Is Pornography A Public Health Crisis?


Senior Member
May 24, 2015
Expert say yes.

Event in Capitol sheds light on dangers.

Pornography a public health crisis say experts

Tell me what do you think about it? Is government really going to stop it? I'm sure, our leaders have been pushing for the breakdown of culture in our nation. We are forced to embrace homosexuality, we are forced to ensure that unprotected sex is available with morning after pills as a back up, we have been forced to accept the murder of unborn children as an acceptable practice. What's next?
Expert say yes.

Event in Capitol sheds light on dangers.

Pornography a public health crisis say experts

Tell me what do you think about it? Is government really going to stop it? I'm sure, our leaders have been pushing for the breakdown of culture in our nation. We are forced to embrace homosexuality, we are forced to ensure that unprotected sex is available with morning after pills as a back up, we have been forced to accept the murder of unborn children as an acceptable practice. What's next?
Pornography has been around for several thousand years. What or who has it harmed? How can it harm someone's health? How many people are forced to look at porn? Who holds a gun to their heads and makes them watch porn? Who forces anyone to become an alcoholic or drug addict? Any detailed explanation proving porn is a health hazard?
I forget the name of it, but there is an eye opening documentary out there that shows the reality of what today's porn is.
I had no idea the shear number of girls, right out of high school, are sucked into the industry lured in by "free travel" to exotic places..."big money" (a HUGE lie) and freedom to be on their own.
The average "Porn star" last about 30 days. That's how long it is before they realize they have been bamboozled and about the time they agree to their first "hardcore" film.
One girl who did it for almost three months had made $3000. Sounds like a lot to a teenager. Until you know she made 187 films in THREE MONTHS!! So on average she was paid $16.04 per film after the loooong line of "expenses" she has to pay to her "sponsors".
This should be a crime. How is this not a form of prostitution? Getting paid money to have sex is illegal. But if you film it - it becomes legal??
This documentary changed my outlook on porn. I do not want to watch literally CHILDREN being treated like this.
Expert say yes.

Event in Capitol sheds light on dangers.

Pornography a public health crisis say experts

Tell me what do you think about it? Is government really going to stop it? I'm sure, our leaders have been pushing for the breakdown of culture in our nation. We are forced to embrace homosexuality, we are forced to ensure that unprotected sex is available with morning after pills as a back up, we have been forced to accept the murder of unborn children as an acceptable practice. What's next?

No one is being ‘forced’ to ‘accept homosexuality,’ you and others on the right remain at liberty to hate gay Americans.

No one is being ‘forced’ to ‘accept unprotected sex,’ the notion is ignorant, ridiculous idiocy.

And abortion is not ‘murder’ as a fact of settled and accepted Constitutional law.

As for pornography, it is a form of self-expression entitled to First Amendment protections, where it is neither the role nor the responsibility of government to ‘stop it.’
Expert say yes.

Event in Capitol sheds light on dangers.

Pornography a public health crisis say experts

Tell me what do you think about it? Is government really going to stop it? I'm sure, our leaders have been pushing for the breakdown of culture in our nation. We are forced to embrace homosexuality, we are forced to ensure that unprotected sex is available with morning after pills as a back up, we have been forced to accept the murder of unborn children as an acceptable practice. What's next?

No one is being ‘forced’ to ‘accept homosexuality,’ you and others on the right remain at liberty to hate gay Americans.

No one is being ‘forced’ to ‘accept unprotected sex,’ the notion is ignorant, ridiculous idiocy.

And abortion is not ‘murder’ as a fact of settled and accepted Constitutional law.

As for pornography, it is a form of self-expression entitled to First Amendment protections, where it is neither the role nor the responsibility of government to ‘stop it.’

I was going to ask MathewSmith how he is being 'forced to embrace homosexuality, have unprotected sex, have an abortion and watch porn'.

As for the govt stopping porn, he needs to be careful what he wishes for.
Let's look at countries that forbid all pornography, and see how they treat women.

Expert say yes.

Event in Capitol sheds light on dangers.

Pornography a public health crisis say experts

Tell me what do you think about it? Is government really going to stop it? I'm sure, our leaders have been pushing for the breakdown of culture in our nation. We are forced to embrace homosexuality, we are forced to ensure that unprotected sex is available with morning after pills as a back up, we have been forced to accept the murder of unborn children as an acceptable practice. What's next?

Porn has positive social benefits. This was proven scientifically decades ago. If it's making the rounds again it's political, not scientific.
Reason I'd expect porn is being linked to health crisis (again) is the recent revelations about how homosexual porn leads to increased acceptance of homosexuality. Given the federal approval of gay marriage recently, that some are going after the 'propaganda' that probably led whole or in part to that is expected.
Reason I'd expect porn is being linked to health crisis (again) is the recent revelations about how homosexual porn leads to increased acceptance of homosexuality. Given the federal approval of gay marriage recently, that some are going after the 'propaganda' that probably led whole or in part to that is expected.

Does it? I would assume that greater acceptance of homosexual individuals correlates to people being enlightened enough to see such folks as persons who deserve human dignity the same as everyone else. It seems the old way of thinking (which some still subscribe to, clearly!) is to instantly imagine the private activities which might take place in the gay marital bed, and to try hard not to be tempted by it--according to the teachings of their youth.
Reason I'd expect porn is being linked to health crisis (again) is the recent revelations about how homosexual porn leads to increased acceptance of homosexuality. Given the federal approval of gay marriage recently, that some are going after the 'propaganda' that probably led whole or in part to that is expected.

Does it? I would assume that greater acceptance of homosexual individuals correlates to people being enlightened enough to see such folks as persons who deserve human dignity the same as everyone else. It seems the old way of thinking (which some still subscribe to, clearly!) is to instantly imagine the private activities which might take place in the gay marital bed, and to try hard not to be tempted by it--according to the teachings of their youth.

Porn Makes Straight Men More Accepting of Gay Marriage Care2 Causes

"A new study has shown that straight men who view adult films may become more accepting of gay people and same-sex marriage.

The study, published in the journal Communication Research, provides a scholarly analysis of nationally representative longitudinal data from the National Science Foundation-funded studies of some 500 U.S. heterosexual men over the past six years, examining whether there is any connection between factors like pornography consumption, education and support for same-sex marriage.

The researchers, Indiana University Assistant Professor Paul Wright and University of Arizona’s Ashley Randall, noted that as a group it is heterosexual males who are the least likely to support same-sex marriage, and so they wanted to ascertain whether pornography consumption in particular led to a change in thinking. And the results suggest that, yes, this does seem to be the case.

Those men who did report watching pornography were more likely to support same-sex marriage than those who chose to abstain. Why might this be? The researchers have their theories.

“Our study suggests that the more heterosexual men, especially less educated heterosexual men, watch pornography, the more supportive they become of same-sex marriage,” Professor Paul Wright told The Washington Examiner."

goes on.
Please reference the Supreme Court for the definition of 'pornography'.
Mathew forgot he wasn't suppose to watch ghey porn...

According to Google search demographics, gay porn's most popular in conservative/religious southern US states. :)

Not surprising really. More ya rail against that sort of thing, more likely you're into it.

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