Is Racist Civil Rights System in Full Collapse?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I have long said that the current system of 'protected' groups in our Civil Rights bureaucracy is inherently internally contradictory, and that i effectively UNDERMINES real Civil Rights, in that it does not strive to achieve full equality in our court system.

Anglo culture nations are at 'Peak proMinority Racism' now it would seem. Nowhere else to go but back toward Reason and being even handed.

'Atrocious' racist stickers condemned

Scotland's deputy first minister has condemned the appearance of stickers bearing the slogan "It's okay to be white" in Perth city centre.

The stickers were posted on lampposts and drainpipes throughout the city at the weekend.

John Swinney, who is also MSP for Perthshire North, said the "atrocious" stickers had "no place in Perth or any other part of our country."

Police Scotland said it was "currently looking into the matter."

Posting on Twitter, Mr Swinney said: "We must stand together to resist this unacceptable material."

'Sickening and disgusting'
Stickers bearing the same slogan appeared in Dundee in September.

The message originally appeared as a 2017 poster campaign in the US organised by an internet message board, with the aim of provoking reactions.

Another protected group brings its wrath on a popular writer for saying there are only two sexes, and she is correct because she was not speaking of culturally driven gender.

J.K. Rowling accused of being anti-transgender for saying "sex is real"

J.K. Rowling, the hugely successful author behind the multibillion-dollar Harry Potter franchise, was accused on Thursday of being an anti-transgender bigot after weighing in on an LGBT controversy by stating that "sex is real."

Rowling was responding to the controversy surrounding Maya Forstater, a tax expert who lost her job at a London think tank after tweeting that "men cannot change into women." A judge ruled this week that her firing was permissible under British law.

In her viral tweet, Rowling came to Forstater's defense, writing:

"Dress however you please. Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who'll have you. Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real? #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill"​
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The civil rights movement didn't solve racial issues , it just institutionalized them via governance Jim

The civil rights movement didn't solve racial issues , it just institutionalized them via governance Jim
Yeah. We love to put band aids on things and call them fixed. Instead of doing the heavy lifting of addressing race at a cultural level, we've tried to just address this issue by leaving it to the government.

In the end, all that has done is empower the two ends (not sides, ends) of this issue to point the finger at the other and feed off each other.

We're seeing the predictable results of that.
The civil rights movement didn't solve racial issues , it just institutionalized them via governance Jim
Yeah. We love to put band aids on things and call them fixed. Instead of doing the heavy lifting of addressing race at a cultural level, we've tried to just address this issue by leaving it to the government.
In the end, all that has done is empower the two ends (not sides, ends) of this issue to point the finger at the other and feed off each other.
We're seeing the predictable results of that.
Yeah, it is too predictable.

I fear a pendulum swing back to the opposite extreme if this continues.

I think we are already seeing it build despite everything the Anglican Oligarchs are doing to stop it.
The civil rights movement didn't solve racial issues , it just institutionalized them via governance Jim
Yeah. We love to put band aids on things and call them fixed. Instead of doing the heavy lifting of addressing race at a cultural level, we've tried to just address this issue by leaving it to the government.
In the end, all that has done is empower the two ends (not sides, ends) of this issue to point the finger at the other and feed off each other.
We're seeing the predictable results of that.
Yeah, it is too predictable.

I fear a pendulum swing back to the opposite extreme if this continues.

I think we are already seeing it build despite everything the Anglican Oligarchs are doing to stop it.
Well, the pendulum swinging to the opposite extreme is our specialty. Back and forth, back and forth.

It's happening right now in our politics on a macro scale, and the race issue is just one example.

Self-inflicted wound. We specialize in that, too.
Our society has made it harder for some groups to succeed
Protecting those groups is the purpose of cIvil rights
Perth has a population around 46,000 and its ethnic makeup is almost 97% white. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I think the citizens of Perth are well aware that it's okay to be white. :lol:

Perth (Perth and Kinross, Scotland, United Kingdom) - Population Statistics, Charts, Map, Location, Weather and Web Information
Which is why saying it is OK to be white is intolerable?

I know you are totally bought into Protected Identity Political ideology, but simply because a person is white does not mean that they believe it is actually OK to be white.

Which is why saying it is OK to be white is intolerable?

I never said it did.

I know you are totally bought into Protected Identity Political ideology, but simply because a person is white does not mean that they believe it is actually OK to be white.

Have I now? Show me where I've 'totally bought' into the whole Protected Identity Political ideology. You can't b/c I don't. I think the very idea of protected groups are absurd, unfair, and unlawful, but you can pretend otherwise so you can have something to rail aganist.
Which is why saying it is OK to be white is intolerable?

I never said it did.

I know you are totally bought into Protected Identity Political ideology, but simply because a person is white does not mean that they believe it is actually OK to be white.

Have I now? Show me where I've 'totally bought' into the whole Protected Identity Political ideology. You can't b/c I don't. I think the very idea of protected groups are absurd, unfair, and unlawful, but you can pretend otherwise so you can have something to rail aganist.
The general summary of your comments, IMO, shows you do believe in effect that we should have protected special rights because you always dend such things and slam their critics, as you did in this thread, dude.
Which is why saying it is OK to be white is intolerable?

I never said it did.

I know you are totally bought into Protected Identity Political ideology, but simply because a person is white does not mean that they believe it is actually OK to be white.

Have I now? Show me where I've 'totally bought' into the whole Protected Identity Political ideology. You can't b/c I don't. I think the very idea of protected groups are absurd, unfair, and unlawful, but you can pretend otherwise so you can have something to rail aganist.
The general summary of your comments, IMO, shows you do believe in effect that we should have protected special rights because you always dend such things and slam their critics, as you did in this thread, dude.

I see you’ve decided to go with ‘pretend otherwise’ like I predicted. Yeah, the guy that wants to abolish all public accommodation laws, affirmative action, and, hate crime laws totally believes in special rights. :lol:
If we abolish the Civil Rights act and Voting Rights act and all of the stuff that makes white racists angry....

Will that stop white racists from freaking out over being a minority??

It's almost like they think they won't be "protected" if they are the minority??

Why?? did something bad happen to minorities or something??
Nothing excites the RW base of morons and the "independent free thinkers" more than a good story about some insignificant case of PC gone awry.

And nothing has less of an impact on the lives of these outraged people as a story about someone trying to make life a little better for a particular group who's lives are impacted by some injustice. sure does motivate morons to vote.

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