Is race a socially constructed idea or a biological fact?


May 11, 2011
I find this question very interesting and am wondering what kind of opinions people hold regarding this question. So, please share your opinions:)
Races of people behave the same no matter where they are in the world, It's biological
Depends. You you believe in science or not?

[ame=] Race: The Reality Of Human Differences (9780813340869): Vincent Sarich, Frank Miele: Books[/ame]
'Race' is an imaginary construct of humans too old to play video games and too bored to do something useful with their lives.
I find this question very interesting and am wondering what kind of opinions people hold regarding this question. So, please share your opinions:)

Its social, in America I'm black, but in Brazil I could one of several racial categories, its social.
I find this question very interesting and am wondering what kind of opinions people hold regarding this question. So, please share your opinions:)

Its social, in America I'm black, but in Brazil I could one of several racial categories, its social.

Here's a stumper. Which one qualified for affirmative action in college?


I find this question very interesting and am wondering what kind of opinions people hold regarding this question. So, please share your opinions:)

Not really a question, unless you believe there is a "race" of black mice, and a "race" of white mice.

Do mice notice if they are black or white?

Humans, on the other hand, have the imagination to "socially construct" the concept of "race," religion, The Easter Bunny, and The US Dollar's Value, and all sorts of abstractions that have no root in reality.
I find this question very interesting and am wondering what kind of opinions people hold regarding this question. So, please share your opinions:)

Not really a question, unless you believe there is a "race" of black mice, and a "race" of white mice.

Do mice notice if they are black or white?

Humans, on the other hand, have the imagination to "socially construct" the concept of "race," religion, The Easter Bunny, and The US Dollar's Value, and all sorts of abstractions that have no root in reality.

I think the idea that there is no such thing as race is the social construct that has no basis in reality. Studies show that a person's race is easily identifiable through analyzing their genes. Denying the concept of race requires a lot of fiction writing, gullibility, and class room indoctrination.
obviously there are both physical reality-based definitions of race and social, value based definitions of race. you can twist the terminology of one but you can't argue away the reality of the other.

Samson makes the age old mistake of defining race by skin colour. negroes arent black because of their skin colour, they have skin colour because they are black. genetics are the cause, phenotypes are the visible results.
Race is Biological, and environmental. Genetics and biology play a big role,society plays a minor role.
Environmental situations also play a role in the construct of race.Hot tropical climates vs. Cold dark climates.
These are the facts.
Race is a fact, not a construct. Our cultures, our customs, our collective racial memories. Why is being cognizant of one's racial heritage such a big deal these days? And why have we made the very idea of mentioning a persons race, even in matters of identification, the prime sin of our times?
Once upon a time people took pride in their heritage and their racial identities. Now it's a cardinal trangression to even mention it.

You know what I think? Some people won't be happy until we are all one dull shade of gray with no genetic markers evident at all. Won't that be a fine world to live in?

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