Is Real Peace in Palestine Even Possible?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Not according to Pat Buchanan:

"Is there any treaty that could be agreed to, or imposed, that would be acceptable to Israel and the Palestinian Authority on the West Bank, let alone to Hamas, which has emerged from its defiance of one of the most intensive bombardments of modern time with new prestige?

"What are the obvious impediments to such a treaty?

"First, Bibi Netanyahu, who has presided over the expansion of Israel settlements and joined Avigdor Lieberman, a supporter of ethnic cleansing of Israeli Arabs, in a coalition of the Israeli hard right.

"Would Bibi agree to a treaty that required removal of scores of thousands of Israeli settlers from Judea and Samaria, when he opposed Ariel Sharon’s withdrawal of a few thousand settlers from Gaza?

"Would Bibi agree to Jerusalem becoming the capital of Palestine as well as Israel, a non-negotiable demand of Arab nations?

"Could a Palestinian Authority that gives up all rights to Jerusalem survive?"

A Mirage of Mideast Peace | The American Conservative

How would American national interests be undermined by staying out of a conflict we have no chance of resolving?
peace can be achieved in the Middle East by INTERNATIONALIZING the cities MECCA and MEDINA
peace can be achieved in the Middle East by INTERNATIONALIZING the cities MECCA and MEDINA


They murder boat loads of Christians in the Sudan but all the press cares about is Israel building walls and boarding ships in order to protect themselves.

Wouldn't it be nice if people just minded their own business, like a fiscal cliff that will soon render them impostent to do anything about anything?
peace can be achieved in the Middle East by INTERNATIONALIZING the cities MECCA and MEDINA
A Semitic Union reaching from the Nile to the Euphrates?

"I would like to explain here why I use the term Semitic. The reason has nothing to do with race; indeed, in the Middle East race is as uncertain as anywhere in the world. Both to Hebrews and to Arabs, race, today, means little.

"The term Semitic should, rather, be viewed as emphasizing an historical heritage, common to all peoples speaking languages of the Semitic family—Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, and so forth. It also emphasizes the common cultural and spiritual background of all the peoples of our Region, so much influenced by their past.

"In this respect, the Semitic family of culture includes even the Turks, the Kurds, and the Persians, who are descended from different races and speak non-Semitic languages, but whose history is bound up with the culture of the Semitic world and the great religions of the Semites.

"Yet the main reason for the indispensability of this term is that it automatically includes Arabs and Hebrews, explains itself readily in the Region and throughout the world, and has the same meaning in all languages."

Pax Semitica by Uri Avnery
peace can be achieved in the Middle East by INTERNATIONALIZING the cities MECCA and MEDINA


They murder boat loads of Christians in the Sudan but all the press cares about is Israel building walls and boarding ships in order to protect themselves.

Wouldn't it be nice if people just minded their own business, like a fiscal cliff that will soon render them impostent to do anything about anything?

Blaming the Jews for everything in the Middle East seems to be the new cool thing to do
peace can be achieved in the Middle East by INTERNATIONALIZING the cities MECCA and MEDINA


They murder boat loads of Christians in the Sudan but all the press cares about is Israel building walls and boarding ships in order to protect themselves.

Wouldn't it be nice if people just minded their own business, like a fiscal cliff that will soon render them impostent to do anything about anything?
How is the alleged fiscal "cliff" worsened by cutting Israel off from any more US tax dollars?
peace can be achieved in the Middle East by INTERNATIONALIZING the cities MECCA and MEDINA


They murder boat loads of Christians in the Sudan but all the press cares about is Israel building walls and boarding ships in order to protect themselves.

Wouldn't it be nice if people just minded their own business, like a fiscal cliff that will soon render them impostent to do anything about anything?
How is the alleged fiscal "cliff" worsened by cutting Israel off from any more US tax dollars?

why are you DIVERTING-? do you have any comment at all about the just
and equitable INTERNATIONALIZATION of the once culturally diverse city of
mecca nd the once jewish city of Yathrib-----aka 'medina'? which was
siezed via rape, murder and pillage from its RIGHTFUL POPULATION?
Yes there will be peace in the middle east but only for a short time then the peace treaty will be broken and Israel will be attacked. But you really don't want this to happen and what is to follow when it does happen.:badgrin:
to whom are you addressing your "warning" big? For the record---I agree----there will be a "peace treaty" then a war
I was born in 1949. As long as I can remember Israel has been fighting the Arabs. As long as I can remember Israel has maintained that they can do anything they want under the cloak of "security" and because of the holocaust they have to take a hard line.

IMO Israel should have never been formed. The jews should have been repatriated to the countries they were run out of and given back all the property that was taken from them with crushing high cash payments as punishment from those that participated in the holocaust. Escentially Germany, Poland and Austria should be owned by the jews for what they did to them in and before WWII.

The existance of an Israeli state in the ME is an insult to the Arabs as THEY payed the cost for what happened to the Jews in WWII and THEY had nothing to do with it.
Simple question. How the fuck can you make peace with a people who don't even recognize you as a country?!?
I was born in 1949. As long as I can remember Israel has been fighting the Arabs. As long as I can remember Israel has maintained that they can do anything they want under the cloak of "security" and because of the holocaust they have to take a hard line.

IMO Israel should have never been formed. The jews should have been repatriated to the countries they were run out of and given back all the property that was taken from them with crushing high cash payments as punishment from those that participated in the holocaust. Escentially Germany, Poland and Austria should be owned by the jews for what they did to them in and before WWII.

The existance of an Israeli state in the ME is an insult to the Arabs as THEY payed the cost for what happened to the Jews in WWII and THEY had nothing to do with it.

Another stupid remark from a Pro- Palestinian. The formation of the Jewish State was thought of long before WW 11:badgrin:
huggy----you know virtually nothing about the history of the situation in the Middle east-------the stuff you do know is VERY VERY superficial
I was born in 1949. As long as I can remember Israel has been fighting the Arabs. As long as I can remember Israel has maintained that they can do anything they want under the cloak of "security" and because of the holocaust they have to take a hard line.

IMO Israel should have never been formed. The jews should have been repatriated to the countries they were run out of and given back all the property that was taken from them with crushing high cash payments as punishment from those that participated in the holocaust. Escentially Germany, Poland and Austria should be owned by the jews for what they did to them in and before WWII.

The existance of an Israeli state in the ME is an insult to the Arabs as THEY payed the cost for what happened to the Jews in WWII and THEY had nothing to do with it.

Another stupid remark from a Pro- Palestinian. The formation of the Jewish State was thought of long before WW 11:badgrin:

Indeed, the Zionist plan to take over Palestine emerged at the turn of the century.
Which side are you talking about?


LOL. The Palestinians don't recognize Israel as a State.
How can you make peace with them

Israel does not recognize Palestine as a state. How can you make peace with them?

"palestine" is another name for ISRAEL/JUDEA----and has been thus for 2000 years. It would be HONEST of the arab muslims who want a "state" in the area to name their

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