Is Obama's security system working?

Do you feel safe flying after the latest bomb attempt?

  • Yes - Great job Janet, I feel safer now that you're there

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • No - Fire Napolitano

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • No - I don't fly anyway

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
If I was a consistent person who claims the lack of terrorist attacks since 9/11 was due to actions of our government (like a bunch of people here do without a shred of evidence) than naturally I'd have to believe that the prevention of another attack is because of Obama's security policy.
Where did I say 9/11 was the media's fault?

I said that the MSM was not doing anything to promote profiling of terrorists or increasing security, i.e. make us all aware of the growing threat of terrorism. The MSM is stuck on political-correctness. Tell me you disagree.

Since when is promoting policy the job of the MSM? I thought they were there to report the news as others make it, not to push an agenda. If the pundits would stop pedalling agendas, we'd all be a lot better informed and better off.

You mean like calling waterboarding "torture"?? You mean like all the politically correct garbage they show, calling tea-baggers "nazis" and such? The MSM is a tool of the left, lets hope that Comcast makes NBC more like FXN.

Yep, I mean all of it. On BOTH sides. That includes NBC, FXN, and everything in between.

When you honestly believe media is more important in driving policy decisions than the President of the United States, you've been drinking waaaay too much of their own brand of kool aid.
I wouldn't count on that kyzr. Comcast will likely slant NBC even further Left. In fact I've even read where many high ranking Comcast executives are in bed with this administration. Comcast has already threatened to not carry Fox programs. It all seems to go back to GE receiving all that bailout cash from this administration. They are all connected. There is no independent Media anymore. Comcast will now become another mouthpiece for this administration. It is very sad but it is what it is.
President Obama has kept America safe for 11 months so far. Bush lasted eight months before allowing the worst attack in US history.

Great work by President Obama

And the most desperate spin attempt award goes to.....
Yep, I mean all of it. On BOTH sides. That includes NBC, FXN, and everything in between.

When you honestly believe media is more important in driving policy decisions than the President of the United States, you've been drinking waaaay too much of their own brand of kool aid.

The drumbeat of the media pushing for or against something can sway voters. Look at Palin as an example. I'm no fan, but is she any less competent than Joe Biden or Dan Quayle? I don't think so, but the media frenzy making her out to be a loon is disgusting.

I'm going to start a poll on who would be a better prez, Palin or 3rd in-line Pelosi...
It was the passengers that saved the plane. Government can't do anything right haven't you learned that by now.
Where did I say 9/11 was the media's fault?

I said that the MSM was not doing anything to promote profiling of terrorists or increasing security, i.e. make us all aware of the growing threat of terrorism. The MSM is stuck on political-correctness. Tell me you disagree.

Since when is promoting policy the job of the MSM? I thought they were there to report the news as others make it, not to push an agenda. If the pundits would stop pedalling agendas, we'd all be a lot better informed and better off.

You mean like calling waterboarding "torture"?? You mean like all the politically correct garbage they show, calling tea-baggers "nazis" and such? The MSM is a tool of the left, lets hope that Comcast makes NBC more like FXN.

The entire world with the exception of right wingnuts calls waterboarding torture. The US itself prosecuted Japanese for war crimes because they waterboarded US prisoners
Yep, I mean all of it. On BOTH sides. That includes NBC, FXN, and everything in between.

When you honestly believe media is more important in driving policy decisions than the President of the United States, you've been drinking waaaay too much of their own brand of kool aid.

The drumbeat of the media pushing for or against something can sway voters. Look at Palin as an example. I'm no fan, but is she any less competent than Joe Biden or Dan Quayle? I don't think so, but the media frenzy making her out to be a loon is disgusting.

I'm going to start a poll on who would be a better prez, Palin or 3rd in-line Pelosi...

The media, mainstream and other outlets alike, pushes this garbage to make themselves look important so people watch them. :rolleyes:

The role of the media was always to be the watchdog, not a partisan player. On either side. With all the watchdogs busy chasing agendas, who is guarding the henhouse?
The entire world with the exception of right wingnuts calls waterboarding torture. The US itself prosecuted Japanese for war crimes because they waterboarded US prisoners

Then explain why waterboarding is used on our own troops as part of their training?

If you can't answer that one how about comparing some of Saddam's tortures which include:
cutting limbs off, painting with acid, electrocuting, beating the bottoms of feet, hanging from meat hooks, throwing off high buildings, etc.
Do you see any equivalence between waterboarding and real torture methods? IMHO calling waterboarding torture cheapens the term.
The entire world with the exception of right wingnuts calls waterboarding torture. The US itself prosecuted Japanese for war crimes because they waterboarded US prisoners

Then explain why waterboarding is used on our own troops as part of their training?

If you can't answer that one how about comparing some of Saddam's tortures which include:
cutting limbs off, painting with acid, electrocuting, beating the bottoms of feet, hanging from meat hooks, throwing off high buildings, etc.
Do you see any equivalence between waterboarding and real torture methods? IMHO calling waterboarding torture cheapens the term.

President Obama has kept America safe for 11 months so far. Bush lasted eight months before allowing the worst attack in US history.

Great work by President Obama

And the most desperate spin attempt award goes to.....

Why is that spin?? I'd be very grateful if you could explain that. Why did the right keep saying that we were safe after 9/11 because of Bush?? But you don't give Obama credit for keeping us safe for the last 11 months?? What's up with that???
President Obama has kept America safe for 11 months so far. Bush lasted eight months before allowing the worst attack in US history.

Great work by President Obama

And the most desperate spin attempt award goes to.....

Why is that spin?? I'd be very grateful if you could explain that. Why did the right keep saying that we were safe after 9/11 because of Bush?? But you don't give Obama credit for keeping us safe for the last 11 months?? What's up with that???

You're kidding, right?

Barack Obama doesn't take the threat from terrorism seriously...his choice for Secretary of Homeland Security knows less about the 9/11 attacks than I do!
On March 2009, [Secretary of Homeland Security Janet] Napolitano told the German news site "Spiegel Online" that while she presumes there is always a threat from terrorism: "I referred to 'man-caused' disasters. That is perhaps only a nuance, but it demonstrates that we want to move away from the politics of fear toward a policy of being prepared for all risks that can occur."

In April 2009 Napolitano, trying to defend her plans to thicken US-Canadian border security, claimed incorrectly that September 11 attack perpetrators entered the United States from Canada.

Her comments provoked an angry response from the Canadian ambassador, media, and public.

In response to criticism, she later said, "Nonetheless, to the extent that terrorists have come into our country or suspected or known terrorists have entered our country across a border, it's been across the Canadian border. There are real issues there."
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Actually, Bush's record is 39 consecutive months of no attacks. Pretty good odds Obama can't come close to that.
You right ring wingers are so full of it!!! If you weren't born with brown eyes, they are probably brown now. :lol: :lol: :lol:

What a bunch of crap!!! I am embarrassed for both of you!!! Damn!!! Incredible. :cuckoo:
You noetards are pathetic!! You can't even be happy that the attack was averted and nobody but the terrorist was hurt.. Got to spin anything into a bitching and pissing session about Obama..

The flight didn't originate in our country and each country is responsible for for security in their nation.. We do not have security people in every airport around the world checking every flight.. We can barely fund the security people we have in this nation cause you morons keep taking away funding and lowering taxes..

If any terrorist attack happens during the Obama adminsitration.. I am blaming the rebuttlicans.. For your tax cuts and defunding of our government..
Napolitano looked like a deer caught in the headlights on the talk show circuit....
"This was one individual literally of thousands that fly and thousands of flights every year," Napolitano said. "And he was stopped before any damage could be done. I think the important thing to recognize here is that once this incident occurred, everything happened that should have."


This incompetent boob Obama picked for this job needs to be removed from's been one mistake after another by her.
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, C5H8N4012 (PETN), has a specific gravity of solids of 1.76 and a confined detonation velocity of over 25,000 fps. PETN is used as a priming composition in detonators, a base charge in blasting caps, and a core load for detonating fuse. PETN is very much used in Detonating Cord of which it is the explosive core (Primacord), where it develops a velocity rate of 21,000 feet per second. Detonating cord is insensitive to friction and ordinary shock, but may be exploded by rifle fire. It also detonates sympathetically with the detonation of an adjacent high explosive.

PETN is one of the strongest known high explosives with a relative effectiveness factor (R.E. factor) of 1.66. It is more sensitive to shock or friction than TNT or tetryl, and it is never used alone as a booster. It is primarily used in booster and bursting charges of small caliber ammunition, in upper charges of detonators in some land mines and shells, and as the explosive core of primacord.

Explosives - Nitrate esters
Actually, Bush's record is 39 consecutive months of no attacks. Pretty good odds Obama can't come close to that.

funny how you ALWAYS forget to mention the biggest terrorist attack in US history, when you "stereotype right wingers" say that.

It s like saying : let s pretend that the first year of his presidency didn't count. Try saying that to the families of the people who died at the 9/11 attacks, it is just insulting

Mr bush his record sheet is the reason why we are even talking about "MONTHS OF NO ATTACKS", before we were not counting months of attacks (or no attacks): because we had none and because AMERICANS FELT SAFE.

To the OP: Ever wondered why you felt the urge to ask the question wether we still feel "safe" on one of the safest means of transportation?

Commercial air travel is still one of the safest ways to travel. There are thousands and thousands of people that fly every day. It sounds like it isnt safe when a plane crashes because so many people are killed/injured at one time. Traveling by car is the most dangerous way to travel.

I think this picture is just what the right wingers were all about when it comes to what the american government did for them to the US safety, US economy, US military, US dignity and american superiority the last 8 years:
They were capable of destroying all of them ...
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and what you on the left and right are failing to see is that neither president was responsible for the attacks that happened on their watches....they are accountable to the public for their action or inaction that resulted in the attacks and the aftermath.
before we were not counting months of attacks (or no attacks): because we had none and because AMERICANS FELT SAFE.

and statements like the one quoted above are absolutely the most idiotic I have yet seen on these boards.....there were a significant number of terrorist attacks on American soil during the Clinton Administration, Bush 1 and Reagan.

Munin...burying your head in the sand will not make what you say true.....try keeping up with reality.
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