Is Rasmussen Inaccurate???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
We hear that claim with metronomic regularity from the Left’s acolytes, most especially whenever Rasmussen posts an increase in Trump’s popularity.

The glare is blinding when one compares Rasmussen with Pravda…, CNN.

1. “CNN claims 35 percent of American adults approve of how Trump is performing

Rasmussen Reports found 49 percent of respondents approve of the president

2. What accounts for a roughly 15 percentage point disparity?

CNN is skewing polling data to show the majority of Americans disapprove of the way President Donald Trump is handling the presidency.

The network published a poll Sunday that claims 35 percent of American adults approve of how Trump is performing as president. Those results are in stark contrast to a Monday Rasmussen Reports poll that found 49 percent of respondents approved of how the president is managing the White House.

3. …a number of factors that could account for the 15 percentage point disparity between CNN’s and Rasmussen’s results.

4. Thirty-three percent of respondents identified as Democrats, 44 percent as Independent or members of another party and 23 percent as Republicans.

5. … the most recent Gallup polling on how Americans self-identify politically, CNN’s figures are off as much as 14 percentage points for Republican representation.

Forty-four percent of U.S. adults self-identify as Democrat or independents who lean Democrat, according to a December 2017 Gallup poll. Roughly 37 percent of Gallup respondents self-identified as Republicans.”
Why Is CNN’s Approval Rating For Trump 15 Points Lower Than Rasmussen’s?

Of course, the real question is… this a mistake or an agenda?
We hear that claim with metronomic regularity from the Left’s acolytes, most especially whenever Rasmussen posts an increase in Trump’s popularity.

The glare is blinding when one compares Rasmussen with Pravda…, CNN.

1. “CNN claims 35 percent of American adults approve of how Trump is performing

Rasmussen Reports found 49 percent of respondents approve of the president

2. What accounts for a roughly 15 percentage point disparity?

CNN is skewing polling data to show the majority of Americans disapprove of the way President Donald Trump is handling the presidency.

The network published a poll Sunday that claims 35 percent of American adults approve of how Trump is performing as president. Those results are in stark contrast to a Monday Rasmussen Reports poll that found 49 percent of respondents approved of how the president is managing the White House.

3. …a number of factors that could account for the 15 percentage point disparity between CNN’s and Rasmussen’s results.

4. Thirty-three percent of respondents identified as Democrats, 44 percent as Independent or members of another party and 23 percent as Republicans.

5. … the most recent Gallup polling on how Americans self-identify politically, CNN’s figures are off as much as 14 percentage points for Republican representation.

Forty-four percent of U.S. adults self-identify as Democrat or independents who lean Democrat, according to a December 2017 Gallup poll. Roughly 37 percent of Gallup respondents self-identified as Republicans.”
Why Is CNN’s Approval Rating For Trump 15 Points Lower Than Rasmussen’s?

Of course, the real question is… this a mistake or an agenda?
. What accounts for a roughly 15 percentage point disparity?
Communist News Network? Need I say more?

trumplings, like their master, need constant reassurance.
Of course, the real question is… this a mistake or an agenda?
Yes, of course it is Rasmussen's agenda to fudge the numbers....

They are using "likely voters", which is uncommon and generally not used in polling a President's approval rating, especially after an election is over...

CNN is using the Standard method of all adults, since it is a year plus after he became president.

in your article it states THE STANDARD for a President, is all adults being polled.

Historically, national polling houses use “adults” rather than “likely voters” when polling presidential approval.
Of course, the real question is… this a mistake or an agenda?
Yes, of course it is Rasmussen's agenda to fudge the numbers....

They are using "likely voters", which is uncommon and generally not used in polling a President after an election is over...

CNN is using the Standard method of all adults, since it is a year plus after he became president.

in your articles it states THE STANDARD for a President, is all adults being polled.

Historically, national polling houses use “adults” rather than “likely voters” when polling presidential approval.

Read the rest of this thread, and see if you can make an argument that CNN is more fact, that they wish to be anything other than water-carriers for Democrats.

You know....pretty much like you.
We hear that claim with metronomic regularity from the Left’s acolytes, most especially whenever Rasmussen posts an increase in Trump’s popularity.

The glare is blinding when one compares Rasmussen with Pravda…, CNN.

1. “CNN claims 35 percent of American adults approve of how Trump is performing

Rasmussen Reports found 49 percent of respondents approve of the president

2. What accounts for a roughly 15 percentage point disparity?

CNN is skewing polling data to show the majority of Americans disapprove of the way President Donald Trump is handling the presidency.

The network published a poll Sunday that claims 35 percent of American adults approve of how Trump is performing as president. Those results are in stark contrast to a Monday Rasmussen Reports poll that found 49 percent of respondents approved of how the president is managing the White House.

3. …a number of factors that could account for the 15 percentage point disparity between CNN’s and Rasmussen’s results.

4. Thirty-three percent of respondents identified as Democrats, 44 percent as Independent or members of another party and 23 percent as Republicans.

5. … the most recent Gallup polling on how Americans self-identify politically, CNN’s figures are off as much as 14 percentage points for Republican representation.

Forty-four percent of U.S. adults self-identify as Democrat or independents who lean Democrat, according to a December 2017 Gallup poll. Roughly 37 percent of Gallup respondents self-identified as Republicans.”
Why Is CNN’s Approval Rating For Trump 15 Points Lower Than Rasmussen’s?

Of course, the real question is… this a mistake or an agenda?
One glaring difference is Rasmussen is only polling likely voters.
Of course, the real question is… this a mistake or an agenda?
Yes, of course it is Rasmussen's agenda to fudge the numbers....

They are using "likely voters", which is uncommon and generally not used in polling a President after an election is over...

CNN is using the Standard method of all adults, since it is a year plus after he became president.

in your articles it states THE STANDARD for a President, is all adults being polled.

Historically, national polling houses use “adults” rather than “likely voters” when polling presidential approval.

Read the rest of this thread, and see if you can make an argument that CNN is more fact, that they wish to be anything other than water-carriers for Democrats.

You know....pretty much like you.
Is anyone else here surprised to see you’re too ignorant to understand you’re not going to get accurate results about the mood of all adults on the topic of Trump’s job approval if you only ask a certain segment of adults?
Of course, the real question is… this a mistake or an agenda?
Yes, of course it is Rasmussen's agenda to fudge the numbers....

They are using "likely voters", which is uncommon and generally not used in polling a President after an election is over...

CNN is using the Standard method of all adults, since it is a year plus after he became president.

in your articles it states THE STANDARD for a President, is all adults being polled.

Historically, national polling houses use “adults” rather than “likely voters” when polling presidential approval.

Read the rest of this thread, and see if you can make an argument that CNN is more fact, that they wish to be anything other than water-carriers for Democrats.

You know....pretty much like you.
All evidence shows that it is Rasmussen that has deviated from the Standard of polling "All Adults" for Presidential approval ratings....

Why would Rasmussen poll the President's approval rating WITH ONLY likely voters, in a non election year?

NUFF SAID..... you are wrong.

The question is for ALL American adults, do you or do you not approve of the President?

Not just for likely voters in a year that they are not even voting for him, which also leaves out an entire generation who just became eligible to vote...who are not included in likely voters....

Rasmussen is fudging the numbers and using the criteria of likely voters to skew the results in the President's favor.
Of course, the real question is… this a mistake or an agenda?
Yes, of course it is Rasmussen's agenda to fudge the numbers....

They are using "likely voters", which is uncommon and generally not used in polling a President after an election is over...

CNN is using the Standard method of all adults, since it is a year plus after he became president.

in your articles it states THE STANDARD for a President, is all adults being polled.

Historically, national polling houses use “adults” rather than “likely voters” when polling presidential approval.

Read the rest of this thread, and see if you can make an argument that CNN is more fact, that they wish to be anything other than water-carriers for Democrats.

You know....pretty much like you.
All evidence shows that it is Rasmussen that has deviated from the Standard of polling "All Adults" for Presidential approval ratings....

Why would Rasmussen poll the President's approval rating WITH ONLY likely voters, in a non election year?

NUFF SAID..... you are wrong.

The question is for ALL American adults, do you or do you not approve of the President?

Not just for likely voters in a year that they are not even voting for him, which also leaves out an entire generation who just became eligible to vote...who are not included in likely voters....

Rasmussen is fudging the numbers and using the criteria of likely voters to skew the results in the President's favor.
Younger Americans tend to vote Democrat. The youngest American adults can’t qualify as a “likely voter” because they haven’t yet established a voting history. Rasmussen conveniently weeds them out; resulting in unusually higher ratings for Republicans.

And the brain-dead right cheers for Rasmussen while ignoring polling giants like Gallup, who polls all adults, for one reason and one reason only.... Gallup’s job approval rating for Trump is roughly 10 points lower than Rasmussen’s.

What idiots they are, huh?

The article from the garbage site, the Daily Caller also left a lot of unanswered questions, to deceive its lemmings....

It goes in to detail of who was polled for CNN with a break down that is incomplete, gave the breakdown for Democratic voters and Independents leaning Democratic, while it just gives a flat percentage for Republicans and does not define what independent percentage were likely Republican leaning...

and it does not give the same analysis and party breakdown and detail of WHAT criteria Rasmussen used.....

All around the article lacks integrity and honestly and accuracy.
Of course, the real question is… this a mistake or an agenda?
Yes, of course it is Rasmussen's agenda to fudge the numbers....

They are using "likely voters", which is uncommon and generally not used in polling a President after an election is over...

CNN is using the Standard method of all adults, since it is a year plus after he became president.

in your articles it states THE STANDARD for a President, is all adults being polled.

Historically, national polling houses use “adults” rather than “likely voters” when polling presidential approval.

Read the rest of this thread, and see if you can make an argument that CNN is more fact, that they wish to be anything other than water-carriers for Democrats.

You know....pretty much like you.
All evidence shows that it is Rasmussen that has deviated from the Standard of polling "All Adults" for Presidential approval ratings....

Why would Rasmussen poll the President's approval rating WITH ONLY likely voters, in a non election year?

NUFF SAID..... you are wrong.

The question is for ALL American adults, do you or do you not approve of the President?

Not just for likely voters in a year that they are not even voting for him, which also leaves out an entire generation who just became eligible to vote...who are not included in likely voters....

Rasmussen is fudging the numbers and using the criteria of likely voters to skew the results in the President's favor.

6. Of course, the real question is… this a mistake by CNN, or an agenda?

Does the Clinton News Network wish to have accuracy in its data, or simply a boost for Democrat success?

7. This should answer the query:

“CNN polled the opinions of “adults,” ages 18 and up, however, Rasmussen polled “likely voters.” Choosing one method or the other can lead to different results.

Polling “adults” includes a significant number of respondents in a given sample that either rarely or never vote. Adults that are not politically active, or rarely politically active, are less likely to follow public policy debates as closely as those who are committed voters.

Using “likely voters,” some argue, like Kyle Kondik, managing editor of “Sabato’s Crystal Ball,” is a better barometer for measuring presidential approval ratings.

“If I were to start doing a poll of presidential approval, I personally would do registered voters,” Kondik told TheDCNF in July 2017. “If you’re looking specifically at trying to figure out the electoral effects, you’re probably better off doing registered voters or likely voters.” Why Is CNN’s Approval Rating For Trump 15 Points Lower Than Rasmussen’s?

Accuracy for the mainstream media???


And CNN?
Democrats posing as journalists.
Of course, the real question is… this a mistake or an agenda?
Yes, of course it is Rasmussen's agenda to fudge the numbers....

They are using "likely voters", which is uncommon and generally not used in polling a President after an election is over...

CNN is using the Standard method of all adults, since it is a year plus after he became president.

in your articles it states THE STANDARD for a President, is all adults being polled.

Historically, national polling houses use “adults” rather than “likely voters” when polling presidential approval.

Read the rest of this thread, and see if you can make an argument that CNN is more fact, that they wish to be anything other than water-carriers for Democrats.

You know....pretty much like you.
All evidence shows that it is Rasmussen that has deviated from the Standard of polling "All Adults" for Presidential approval ratings....

Why would Rasmussen poll the President's approval rating WITH ONLY likely voters, in a non election year?

NUFF SAID..... you are wrong.

The question is for ALL American adults, do you or do you not approve of the President?

Not just for likely voters in a year that they are not even voting for him, which also leaves out an entire generation who just became eligible to vote...who are not included in likely voters....

Rasmussen is fudging the numbers and using the criteria of likely voters to skew the results in the President's favor.

6. Of course, the real question is… this a mistake by CNN, or an agenda?

Does the Clinton News Network wish to have accuracy in its data, or simply a boost for Democrat success?

7. This should answer the query:

“CNN polled the opinions of “adults,” ages 18 and up, however, Rasmussen polled “likely voters.” Choosing one method or the other can lead to different results.

Polling “adults” includes a significant number of respondents in a given sample that either rarely or never vote. Adults that are not politically active, or rarely politically active, are less likely to follow public policy debates as closely as those who are committed voters.

Using “likely voters,” some argue, like Kyle Kondik, managing editor of “Sabato’s Crystal Ball,” is a better barometer for measuring presidential approval ratings.

“If I were to start doing a poll of presidential approval, I personally would do registered voters,” Kondik told TheDCNF in July 2017. “If you’re looking specifically at trying to figure out the electoral effects, you’re probably better off doing registered voters or likely voters.” Why Is CNN’s Approval Rating For Trump 15 Points Lower Than Rasmussen’s?

Accuracy for the mainstream media???


And CNN?
Democrats posing as journalists.
Imbecile.... the job Trump does affects ALL Americans, not just likely voters. Omitting a segment of society, by definition of scientific polling, cannot produce accurate results except by chance.

Don’t you know anything??
Is anyone else here surprised to see you’re too ignorant to understand you’re not going to get accurate results about the mood of all adults on the topic of Trump’s job approval if you only ask a certain segment of adults?

only if it's the first time you've read one of the chunk's screeds

she has delusions of competence
According to FiveThirtyEight's calculated historic analytical , Rasmussen was given C+ and CNN was given an A-.
FiveThirtyEight’s Pollster Ratings
FiveThirtyEight’s pollster ratings are calculated by analyzing the historical accuracy of each firm’s polls along with its methodology. Accuracy scores are adjusted for the type of election polled, a firm’s sample size, the performance of other polls surveying the same race, and other factors. We also calculate measures of statistical bias in the polls.
FiveThirtyEight's Pollster Ratings
PC, don't you just hate facts?
8. And another reason why Rasmussen tends to be more accurate than the main stream media:

“Rasmussen, unlike CNN, also does polling on a rolling basis, a factor the polling house argues makes their results even more accurate. CNN polls Trump’s approval rating every month, collecting data from respondents over a three-day period and reports the findings.

“Our poll is ongoing. The presidential tracking number that you see every morning at 9:30, it is a rolling survey of three nights,” Francis Coombs, managing editor at Rasmussen, told TheDCNF. “That is 500 likely U.S. voters, every night. You tend to see continuity, or slow, incremental ups and downs in the results.”

These snapshots, like CNN does, where they drop in and survey for a specific period. You don’t see any context or continuity. It really doesn’t give you a measure of how the president is doing, regardless of who is in office,” Coombs told TheDCNF. “Polling American adults means just anybody. Anybody who answers the phone is included in CNN’s poll.” Why Is CNN’s Approval Rating For Trump 15 Points Lower Than Rasmussen’s?

But,. Heck…..who wants accuracy when you have a gulag to promote…..
9. And, a bit in the weeds as far as methodology…

“The CNN poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.7 percentage points, which is nearly one percent higher than a typical margin of error for a poll with a sample size of 1,000 and a 95 percent confidence interval. Typically, a sample of a similar size with the same confidence interval will have a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.

Other potential errors include the use of “live interviewers.” If an interviewer’s intonation or inflection was different, some of the results could be called into question. Similar errors could stem from a question being worded differently in an interview.

Another point of concern with having a live interviewer, as opposed to a recorded, robotic interview like Rasmussen uses, is that respondents might feel the need to curb their responses or lie. FiveThirtyEight has pointed out a number of reasons using live interviewers can cause varying results between polls.
Why Is CNN’s Approval Rating For Trump 15 Points Lower Than Rasmussen’s?

Wonder why Fox always beats CNN in the TV ratings?

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