Is Putin bluffing about using nukes? Should NATO call his bluff? (POLL)

Will Putin's war crimes ever be worth risking a nuclear war??

  • Yes, stopping Putin's war crimes is worth risking a nuclear war.

    Votes: 14 58.3%
  • No, Putin can do whatever he wants since he has nukes and is crazy enough to use them

    Votes: 10 41.7%

  • Total voters
He has stated publicly on many occasions that his goal was to reconstitute the Soviet Union.
Link for me just once, in just one speech of his, or in one place where he has written this.

I see it in western propaganda all over. . . but I have never seen him say it or write it.
The Ukraine is Putin's ongoing war crime, and NATO is really doing nothing to slow his plodding military down.

There were items discussed, such as a NATO "no fly" zone over Ukraine.
Stoltenberg just said "NO", since that would start a war between NATO and Russia.

US generals suggested sending Ukraine some of our obsolete A-10 "Warthog" tank killers. They would make short work of Putin's tank columns.

Yesterday the Russian military fired into a Ukrainian nuclear powerplant. These idiots are playing "Russian Roulette" with a global disaster. Day after day more death and destruction.

Will there be a tipping point when NATO countries see so much death and destruction, such as public executions "Taliban Style" that NATO says, FU Vlad, we're kicking your ass out of Ukraine, and if you want to escalate to nuclear slap leather?

So the poll question basically says will Putin's war crimes ever be worth risking a nuclear war?? He's betting no.
you need third choice.

3.) No he is not bluffing. He will use them against superior NATO machinery if they decide to interfere.
Putin will blow up the nuke energy plant before actually using nukes...
"ANYTHING worth while" is NOT an answer.

Where is your answer? It only exists in your imagination apparently.
sure its an answer. thanks for giving me your time this morning. Im sorry you have nothing better to do. Now before you say "pot meet kettle". I just ran 5 miles and im bored. cooling down. Whats your excuse?
It's not productive trying to fight an armchair war. Ukraine isn't going to win the war against Russia and there's no way anybody would want to see an ongoing slaughter of the kind that went on in Afghanistan.

If Russia can be beaten then it's going to require some much more imaginable thinking.

Personally, I can't imagine Russia ever accepting clear cut defeat. Russia's ongoing security is much too important.

I just don't know how important to America it is to win the Ukraine?

While it's being decided, the Ukraine people are the pawns that suffer. That's the most important consideration.

How is China seeing the situation? Do they see a situation in which their security will be challenged by America too? Do they have the power to maintain their security?
Well, looky here...Making Putin's argument for him...Isn't that special....
Maybe we should be sending the Ukrainians state-of-the-art attack drones?

I'm sure the Ukrainians can find operators - fast-tracking of training, hiring of mercs, etc.

Run a few Predators against Russian artillery and missile batteries and take-out a lot of the long-distance destructive power hammering Ukrainian cities?
America is using Ukrainians as pawns in their expansionist war games. Peace is being delayed on account of it being a war of attrition between the count on dead Ukrainians vs. dead Russians.

The objective is peace, before Russia takes the entire Ukraine and has suffered enough losses that it wouldn't make any sense to give it up.

There can be sympathy for Ukrainians, but nothing can hide the US/Nato expansionist imperalism that been going on since the inception of Nato.
Unless the west intervenes militarily Ukraine will be reduced to rubble and occupied.
Not reduced to rubble, because it's still a friendly war and Russia is still playing by the rules. But certainly possibly occupied once Russia has gained the ground and has expended to many lives to every let it go.

But I would say that it would also depend on the mood and the loyalties of the Ukrainian people.
Not reduced to rubble, because it's still a friendly war and Russia is still playing by the rules. But certainly possibly occupied once Russia has gained the ground and has expended to many lives to every let it go.
But I would say that it would also depend on the mood and the loyalties of the Ukrainian people.
Believe your lying eyes. It is being reduced to rubble.
Link for me just once, in just one speech of his, or in one place where he has written this.

I see it in western propaganda all over. . . but I have never seen him say it or write it.
Now you're a Putin supporter?

They're known about Putin's ambitions for years.

Dec. 1, 2016

Russian President Vladimir Putin's main interest is restoration of the Soviet Union, former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said Thursday.

"Let's not kid anybody," said Panetta, who also served as CIA director and White House chief of staff. "Putin's main interest is to try to restore the old Soviet Union. I mean that's what drives him."

He is clearly trying to prevent the countries of the former Soviet Union from joining NATO and working with the European Union," Panetta said in 2015.

President-elect Donald Trump suggested the U.S. accept Russia's annexation of Crimea, and argued the U.S. should work with Russia, if possible.
Not reduced to rubble, because it's still a friendly war and Russia is still playing by the rules. But certainly possibly occupied once Russia has gained the ground and has expended to many lives to every let it go.

But I would say that it would also depend on the mood and the loyalties of the Ukrainian people.
The Russians will use artillery to level cities before they will engage in urban warfare. That's the way they conduct war.
Believe your lying eyes. It is being reduced to rubble.
If it wasn't a more or less friendly war, Russia would rain down hundreds and hundreds of cruise missiles on the Ukraine, as was done by America on Iraq.

Personally, I very much hope it stays limited to Russia's attack on strategic targets and never becomes something similar to Kosovo in which cruise missiles were rained down with impunity on the civilian population.

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