Here is the problem for Putin, and NATO----------------> Who will/would deploy nukes if their country's land mass was not under attack? That is the multi trillion dollar question. I am certain the West would not because of its Democratic ties, but would Pooty?
An easier way to ask this question is------------------> you are walking along, and see a 100 dollar bill on the ground. At the same time you see it, a person walking towards you sees it also. You both dive for it, are fighting over it, and he says if you don't let go, he is going to kick your a**. What is your decision? To fight, or let him have it?
Now change the scenario to just you walking along, you see it, and pick it up putting it in your wallet or purse. A month later, someone comes up to you and tries to steal your wallet or purse, and the only thing in it is that 100 dollar bill. Are you now going to resist harder since it has been in your possession for a month, and you consider that note yours now?
The point is simple in a round about way------------> many of those sovereign places over there, used to be in the Soviet Union, including Poland. Pooty was raised NOT in Russia itself, but the Soviet Union as a whole. He has stated publicly on many occasions that his goal was to reconstitute the Soviet Union. The breakup of that former country, was a disaster in his eyes, and should have never happened. So if you take him at his word, and that is up to his minds eye, he is fighting........not against Ukraine, but taking back what was already his.
So will he use nukes? Well, let me ask you this------------->someone takes Hawaii from us and 20 or 30 years later we go to take it back, would you! How about if it was Alaska? New York anyone?
So the way to stop this madness is through financial means, and it is up to the world, in particular our government, to deny him the finances to wage war by flooding the zone with our oil. When Pooty leaves the world stage through death, or through him being removed from office, a younger person will see things differently. They will not be so tied to the old empire, or so we hope. It really is on the government of the USA, because we alone have the means to turn his very rich gas station into a nickel and dime store.
If you don't agree, then if his professed intentions of reconstituting the Soviet Union continues and we are faced with nuclear war to stop it or are forced to decide instead to turn our backs on NATO, remember that when you look into the mirror! Sometimes my Democratic green friends, you have to re-evaluate your positions to avoid disaster, even if the disaster was not of your making.