is reason about to take over crusade against Christians and their businesses...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Is this piece in the Atlantic showing that the jihad against Christians and their religious freedom may be turning the corner...and some rationality returning to the debate.....

Should Mom-and-Pops That Forgo Gay Weddings Be Destroyed The Atlantic

If I recorded audio proving their intent to discriminate against a hypothetical catering client and I gave the audio to you, would you post it on the Internet and encourage the general public to boycott, write nasty reviews, and drive them out of business, causing them to lay off their staff, lose their life savings, and hope for other work? If that fate befell a Mormon father with five kids or a childless Persian couple in their fifties or a Hispanic woman who sunk her nest egg into a pupusa truck, should that, do you think, be considered a victory for the gay-rights movement?...........

Whereas declining to cater a gay wedding affects people on one day of their life at most, denies them access to no public accommodation, and would seem to signal discomfort with the institution of same-sex marriage more than animus toward gay people (so long as we're still talking about businesses that gladly serve gays). I also suspect that the sorts of businesses that are uncomfortable catering a hypothetical gay wedding aren't uniquely averse to events where same-sex couples are celebrating nuptials. I'd wager, for example, that they'd feel a religious obligation to refrain from catering an art exhibition filled with sacrilegious pieces like Piss Christ, the awards ceremony for pornography professionals, a Planned Parenthood holiday party, or a Richard Dawkins speaking engagement.
never saw Cabernet.....I did like Joel Grey as Chuin in Remo Williams.....
The notion that there is a “jihad against Christians and their religious freedom” is itself irrational, ignorant, and a lie.

From the linked article:

“And I believe that the subset of the gay-rights movement intent on destroying their business and livelihood has done more harm than good here...”

This is also a lie – no one is “intent on destroying their business and livelihood,” the author of the article is a much a liar as the OP and most others on the right concerning this issue.

Such lies being contrived and propagated by conservatives hostile to gay Americans is what in fact is doing harm.

In addition, This issue well represents the dishonesty and hypocrisy of most conservatives.

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons. Such businesses, conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws tell us, will be 'put out of business' by the good people of the local community refusing to subsidize the business' racism or bigotry, or the business will change its policy to avoid going out of business.

Of course, this notion is ridiculous, naïve, and completely unfounded, but this has nonetheless always been the conservative response in opposition to public accommodations laws.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, conservatives cry foul.
The notion that there is a “jihad against Christians and their religious freedom” is itself irrational, ignorant, and a lie.

From the linked article:

“And I believe that the subset of the gay-rights movement intent on destroying their business and livelihood has done more harm than good here...”

This is also a lie – no one is “intent on destroying their business and livelihood,” the author of the article is a much a liar as the OP and most others on the right concerning this issue.

Such lies being contrived and propagated by conservatives hostile to gay Americans is what in fact is doing harm.

In addition, This issue well represents the dishonesty and hypocrisy of most conservatives.

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons. Such businesses, conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws tell us, will be 'put out of business' by the good people of the local community refusing to subsidize the business' racism or bigotry, or the business will change its policy to avoid going out of business.

Of course, this notion is ridiculous, naïve, and completely unfounded, but this has nonetheless always been the conservative response in opposition to public accommodations laws.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, conservatives cry foul.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, conservatives cry foul.

yeah...right on the not patronizing a business you don't like...there by letting the free market address the situation......complete lack of a fucking clue when the gay jihadis threaten to burn down their business.....and threaten to harm them and their families....

yeah....I'm sure that is the same fucking thing.........

free markets ended Jim crow......but that was a democrat practice anyway....
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The notion that there is a “jihad against Christians and their religious freedom” is itself irrational, ignorant, and a lie.

From the linked article:

“And I believe that the subset of the gay-rights movement intent on destroying their business and livelihood has done more harm than good here...”

This is also a lie – no one is “intent on destroying their business and livelihood,” the author of the article is a much a liar as the OP and most others on the right concerning this issue.

Such lies being contrived and propagated by conservatives hostile to gay Americans is what in fact is doing harm.

In addition, This issue well represents the dishonesty and hypocrisy of most conservatives.

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons. Such businesses, conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws tell us, will be 'put out of business' by the good people of the local community refusing to subsidize the business' racism or bigotry, or the business will change its policy to avoid going out of business.

Of course, this notion is ridiculous, naïve, and completely unfounded, but this has nonetheless always been the conservative response in opposition to public accommodations laws.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, conservatives cry foul.

and in the case of the bakeries and the florist and the wasn't free enterprise that came in to resolve the was the government, leveling fines, penalties and forcing the owners to hire expensive attorneys to defend their freedom of religion against government Clayton......go back to your pudding for you.....
free markets are the way to address this...but the democrats can't resist using the government to discriminate against someone....they used Jim crow in the past to discriminate against blacks and now they will use the government to discriminate against Christian bakers, florists and photographers and pizza makers....
leftist want to destroy religion in the country just as much as the 2nd.

they absofuckinglootly hate freedom and will destroy anyone or anything that does not conform to their intolerant world view
Evangelical Christians came to this country because England was sick of their shit. Should they be all that surprised that America is ALSO getting sick of their shit?

Whoops, history repeating itself. Let's watch Cabergay.
What is the purpose of your hatred of Christians? You bigots need to mind your own business and respect another man's religion even if it's worshiping a volcano.
Evangelical Christians came to this country because England was sick of their shit. Should they be all that surprised that America is ALSO getting sick of their shit?

Whoops, history repeating itself. Let's watch Cabergay.
What is the purpose of your hatred of Christians? You bigots need to mind your own business and respect another man's religion even if it's worshiping a volcano.
You and others on the right are in no position to accuse anyone of 'bigotry'; and conservatives are in no position to admonish anyone about respecting others' religious liberty – particularly given the right's unwarranted hostility toward Islam.
Evangelical Christians came to this country because England was sick of their shit. Should they be all that surprised that America is ALSO getting sick of their shit?

Whoops, history repeating itself. Let's watch Cabergay.
What is the purpose of your hatred of Christians? You bigots need to mind your own business and respect another man's religion even if it's worshiping a volcano.
Christians as a whole are great! The "evangelical" segment of Christianity... not so much.
The notion that there is a “jihad against Christians and their religious freedom” is itself irrational, ignorant, and a lie.

From the linked article:

“And I believe that the subset of the gay-rights movement intent on destroying their business and livelihood has done more harm than good here...”

This is also a lie – no one is “intent on destroying their business and livelihood,” the author of the article is a much a liar as the OP and most others on the right concerning this issue.

Such lies being contrived and propagated by conservatives hostile to gay Americans is what in fact is doing harm.

In addition, This issue well represents the dishonesty and hypocrisy of most conservatives.

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons. Such businesses, conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws tell us, will be 'put out of business' by the good people of the local community refusing to subsidize the business' racism or bigotry, or the business will change its policy to avoid going out of business.

Of course, this notion is ridiculous, naïve, and completely unfounded, but this has nonetheless always been the conservative response in opposition to public accommodations laws.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, conservatives cry foul.

See this quote from your post shows how ignorant the writer is and how foolish you are to quote it....

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons.

They didn't let the market take care of this baker...oh no....they used the state to punish them and their religious freedom.....

Bakery risks large fine for anti-gay discrimination

The owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa bakery will have to pay the couple up to $150,000, BOLI spokesman Charlie Burr said. The exact amount will be determined at a hearing on March 10.
In Jan. 2013, Laurel Bowman said Sweet Cakes refused to sell her and her fiancée a cake for their upcoming wedding. Bowman said Aaron Klein, the co-owner of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, said the couple's union was an "abomination unto the lord." Gresham, Ore. is a town east of Portland.
Bowman filed an anti-discrimination complaint with BOLI later that year, alleging that the bakery violated the Oregon Equality Act of 2007, which protects the rights of Oregonians who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.

And with the pizza maker....threatening to burn down their business and kill the owner and his family is not the "free market" activity conservatives advocate...that is the lefty democrat method of business...just ask the newly freed slaves under democrat jim crow laws....
You and others on the right are in no position to accuse anyone of 'bigotry'; and conservatives are in no position to admonish anyone about respecting others' religious liberty – particularly given the right's unwarranted hostility toward Islam.
Yes We need to laugh off those black PJ wearing Islamists for cutting the heads off Christians. Like Liberals, they're just misunderstood.
Evangelical Christians came to this country because England was sick of their shit. Should they be all that surprised that America is ALSO getting sick of their shit?

Whoops, history repeating itself. Let's watch Cabergay.
What is the purpose of your hatred of Christians? You bigots need to mind your own business and respect another man's religion even if it's worshiping a volcano.
Christians as a whole are great! The "evangelical" segment of Christianity... not so much.
What should be done about the Evangelical Christian? Bullet or cutting knife? You liberals need to decide before the American ISIS movement is accepted into the cult.
If market forces treated a gay owned business like this calling for it to be burned down and the owners murdered liberals would not be upholding those market forces.
Evangelical Christians came to this country because England was sick of their shit. Should they be all that surprised that America is ALSO getting sick of their shit?

Whoops, history repeating itself. Let's watch Cabergay.
What is the purpose of your hatred of Christians? You bigots need to mind your own business and respect another man's religion even if it's worshiping a volcano.
You and others on the right are in no position to accuse anyone of 'bigotry'; and conservatives are in no position to admonish anyone about respecting others' religious liberty – particularly given the right's unwarranted hostility toward Islam.

There are plenty of bigots on the left, and when we come by them we'll call them out.
What a hateful pos article...

what the hell does this ordeal have to with CONSERVATIVES? THEY aren't out there looking jerks protesting them...

and this lying piece right here...No conservative I know think or wants that

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons.

this is the garbage the leftwing puts out. now you see why they're so nasty, uninformed, and ugly people

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