Is Putin ready to attack Israel? Moscow -Syria Hold Joint Air Patrol Along Golan Heights: Putin’s Warning to Israel, Backing To Assad

Tump handed Syria to Russia and in the process caused the slaughter of 100,000 Kurds. Failure to account for unintended consequences, as usual.
ok, i see your point how good-bad do you thunk Obama´s crew handled occupation of Crimea? and other eastern parts of Ukraine ?
ok, i see your point how good-bad do you thunk Obama´s crew handled occupation of Crimea? and other eastern parts of Ukraine ?
That is a tough call and I don't know how he could have handled it. Russia wanted that port.
Did Obama walk out on people that supported him militarily during our stay? Were American lives saved? Don't know.
Ukraine is attached to Russia and the Russians overwhelm the area. All we can do is sacrifice American lives in any military effort.
That is a tough call and I don't know how he could have handled it.
not at all

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thats why we have best in the world experts , dont we ? try to learn how with with AtlanticCouncil for example

Who "took over" Syria is not as important as the increase in Russian and Turkish presence.

You were blaming Trump for allowing someone, or something, to take Syria.
Don't keep it secret.
Who took over Syria?
Who did they take it from?
You were blaming Trump for allowing someone, or something, to take Syria.
Don't keep it secret.
Who took over Syria?
Who did they take it from?
Why do you keep pressing? What is your point? It is no secret as to what happened in Syria. We abandoned our Kurdish allies, resulting in their slaughter, and handed the country to ISIS, Russia, and Turkey. Russia now has more influence in the region. It was a bad idea to simply walk away and shows that we don't live up to our agreements.
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"We deterred a full takeover, until Trump allowed a full takeover" wasn't your point?

What was your point?
Trump walked away and left the Russians and Turks in a stronger position. Trump also did nothing for the Kurds, who saved American lives as our ally and who needed our protection. That is my point. You just do not walk away from obligations, but Trump has no moral fiber, so fuck 'em. This hurts our credibility on the world stage, when other countries don't trust us to live up to our commitments.
Russia's stock market is crashing as we speak....

Maybe Putin has figured out a way to have someone else pay for the time his pilots need to hone their skills.

Israeli pilots already went head-to-head with Soviet pilots in '67 and '73 -- and they cleaned their Russian clocks ...

... that is why Israelis are the world's-best salesmen for fighter aircraft.

MOSCOW Jammers Disrupting Israeli Planes’ GPS​

STILL I Don’t worry about Israel, IT will come with a deadly plan and strategy against MOSCOW jammers

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