a Constitution and those as the Knight's Templar of old willing to defend it.
But first YOU look up the deinitions of left and right as they were defined in Germany and most of the rest of western Europe at that time.

Weimar Republic comes to mind as left from the LOSS of WWI by Germany...was imposed ON germany...and with WEAK leardership was left inept...and gave rise to asswipes like HITLER...

It is always wise to always be on our guard not to replace the devil we know with a worse devil. The ONLY thing that would give rise to a Barack Obama in the United States of America in 2008 would be a much weakened Presidency coupled with a high misery index. Even though he himself was a good man with all the right motives, it was George W. Bush's own progressive leanings that did him in coupled with an incompetency in some areas that provided lots of ammunition for the opposition to demonize him to leftists completely willing to accept whatever they were told. Add something like the housing bubble collapse to that soup, and voila, there is a void allowing a Barack Obama to be raised up as the messiah, the savior, the agent of hope and change.

A scenario we have seen multiple times throughout the centuries when the people did not resist a bad government being overthrown by a socialist or totalitarian dictatorship that was far worse.

All that has saved America from a similar fate is the ingrained love of liberty and self governance ingrained into our culture. But I think this is the last generation to have that unless the conservatives such as the Tea Party minded regain control and begin to reteach the principles that made this nation great.

Not his "progressive" leanings, though I did not like much of his NCLB or the supplemental seniors drug program. It was his stupid ass invasion of Iraq and failure to provide a competent followup that broke our NG and AR, weakened our military, led to a more vicious Patriot Act in Obama's admin, and so forth.

Bush's war mongering is what weakened this country.
T, you far right extremists are nothing more than the fat man behind the curtain.

You can never, ever succeed with the American voter on your silly extreme interpretation of political and historical narratives, terms, and definitions.

I find great fun interacting with your type of looniness here, knowing that it has no relation to the real world "out there".
Yeah fakey...I'm as far right as Jefferson, Madison, Jay, Washington, Franklin, and a myriad of others.

YOU on the other hand should Consult King Geroge III.


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