Is Our Political Structure Now Permanently FUBAR?


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
The Dems have set their hair on fire and impeached Trump for "the crime" of performing the constitutional duties of his office. I doubt future presidents will have the backbone to withstand the battering that most assuredly will be dumped on them when the opposition party rules the House. Of course, if that POTUS happens to be a Dem he/she will not have the added burden of dealing with the slings and arrows from our fake news MSM.

Uncle Bernie has attracted just a small taste of that and even the very "progressive" Common Dreams noticed:

'CNN Is Truly a Terrible Influence on This Country': Democratic Debate Moderators Pilloried for Centrist Talking Points and Anti-Sanders Bias | Common Dreams
Overall, a team of Rolling Stone writers called the debate moderators' questions "mystifyingly inane." In a piece titled "CNN Completely Botched the Democratic Presidential Debate," HuffPost's Zach Carter called them "awful." According to him, the debate on the whole was "tedious, interminable, frivolous... a fiasco of irrelevance held three weeks before the Iowa caucuses."

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