Is Obama Willing to Sacrifice Anything for Iranian Nuke Deal?


May 23, 2014

Peace in our time?
Iran Nuclear Deal -- Obama Has Capitulated National Review Online

The Obama world view. "It's a small world after all..." Lets all be pals.
Sure... Peace during his term and hell right after he leaves office.
After he leaves the wreckage of a failed foreign policy.

After he leaves (if he leaves) the wreckage will be all over., foreign policy, domestic policy., etc... in short a socialist dream come true, which is the total or almost total destruction of traditional America.

And the cherry on the cake, his greatest contribution, will be having openly allowed Iran to get the atomic bomb.

What does he care anyway? Barry Sotero and his family, will be living happily in their underground bunker when all hell breaks lose.
The only mark he will leave is a skid mark, he has given away the identity of the US for no gain on the world stage. A fearful and bumbling idiot who stumbled and fumbled his way through his presidency only to be in the end fodder for jokes. It says a lot when Jimmy Carter looks down his nose at another who held the same office.

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