Is WW3 about to start? (Poll)

What would Biden do if Russia invaded Ukraine, and China invaded Taiwan, simultaneously?

  • Nothing and nothing

    Votes: 17 34.0%
  • Make a lot of noise, but no military help

    Votes: 19 38.0%
  • Send military aid to Ukraine

    Votes: 11 22.0%
  • Send military aid to Taiwan

    Votes: 11 22.0%
  • Send the US Navy to help defend Taiwan

    Votes: 9 18.0%
  • Join with other NATO forces to defend Ukraine

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • Iran siezes the opportunity to invade its neighbors triggering WW3

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Other. See my post

    Votes: 8 16.0%

  • Total voters
Russia has a feeble economy

Massive economic sanctions will cripple them
Brandon has helped them a whole lot with his green BS E.Os. Took the courts to reverse his attack on oil. That is the BEST NEWS PUTIN CAN HEAR. Europe is under the gun of Putin and the pipelines. He knows it and so do they. That is what Ukraine is about.
We are in it right now.

It’s not a hot war…yet.

Having a senile POTUS doesnt help.

Fuck each and every one of you commies who said to 25th Trump, yet CLAIM Biden is in perfect mental health.

You are fucking liars and no one should ever believe anything you liars say.
Western Europe needs Russian natural gas. Needs. As in, cannot survive without... Russia NEEDS hard currency from these natural gas sales. NEEDS. As in, cannot survive without...

If Biden were serious, he would not even bother talking to Putin. He would simply authorize American gas producers to begin selling LNG to Germany, etc. We have the resources. Probably have the ships to transport it.

It would be a win-win for the West. No shots fired, but serious injuries inflicted.
If China invades Taiwan, Taiwan will kick its ass

That would be a great outcome. And I honestly see and understand that Taiwan would fight like a cornered wildcat..... One Taiwan Soldier might fight with the passion to equal three ChiComs. But still..... China could descend on Taiwan like a storm, out-numbering Taiwan 10 to 1 very easily.

Not sure what will happen, but Xi has about a 24 month window to do something without US interference. The next President will not be asleep at the wheel and ChiCom complicit.

Good point made to me yesterday... China does want to run off a successful Winter Olympics, so anything will go down after March 2022.

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That would be a great outcome. And I honestly see and understand that Taiwan would fight like a cornered wildcat..... One Taiwan Soldier might fight with the passion to equal three ChiComs. But still..... China could descend on Taiwan like a storm, out-numbering Taiwan 10 to 1 very easily.

Not sure what will happen, but Xi has about a 24 month window to do something without US interference. The next President will not be asleep at the wheel and ChiCom complicit.

Good point made to me yesterday... China does want to run off a successful Winter Olympics, so anything will go down after March 2022.

Some think that because China is so much bigger, they will win easily

Amphibious assaults are not easy and China does not have enough ships. Taiwan has been preparing for 70 years. They have thousands of ground to air missiles, anti ship missiles, smart mines,submarines and ground defenses to thwart an invasion
If China invades Taiwan, Taiwan will kick its ass
That's one or your dumber posts. The question is, would Taiwan's chip manufacturing plants be damaged beyond repair or not in an invasion.
IMHO those chip plants should be moved to the US ASAP to make Taiwan less valuable to China.
That's one or your dumber posts. The question is, would Taiwan's chip manufacturing plants be damaged beyond repair or not in an invasion.
IMHO those chip plants should be moved to the US ASAP to make Taiwan less valuable to China.
If you understood Naval invasions you would know better

D Day took thousands of ships and had complete surprise. China has neither
It started in the 1970s, when Jimmy Carter betrayed and abandoned the very best ally that we ever had in the Muslim-dominated part of the world, the Shah of Iran.

As a result of Carter's malfeasance, the Shah was overthrown, and that nation taken over by the Khomeniacs, who quickly established Iran as the base from which the disease of violent Islamist terrorism could fester and spread to the rest of the world. We've been at war with them ever since. All the trouble we've had with violent Islamist terrorists, all traces to this one failure on Carter's part.
Biden said he would start a shooting war with Russia over a CCP cyberattack.

We know that our stellar Afghanistan Unconditional Surrender Intel Agencies would blame any CCP cyber attack on the Russians, so yeah.
It's hard to say. If anything good comes out of it will be to not totally depend on them for anything. If nothing else we need a scalable capacity for making semiconductors as a strategic resource.

We shouldn't be depending on them now. The irony is we and the rest of the western world are sending all of this money to the Chinese government in the form of trade and they are using it to build up their military arsenal against us.
We shouldn't be depending on them now. The irony is we and the rest of the western world are sending all of this money to the Chinese government in the form of trade and they are using it to build up their military arsenal against us.
We have the capability to invade China. They don’t have the capability to invade us

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