Is rejecting the GOP simply a matter of accepting the truth with personal reflection?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Rightwingers waste no time demonizing democrats, but they rarely make an effort to defend the Republican Party. Why? Because deep down they know the party does nothing to help the middle class and poor. It's easy to come to this conclusion when they realize they can't come up with any policy examples.

By now they have realized that cutting taxes for the top earners and corporations does nothing to stimulate wide economic growth. The Bush tax cuts were glaring proof of this. The Great Recession happened anyway and overall job growth under Bush was pathetic.

Beyond that, there are no examples. There is nothing republicans do to help the poor and middle class. You can believe what you want about the consequences of democrat policies, but that doesn't change the fact that they come up with policies targeted to the middle class and poor. Examples include expanding the earned income tax credit, college financial assistance, raising the minimum wage, and investing in our infrastructure and education to create middle class jobs. That is what ultimately separates the two parties.

Rejecting the republican party is realizing and admitting to one's self that the party only aims to coddle the wealthy class. It's getting past the myth of supply side economics.
I love watching die-hard Liberals create threads like this, designed to malign the opposing party and based on nothing more than their intellectually and ethically challenged opinions...

It's like a fat, ignorant redneck pointing at another redneck whose car is up on blocks in his front yard saying, 'Is HE a dumb redneck or whut?!'

The Bible has a great parable about this situation, telling people before they can get tell others to take corruption, stupidity, and ignorance out of their eye they should get Obama/it out of their own 1st.... or something like that... :p
I love watching die-hard Liberals create threads like this, designed to malign the opposing party and based on nothing more than their intellectually and ethically challenged opinions...

It's like a fat, ignorant redneck pointing at another redneck whose car is up on blocks in his front yard saying, 'Is HE a dumb redneck or whut?!'

The Bible has a great parable about this situation, telling people before they can get tell others to take corruption, stupidity, and ignorance out of their eye they should get Obama/it out of their own 1st.... or something like that... :p
You're welcome to explain why I am wrong. Of course, if you could, you would have already done so.
Billy, you're a life-long, die-hard, delusional, propaganda-spewing, brainwashed, Alynski Rule-following, Obama/Hillary-apologist Liberal... By definition you would not Know or would EVER know the - or ANY - 'truth' about the GOP or Conservatives.

Billy, you're a life-long, die-hard, delusional, propaganda-spewing, brainwashed, Alynski Rule-following, Obama/Hillary-apologist Liberal... By definition you would not Know or would EVER know the - or ANY - 'truth' about the GOP or Conservatives.

You crack me up, you know that? Keep em coming!
No, Billy. I will not enable yor liberalopionion-originated delusion. Why don't you opine about something you know, like Liberal ideology failure, dead Americans due to inept / treasonous liberal leaders, er, I mean excuses and defenses for Obama's and Hillary's actions....
Rightwingers waste no time demonizing democrats, but they rarely make an effort to defend the Republican Party. Why? Because deep down they know the party does nothing to help the middle class and poor. It's easy to come to this conclusion when they realize they can't come up with any policy examples.

Let's see. We start with unidentified terms. What is a "rightwinger"? Is every member of the GOP a "rightwinger"?
Then we continue to make unfounded assertions. Does no member of the gOP defend the GOP? What does it mean to defend the GOP?
Then we go on to the most unfounded assertion, that the GOP does nothing to help the middle class and poor. On the contrary, the GOP is the only party offering plans that will help the poor and middle class. We've seen that Democrat policies ave decimated poor people and the middle class. Even Bernie Sanders agrees with this.
On the contrary, when GOP policies go into effect everyone does better. Of course when that happens Dems gripe that the wealthy are doing much better. But the truth is all income levels go up.
So another fail post from Billy Triple Fail, dumbest poster here.
Rightwingers waste no time demonizing democrats, but they rarely make an effort to defend the Republican Party. Why? Because deep down they know the party does nothing to help the middle class and poor. It's easy to come to this conclusion when they realize they can't come up with any policy examples.

By now they have realized that cutting taxes for the top earners and corporations does nothing to stimulate wide economic growth. The Bush tax cuts were glaring proof of this. The Great Recession happened anyway and overall job growth under Bush was pathetic.

Beyond that, there are no examples. There is nothing republicans do to help the poor and middle class. You can believe what you want about the consequences of democrat policies, but that doesn't change the fact that they come up with policies targeted to the middle class and poor. Examples include expanding the earned income tax credit, college financial assistance, raising the minimum wage, and investing in our infrastructure and education to create middle class jobs. That is what ultimately separates the two parties.

Rejecting the republican party is realizing and admitting to one's self that the party only aims to coddle the wealthy class. It's getting past the myth of supply side economics.

No, we reject those in the party that aren't willing to fight to the death to defeat regressivecrats and their slaveholder mentalities. I have a daddy already I don't need or want the feds to be my daddy, that's what separate us from you simpletons.
A liberal asking why a GOP can't accept what THEY claim is the truth about the GOP is like me asking Liberals why they can't accept that their party is filled with penis-sexting, sexually-harassing, raping, adulterous child molestors...

The answer to both questions are identical...
Rightwingers waste no time demonizing democrats, but they rarely make an effort to defend the Republican Party. Why? Because deep down they know the party does nothing to help the middle class and poor. It's easy to come to this conclusion when they realize they can't come up with any policy examples.

Let's see. We start with unidentified terms. What is a "rightwinger"? Is every member of the GOP a "rightwinger"?
Then we continue to make unfounded assertions. Does no member of the gOP defend the GOP? What does it mean to defend the GOP?
Then we go on to the most unfounded assertion, that the GOP does nothing to help the middle class and poor. On the contrary, the GOP is the only party offering plans that will help the poor and middle class. We've seen that Democrat policies ave decimated poor people and the middle class. Even Bernie Sanders agrees with this.
On the contrary, when GOP policies go into effect everyone does better. Of course when that happens Dems gripe that the wealthy are doing much better. But the truth is all income levels go up.
So another fail post from Billy Triple Fail, dumbest poster here.
Lol you're such an idiot. Yes, I am purposefully referring to Rightwingers in general. Independent conservatives as well as republicans make no effort to defend republican policies while demonizing democrats.

You go onto say repub policies help the middle class and poor without fucking naming a single policy. You're such a doofus.
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Rightwingers waste no time demonizing democrats, but they rarely make an effort to defend the Republican Party. Why? Because deep down they know the party does nothing to help the middle class and poor. It's easy to come to this conclusion when they realize they can't come up with any policy examples.

By now they have realized that cutting taxes for the top earners and corporations does nothing to stimulate wide economic growth. The Bush tax cuts were glaring proof of this. The Great Recession happened anyway and overall job growth under Bush was pathetic.

Beyond that, there are no examples. There is nothing republicans do to help the poor and middle class. You can believe what you want about the consequences of democrat policies, but that doesn't change the fact that they come up with policies targeted to the middle class and poor. Examples include expanding the earned income tax credit, college financial assistance, raising the minimum wage, and investing in our infrastructure and education to create middle class jobs. That is what ultimately separates the two parties.

Rejecting the republican party is realizing and admitting to one's self that the party only aims to coddle the wealthy class. It's getting past the myth of supply side economics.

No, we reject those in the party that aren't willing to fight to the death to defeat regressivecrats and their slaveholder mentalities. I have a daddy already I don't need or want the feds to be my daddy, that's what separate us from you simpletons.
So you don't actually have policies in mind that help the middle class and poor?
Rightwingers waste no time demonizing democrats, but they rarely make an effort to defend the Republican Party. Why? Because deep down they know the party does nothing to help the middle class and poor. It's easy to come to this conclusion when they realize they can't come up with any policy examples.

Let's see. We start with unidentified terms. What is a "rightwinger"? Is every member of the GOP a "rightwinger"?
Then we continue to make unfounded assertions. Does no member of the gOP defend the GOP? What does it mean to defend the GOP?
Then we go on to the most unfounded assertion, that the GOP does nothing to help the middle class and poor. On the contrary, the GOP is the only party offering plans that will help the poor and middle class. We've seen that Democrat policies ave decimated poor people and the middle class. Even Bernie Sanders agrees with this.
On the contrary, when GOP policies go into effect everyone does better. Of course when that happens Dems gripe that the wealthy are doing much better. But the truth is all income levels go up.
So another fail post from Billy Triple Fail, dumbest poster here.
Lol you're such an idiot. Yes, I am purposefully referring to Rightwingers in general. Independent conservatives as well as republicans make no effort to defend republican policies while demonizing democrats.

You go onto say repub policies help the middle class and poor without fucking naming a single policy. You're such a doofus.
Lets see: Lower taxes, less regulation, more free trade, less credentialing. Yup, all of those help the poor and middle class.
Minimum wage, unions, tighter regulations, green energy initiatives, EPA mandates, crony capitalism. All of those are Dem policies that have demonstrably hurt the poor and middle class.
Billy, you are pwned.
Rightwingers waste no time demonizing democrats, but they rarely make an effort to defend the Republican Party. Why? Because deep down they know the party does nothing to help the middle class and poor. It's easy to come to this conclusion when they realize they can't come up with any policy examples.

By now they have realized that cutting taxes for the top earners and corporations does nothing to stimulate wide economic growth. The Bush tax cuts were glaring proof of this. The Great Recession happened anyway and overall job growth under Bush was pathetic.

Beyond that, there are no examples. There is nothing republicans do to help the poor and middle class. You can believe what you want about the consequences of democrat policies, but that doesn't change the fact that they come up with policies targeted to the middle class and poor. Examples include expanding the earned income tax credit, college financial assistance, raising the minimum wage, and investing in our infrastructure and education to create middle class jobs. That is what ultimately separates the two parties.

Rejecting the republican party is realizing and admitting to one's self that the party only aims to coddle the wealthy class. It's getting past the myth of supply side economics.

No, we reject those in the party that aren't willing to fight to the death to defeat regressivecrats and their slaveholder mentalities. I have a daddy already I don't need or want the feds to be my daddy, that's what separate us from you simpletons.
So you don't actually have policies in mind that help the middle class and poor?
Yes he does. Pretty much the opposite of whatever the Dems are pushing. Democratic policies have caused poverty and stagnation over the last 8 years. Just ask Bernie Sanders.
Rightwingers waste no time demonizing democrats, but they rarely make an effort to defend the Republican Party. Why? Because deep down they know the party does nothing to help the middle class and poor. It's easy to come to this conclusion when they realize they can't come up with any policy examples.

By now they have realized that cutting taxes for the top earners and corporations does nothing to stimulate wide economic growth. The Bush tax cuts were glaring proof of this. The Great Recession happened anyway and overall job growth under Bush was pathetic.

Beyond that, there are no examples. There is nothing republicans do to help the poor and middle class. You can believe what you want about the consequences of democrat policies, but that doesn't change the fact that they come up with policies targeted to the middle class and poor. Examples include expanding the earned income tax credit, college financial assistance, raising the minimum wage, and investing in our infrastructure and education to create middle class jobs. That is what ultimately separates the two parties.

Rejecting the republican party is realizing and admitting to one's self that the party only aims to coddle the wealthy class. It's getting past the myth of supply side economics.

No, we reject those in the party that aren't willing to fight to the death to defeat regressivecrats and their slaveholder mentalities. I have a daddy already I don't need or want the feds to be my daddy, that's what separate us from you simpletons.
So you don't actually have policies in mind that help the middle class and poor?

Sure I do, get off your ass and take responsibility for your own life, don't wait for daddy government to do things for you. It's a formula that has worked throughout time. There are millions of millionaires in this country that grew up poor and lower middle class, the difference between them and you a making good decisions and taking action on them. It's called work, try it, it's best antidote to being broke.
I love watching die-hard Liberals create threads like this, designed to malign the opposing party and based on nothing more than their intellectually and ethically challenged opinions...

It's like a fat, ignorant redneck pointing at another redneck whose car is up on blocks in his front yard saying, 'Is HE a dumb redneck or whut?!'

The Bible has a great parable about this situation, telling people before they can get tell others to take corruption, stupidity, and ignorance out of their eye they should get Obama/it out of their own 1st.... or something like that... :p
You're welcome to explain why I am wrong. Of course, if you could, you would have already done so.

Since the Middle Class has been absolutely savaged under the Obama Administration,'ve got some big stones coming here and declaring that the GOP is their enemy! You liberals have tried to turn Middle Class Americans into walking talking ATM's to pay for your entitlement programs. You constantly yammer about getting the wealthy to pay their fair share but the truth expect Middle Class Americans to foot the bill for things like ObamaCare.
I love watching die-hard Liberals create threads like this, designed to malign the opposing party and based on nothing more than their intellectually and ethically challenged opinions...

It's like a fat, ignorant redneck pointing at another redneck whose car is up on blocks in his front yard saying, 'Is HE a dumb redneck or whut?!'

The Bible has a great parable about this situation, telling people before they can get tell others to take corruption, stupidity, and ignorance out of their eye they should get Obama/it out of their own 1st.... or something like that... :p
You're welcome to explain why I am wrong. Of course, if you could, you would have already done so.

Since the Middle Class has been absolutely savaged under the Obama Administration,'ve got some big stones coming here and declaring that the GOP is their enemy! You liberals have tried to turn Middle Class Americans into walking talking ATM's to pay for your entitlement programs. You constantly yammer about getting the wealthy to pay their fair share but the truth expect Middle Class Americans to foot the bill for things like ObamaCare.
Programs aimed at "soaking the rich" inevitably reduce the middle class. The AMT was originally targeted at about 20 families. Today millions of middle class people are ensnared with it.

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